Playing the Unreleased Star Wars ATARI 2600 Game!

Playing the Unreleased Star Wars ATARI 2600 Game!

That Junkman

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@jsnsk101 - 23.07.2019 03:11

How many star wars 2600 games were there? i had 2, still around here somewhere

@retroforce6919 - 23.07.2019 03:13

Pitfall and Pole Position was my favorite on the Atari 2600

@sonicimperium - 23.07.2019 03:31

10K Soooooooooooooooon! 🔥

@scottakanumba1heathen379 - 23.07.2019 03:33

The Skiff Guard/Sarlaac Pit game for Atari 2600 was unreleased but I've seen the box artwork. I don't believe a prototype exists either. Not yet, anyway.

@mrmisty8708 - 23.07.2019 04:09

Had it been released and you got to play as a stormtrooper and you got to kill Ewoks, it would probably be remembered as a classic.
And that's coming from someone who likes the Ewoks. 😄

@wyldebill4178 - 23.07.2019 04:12

EWOC stands for endangering the welfare of children. Coincidence?

@LindaTheGAMERGal - 23.07.2019 04:18

Atari Creep! This was so funny.

@derekpalo5287 - 23.07.2019 04:18

I remember certain Atari games would fit into different Atari systems

@lunarmodule6419 - 23.07.2019 04:38


@lunarmodule6419 - 23.07.2019 04:41

Hey ya 10K coming up!

@juanfierro7365 - 23.07.2019 05:31

Have you ever played Star Dorks on PC that had a killing Ewoks mini game. It was like duck hunt with EWOKS in silly positions and you are stormtrooper with Vader and the Emperor shouting stuff at you.

@RadRat1978 - 23.07.2019 05:48

ROM = read only memory

@jediknightjairinaiki560 - 23.07.2019 06:08

Um, Junkman, just between you and me, I had this game. I can't remember how nor where I got it. It might have been purchased for me by a person whose name escapes me but I was told it was bought in a local mall, at the video game store next door to the toy store where I bought my rocket firing Boba Fett years earlier. I played this game every day after school and got pretty good at it. I'd shout "Yub Nub" every time I completed a level. I think having the aforementioned rocket firing Boba Fett standing on the Atari 2600 console served as a good luck charm. I'd be happy to send you pictures, proving my story is true but . . . I can't find either this game nor my Rocket Firing Boba Fett action figure as I don't know what happened to them after I lost interest in STAR WARS in the late '80s, or my mom donated them to Goodwill when I moved away to college or who knows what. 😉 Ah, good times.

@SNARC15 - 23.07.2019 06:09

And now the ironic part is Parker Brothers (despite making some other GOOD 2600 games besides Frogger) is now owned by...
(say it with me everyone.)
So now the (first) Star Wars video game line and their toy line have come full circle.

@SNARC15 - 23.07.2019 06:14

BTW when you said you solved Raiders of the Lost Ark, did you also get the secret "HSW2" ending? I too solved it but never got that ending, though I've seen it online.

@JackieWohlenhaus - 23.07.2019 06:18

When that star wars battlefront came out years ago I spent the first 30 minutes just murdering Ewoks.

@danielreed7587 - 23.07.2019 08:01

I like that you talk about stuff that brings back old memories
And I just bought a copy of the old 1sts 3 Star Wars movies to finally watch them this weekend

@chrisnelmes7180 - 23.07.2019 08:36

So it seems there were reasons this game was never released. Doesn't seem to be that great,even by the standards of the time.

@Wario7793 - 23.07.2019 08:37

Interesting game...

@AvengerII - 23.07.2019 09:20

I grew up with the first wave of multi-game cart systems, too, and the Atari 2600 was NOT my favorite system.
I thought it was awful for the time with the worst joysticks I've ever used on ANY system. The graphics and audio were so limited. People complaining about the first two Sega systems (Master and Genesis) have no idea what limited is until they play with the Atari 2600 or the Intellivision console!

If your family could afford it, the Atari computers or Commodore computers were MUCH better gaming platforms. For stand-alone consoles, I liked the Odyssey 2 better among the early cart-console systems but Colecovision might have been the best console released within the first 4 years of the 1980s. Definitely, the best console of the decade that I played with was the NES but it didn't become a "thing"/phenomenon until the later part of the 1980s.
I do admit that I think in the history consoling a very good case could be made for the PS2 being the king of consoles before they turned them into PC wannabe's. I definitely think the PS2 era was the last generation of consoles with revolutionary/ground-breaking games. You can't tell me the PS2, Gamecube, OR the original XBox had shit game libraries. They all had fantastic exclusive games as well as excellent multiplatformers.

I don't think the game industry has been as good since hard drives became standard equipment. I may never bother to buy another console again after the PS3 and just stick to emulating older systems as they become available if they're going to abandon game discs AND insist on making everything cloud-based and doing patches to hard drives. What's the point in getting a console if it becomes another PC?

@Bedgie01 - 23.07.2019 11:08

looks like a waste of electrons to me

@bradbrown8759 - 23.07.2019 11:26

That was better than I expected.

@martok2112 - 23.07.2019 12:10

Yeah, even as a kid, I doubt this would've made it into my library if it were released. I used to have PB's first Return of the Jedi game where you flew the Falcon against TIE Interceptors. It was an ok game...made a great source for sound effects when I did my story tapes. I also had the Star Wars Arcade game for the 2600....not a bad port.

@martok2112 - 23.07.2019 12:15

The Ewok hand glider looks like a discombobulated TIE Interceptor solar panel. The stormtroopers look like Goofy covered in white paint. ( little did LFL know...many years later.)

Heh...if only the Ewok Adventure TV movie was an extension of the story in Return of the Jedi (similar to how Star Trek Voyager, many years later, had the episode that expanded on Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)....that might have been something cool to watch.

May the Force Be With You and Yours, Junkman.

@RadtoyzGalaxy - 23.07.2019 12:35

Lol...that game looks like bantha poodoo....I remember the stand up arcade game with the speeder bike....I think it was ok,but that was a long time ago at a convenience far far away

@paulspopculture5592 - 23.07.2019 13:18

Thumbs up just subbed a couple a days a go so that's one more for ya bean watching ages and never subbed shame on me

@peppermintspacecapsule9898 - 23.07.2019 14:36

Y'see, in my head, THIS is what a videogame is. I can't get into these modern games where you're playing for literally months!

@rumblehat4357 - 23.07.2019 15:52

The AT-ST looks like a skull with legs.

@indigoyarkindell968 - 23.07.2019 20:49

yeah, Ewoks shrugs off regular blaster bolts and even a few canon blasts in the movie. Only one Ewok dies in the movie. poor little guy.

@Taffer-bx7uc - 23.07.2019 21:57

Better watch out... Disney is going to come after you for playing game that was illegally ripped from the cartridge.

@PozerAdultRacingTeam - 23.07.2019 22:43

No way!Awesome,it can’t be worse than ET.

@PozerAdultRacingTeam - 23.07.2019 22:51

Looks fun if you had a joystick.🕹

@PozerAdultRacingTeam - 23.07.2019 22:52

Glider looks like a TIE Interceptor.

@YT0091 - 24.07.2019 00:07

Do any of these videos feature a person that doesn't talk like they have a wad of dip in their mouth? Asking for a friend.

@EdsterIII - 24.07.2019 04:19

Well the Atari 2600 was a great system for it's time, BUT certain games just were not remotely possible. This is one of them. Empire Strikes Back was so basic. But again for it's time it was all we had and I loved it. Although when Pac-Man came out I was like HUH? Wafers? What the hell is this? LOL. I still played the hell out of it.

@asurlybarber3620 - 24.07.2019 04:27

Not a single "Still better than EA's Battlefront" comment? I sense a great disturbance in The Force.

@porflepopnecker4376 - 24.07.2019 10:51


@futuramayeah - 24.07.2019 15:40

we had the Intellivision system that had a He Man game that pretty cool, we didn't have Atari, but we did get Nintendo when it came out after we saw it at friend's houses

@futuramayeah - 24.07.2019 15:49

Pitfall was the first side scroller, but this game might have been better if it was a side scroller also so you could see the ewok and have him/her running along instead of being in a glider, where in this game, all you see is the glider, so you hardly know it's an ewok in there

@daviddavies3637 - 25.07.2019 02:03

You don't know what a ROM is? Really?

On the Atari, it tended to be a memory chip that was programmed at the factory so that it couldn't be written to again. That chip stored the game. ROM = Read Only Memory. The Atari can only read from it. It can't write to it. The prototype, on the other hand, probably had an EPROM - a type of ROM that, again, the Atari couldn't write to BUT it can be programmed again and again with an EPROM programmer.

Now you know what a ROM is. :)

@mechachrist - 26.07.2019 10:35

When my dad's friend gave us an Atari 5200, I played Berzerk and pretended my guy was Luke and the robots were Stormtroopers. The jets in the Combat game on the 2600 were my X-wings.

@BriansManCave - 27.07.2019 01:18

Thanks to The Atari Creep for sending me here :-)

@necron99.aka-sammyboy92 - 07.01.2023 23:28

Thx Atari Creep! Was a good review and play. Look forward to more of your collabs.

@TheSickNeeds - 28.01.2023 08:23

River Raid was an awesome game....That was no river raid!

@spaceknight793 - 03.01.2025 08:22

Best Star Wars game was Empire Strikes Back.
My other favorite game (meaning I could last longer than 10 minutes) was Defender.
