Cultural Summit 2024 - "Building Gaelic Ireland in the Late Middle Ages" Dr Rachel Moss, TCD

Cultural Summit 2024 - "Building Gaelic Ireland in the Late Middle Ages" Dr Rachel Moss, TCD

Clans of Ireland - Finte na hÉireann

5 месяцев назад

308 Просмотров

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@IrishMedievalHistory - 02.10.2024 03:34

Great work! Thank you so much for organizing this talk and putting this online.

@waynemcauliffe-fv5yf - 02.10.2024 07:39

Slainte mhath from Australia

@comingupforeire7050 - 04.10.2024 22:46

a lot of the ancient churches and round towers were built in the pre christian period, read marcus keane's book
