Anglo-Saxon Paganism: Gods

Anglo-Saxon Paganism: Gods

Survive the Jive

4 года назад

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@saulmorales8480 - 27.07.2024 04:43

Exelente trabajo lo felicito

@iBullyDemons - 27.07.2024 21:07

Its a shame how disconnected us Anglo Saxons in America are with our heritage.
We need to have a revival of pride in our people

@bluezero8557 - 28.07.2024 02:57

There were no pagans in europe by the 1500's.

@logancromer6097 - 30.07.2024 11:12

I have both German and English in my family fathers family from the southern part of Germany my mothers family is from Northern England i was raised Cristian but i have been in the pagen practice for some years but i want to narrow it down to what my family would have practiced in the old days i need help

@anonymousanonymous6796 - 11.08.2024 01:57

as an Anglo-Saxon Pagan this docuementary is better than any I've seen

@AndyJarman - 19.08.2024 00:19

Because three hundred and fifty years of Roman colonisation snuffed out all trade and migration between our cousins across the water didn't it ...

Replacement theory like that at the beggining of this video assumes the Romano Britons were not already Anglo Saxon, and continued to be Anglo Saxon during Roman management.

Conflicts with the Romans were about local control by local people.

The Romans were not able to impose embargoes on ancient trade routes - why would they do this?

The number of Italians that invaded England and Wales was very low.

The trade with the low countries and Denmark would of course continued during Roman management.

Until 4,000 BC we English used to walk across Doggerland to get to our relatives.

The loss of the land bridge would have involved widening of channels demanding better boats year on year, not the sealing off of one from the other.

Crossing land for trade (east west across England) would have been far more difficult than a long day's sail with cargo, to Friesland.

@petediggens7883 - 26.08.2024 21:33

Sounds like chrisanity maybe based of much much older religions

@Tiz604 - 30.08.2024 23:03

Connection between Woden and the sacrifice of his eye on the world ash tree .. this refers to the 3rd eye ..kundalini we have been mislead or just assumed it was his physical eye … this is not the case ! And I have informed this gentleman before .

@jamesrobertson9149 - 09.09.2024 20:01

I think you should note that the Romans only converted a very small percentage of the British Celtic people to Christianity. So, the vast majority of areas of the country would go from Celtic religion to Anglo-Saxon religion. So, it is perhaps wrong of you to say that they were converted from Christianity to paganism by the Anglo-Saxon replacement.

@Play2earnJorëélJosephiroth420 - 09.09.2024 22:10


@DaphneInnerarity - 13.09.2024 17:20

Forewarned is Forearmed...

@native_earth916 - 21.09.2024 23:11

Survive the jive slaps.

@justtellmetheTRUTHdammit - 23.09.2024 10:12

Just subbed, definitely going to donate a little something on payday. Can't believe how in detail the information is and how hard it must have been to go through all these sources and visiting sites in person etc....bravo.
I'm English , and trying to find the truth of ancestry and as much as I can about how our ancestors worshipped so I can return to the old gods in my own worship. Trying to learn German as well, and it's so interesting I love the horse twin story, ultimately leading or symbolising to the division of what would become linguistically old English and German. Please excuse me if my facts are a bit off, I'm ashamed to say that this is all new to me. I know the ins and outs of mesopotamia and the bible but nothing of my own heritage. Such a great shame.
I renounce the Jews god and humbly seek the wisdom of wodin.
Thanks again for such a in depth documentary. I will now be binge watching your entire channel.

@RyanEdmondsMyLifeAsRyan - 25.09.2024 21:02

I'm intrigued why the narrator rolls his "r"'s when speaking. Is this a geographical accent, a harkening back to an older tongue, or simply for dramatic purposes? Reminds me of childhood stories :)

@MattTheHewer - 05.10.2024 20:38

I’d love to see you chat with Kevin McLean from fortress of Lugh

@RichardBRiddick-n7x - 09.10.2024 19:02

I love this channel

@rafaelf.espindolams - 24.10.2024 18:44

🇩🇪🇳🇱🇩🇰 - 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧

@JannekeBruines - 29.10.2024 12:54

The Frisians were the ones to slay Bonifatius, nothing German about it ;)

@Grains_of_truth - 20.11.2024 20:00

These videos make me feel better in the face of the UK BBC changing the history of its people to fit a diverse inclusive narrative. I recommend watching the live and music videos of the band Heilung to make you feel more connected to the past. Heilung is an experimental folk music band made up of members from Denmark, Norway, and Germany. Their music is based on texts and runic inscriptions from Germanic peoples of the Iron Age and Viking Age. Heilung describe their music as "amplified history from early medieval Northern Europe. Their music makes you feel alive and connected in a primal way with their costumes, instruments and stage shows that are pagan in nature. There is something special about their songs that you may find some connection too 😊

@RichT-u8j - 29.11.2024 03:58

I'm three years late, but this information is incredibly important to me. Thank you for your research.

@AndreeaCe - 29.11.2024 17:52

Did they try to cure the land by sacrificing probably patient 0?

@ChrisSkinner-q8b - 15.12.2024 19:52

Well worth the watch

@donspain7888 - 17.12.2024 07:06

A very intriguing video to say the least,i always knew the german norse ties culturally,which makes sense considering the german peoples migrated from Scandinavia,Great detailed research

@issuedname - 17.12.2024 20:48

me, sacrificing my potential place in modern wage slavery to explore the deep roots of humanity

@sim131990 - 20.12.2024 21:19

Greetings from an Indian Brahmin - your Aryan cousins. Your Phrases on Worden sounded like Sanskrit - indo aryan language

@Tom-sd9jb - 21.12.2024 00:54

I'm a bit late to the conversation but I have a question that I am very intrigued to hear what you think:

What do you think of Julian the apostate and his heavily Neoplatonic and syncretic form of paganism? Seeing as Greco-roman paganism is descended from PIE, like , surely, if it ever got of the ground/if he didn't die three years into his reign it could have been a very strong unifying force throughout the whole of Europe.

What do you think of the idea of a modern syncretic movement in a similar vein?

Personally, as somewhat of a Christian, I struggle (intellectually) accepting his emphasis on compassion and charity as a form of worship to the gods, capricious and uncharitable as they are in the myths.

@woahhbro2906 - 30.12.2024 02:35

My uncle traced our family back to Normandy in the 1400s, then to England and Scotland in the 1600s. So let me get this straight, we may have invaded Normandy as Danes/Nords then invaded England as Normans, then invaded Scotland as English, then invaded the US as British, then invaded Florida as Americans. If we ever colonize Mars, I might be on the first shuttle...

@wclk - 30.12.2024 23:05

This is great as you even tie it to Proto-Indo-European roots. The parallels, many you described show that ultimately these beliefs are Indo-European at it's core, and the reason Germanic is different from Celtic, Roman, Greek, and Anatolian myths of the same origin can be summed up to oral story telling with cultural isolation. My favorite is that Woden/Odin discovered the runes, but he must have shared some of them with the Göktürks. 😅

@wolfofoinn9640 - 11.01.2025 08:56

This could be a long shot but it’s something I’ve picked up on. My last name from my fathers side is ‘Tye’ and we’re from Worcestershire. I noticed the place name ‘Tyesmere’ again in Worcestershire… could there be a a link there?

@mallenkennelsuk5854 - 16.01.2025 13:06

Went to wistmans wood a few weeks back goma check out grimspound this weekend its on "woden road" when i just checked maps

@odinsett8824 - 23.01.2025 12:14

Great and intriguing feature length film!

@HAL-ol1lh - 02.02.2025 22:44

Sorry , Mr Jive, you got it all wrong.
The English don't exist.
Well , that's what the Occupier and its organs of power tell us.

@profitgeoff4313 - 04.02.2025 03:51

First statement disagrees with the abstract: 80% North German ethnicity.

@leeward2301 - 07.02.2025 19:41

I've only just started watching, but it strikes me that Anglo-Saxon ancestor worship continues today in England through Remembrance Sunday (in which we principally honour the fallen warriors of the World wars?)

@jordanbey870 - 08.02.2025 09:00

Happy to see Europeans returning to paganism...the old ways...❤

@LeeAndrew-p4e - 10.02.2025 21:44

I'm from England learning about Germanic paganism

@LeeAndrew-p4e - 12.02.2025 17:37

I'm a pagan from England in Lancashire most of my friends are pagans I'm a nature based person who worships my ancestors from the past and the present day who have gone now I have a pagan alter mount in my bedroom

@LeeAndrew-p4e - 12.02.2025 17:40

I'm a pagan from England a nature based most of my friends are pagans

@giosim69 - 12.02.2025 21:14

The etymological link between the word moon & month, springs to mind.

@ellaluna5514 - 24.02.2025 05:25

Should have kept the pagan gods! Were their gods really pagan or simply gods like every other made up god for each religion?

@Dinadino994 - 25.02.2025 15:15

My dna results shows a percentage of Irish Scottish Netherlands Iceland Germanic & mostly English .
It makes sense to me because of my physical traits :)

@Thor-Orion - 11.03.2025 01:59

It’s funny, I don’t have a ton of English ancestry, but I am right in line with their split, at 50/30/20 Germanic/celtic/Aryan genetic ancestry.

@AiAvi - 12.03.2025 06:27

Be different no with open bastard door

@Cosmic_Chronicles_ - 15.03.2025 16:08

The Tiw and the proto gmc version Tiwaz even more is probably connected to not only the meaning god but to the meaning father since Baltic languages who are often considered to be more conservative of the old indoeuropean words have a word "Tevas" and "Tēvs" or "Tāvs" which all mean Father. Would make a lot of sense if god and father are used simmilarly.
