Why are Brita Filters SO Popular?

Why are Brita Filters SO Popular?

Future Proof

1 год назад

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@XCHDragox115 - 05.03.2025 07:34

I can’t speak for the US but I do live in the arctic. Up here, yes, we do need Brita.

@Beth-w3u - 02.03.2025 06:03

I left Europe lately, and have definitely noticed the taste of chemicals here in the United States. Not that I hadn’t before, but holy crap it should be cleaner.

@coier1 - 02.03.2025 01:34

It isnt about whether or not tap water is safe NOW. It is for the most part safe now yes. However the point is that almost the entirety or the world seeks to dismantle any and all communal forms of existence in service to capitalism, privatization and hyper individualism. This means that all those "regulations" you trust mean literally nothing. They CAN and WILL make us drink poison and make us PAY if we want clean water. The final bastion will be air. When air becomes privatized too then either all biosphere will die or liberation will be achieved not half measures

@riavanvliet799 - 24.02.2025 03:49

Not only is chloride very bad for Fluoride is a poison. It comes from the sludge that comes from factories. Years ago the government told them that they could dump this sludge in water because it would kill our crops and possibly the animals we eat. So these people did this so called research, and fed the government this nonsense that their research showed that this stuff was good for our teeth. Now of course this is nonsense, but the government didn't know what else to do, and people have less value than crops, cows, chicken and whatever. So they allowed this poison to go in our toothpaste and eventually our water. So as to the question whether our water is good, healthy, no it is not. In fact, our water is unhealthy and filthy.

@papa-ganda - 23.02.2025 23:51

I use Brita filter to soften the water and make good tasting coffee. And it does what it says, I checked it with testing stripes.

@onehappykamper - 21.02.2025 10:34

I have.. had this same water filter. I live in Thailand. Very few people drink the tap water here.

The first month everything was fine.. The taste was not as good as bottled mineral water though. Fine.. I'll use it for hot drinks and cooking.


For the past 2 weeks I've had stomach issues. Could not figure out why. Until I just packed up the water filter to move homes. Geeeeez. I never thought to clean the lower reservoir.. Because that's supposed to be clean filtered water right? Wrong! The plastic was covered in slime! WTF!

I only used the item for 3 months with 2 new filters ffs! Terrible filter.

My stomach is now fine. The trash has one more brita water filter... I'll stick to all bottled water now

@RagedContinuum - 07.02.2025 06:22

thumbed the video down and clicked 'don't recommend'

@possumprince - 06.02.2025 03:38

most folks i know who use filter pitchers don't use em cuz we think the water is unsafe. we use em cuz the tap water in some places tastes like a public swimming pool

@clockworkgnome - 30.01.2025 00:20

I only use a filter because we generally have hard water and it usually tastes metallic(?). The Brita makes it more palatable.

@s98247 - 26.01.2025 20:27

If you have municipal treated water using a Brita is better than nothing it'll remove most of the disinfection byproducts

@nomis5764 - 16.01.2025 22:29

Why am I watching this I'm from Switzerland our tap water is cleaner than Evian lmao

@joeroganpodfantasy42 - 13.01.2025 12:33

1 min in i see why that channnel got shut down

@matusjurcik6974 - 11.01.2025 12:21

You americans have the purest water in the history? Still you have watter full of microplastics and anticonception. Wtf are you talking about?

@SupportIsraelLGBTQ - 11.01.2025 04:11

Hard water is bad for coffee machines, kettles, and leaves a bad taste

@NatsumeKonno - 07.01.2025 08:20

Nothing taste better then garden hose water after PE class.

@bigpoppa1234 - 02.01.2025 05:58

I love how this entire video is garbage and the guy is getting trashed in the comments.

@Donicker950 - 29.12.2024 12:55

The fact that SOME OF US get our water from natural water sources!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

@Psartz - 27.12.2024 01:09

Plastic bottled water should be a crime against humanity and the planet.

@intermission1864 - 21.12.2024 10:03

Brita softens the water and it feels way better than straight tap- I have no scientific evidence that it removes any of the nasty crap that the council adds to the water but even if it removes 5% it's worth the money- I trust the Germans on this one.

@auntieshawn0117 - 20.12.2024 17:49

FL is the pits. And it has been proven by independent sources US water is filled w/ prescription meds, heavy metals not to mention they add fluoride and for FL Chlorine. Half the time water comes out smelling like my pool. I will continue to filter it any way I can.

@bigphinis675 - 11.12.2024 18:18

This video needs an update, microplastics and pfas in our water

@Iwetbeds - 07.12.2024 07:25

Did I miss something? or did he not cover the fact that water lines are aging in alot of places, how many contaminants get in on the way from the plant to your home?

@bunniz - 03.12.2024 15:09

I airways hear from Americans how bad the water is. I don't know how they got to the conclusion that you have the best water

@quickfrog57 - 02.12.2024 09:33

ugh, Britta's in this?

@davidguy207 - 25.11.2024 07:10

My water has a weird aftertaste to it, so I think it's safe to say I need a water filter.

@basicindiebro - 20.11.2024 06:40

The water where I live has all this gross sediment in it. Rather a Brita than plastic bottles

@hetalia74 - 15.11.2024 09:49

I don't use a Brita. I have a pur that is attached to the faucet. In my country, PR, most of our tao water has lead.

@blan123. - 10.11.2024 13:31

honestly I'm still confused

@ChrisHirner - 10.11.2024 07:58

Water isn't looked after like it used to be. In my town it's clean but the cleaning process leaves a funny taste that if you drink a glass quickly it can make you hurt.

@ExistentialGuru - 09.11.2024 17:00

I have found that drinking my local tap water leads to higher rates of kidney stones and when i moved to reverse osmosis systems it has saved me ALOT, I no longer have to deal with kidney stones or those outrageous hospital bills

@mikolbeckwith1 - 09.11.2024 01:30

Nice try deep state overlords.

@Matelight_IT - 07.11.2024 17:20

More bacteria after filtering? People are boiling water after filtration, right?

@Matelight_IT - 07.11.2024 17:17

I was always sick after swimming in a school pool when I was young. Now when I am older am trying to exercise but I was always getting craps at the local swimming pool even when I was just sitting in water. Last summer I was on the lake and I was in a water half a day without and craps that would normally just after 30m of just being in a water. Recently I was thinking, so I am very allergic to chlorine but I am drinking water with chlorine, maybe just maybe I should invest in water filter to test if I will get rid of constant runny nose (still testing).

@mr.alkenly889 - 06.11.2024 17:37

when your water tastes like pool water, a water filter helps alot

@bonniemyers6926 - 06.11.2024 07:22

I can smell and taste bleach in my city water

@Rainy32434 - 06.11.2024 00:54

European here. American tap water is very shitty (visited multiple states). Filtering is a must.

@Triro - 02.11.2024 12:57

A end all solution, reverse osmosis filter, preferably one that also has UV to also kill any bacteria.
Reverse osmosis also removes micro plastics, reducing your long term exposure. And some forever chemicals that are really in our water supply.

@ChrisFaa - 31.10.2024 04:56

what was the beep censored word?

@ajfrostx - 31.10.2024 01:56

I recently started using Brita Filter jug with a special limescale remover filter and it works surprisingly well! Quite important in my area which has really hard water...
I also tested the filtered water and it genuinely works (and the results are still pretty good even when using the same filter for twice the recommended amount of time).

@Grozbaff - 29.10.2024 21:32

Brita's got the worst environment argument.
"Hey dude, buy my smog making coal machine ! Still better having one rather than two. But remember, if you buy a second one, you could also have chosen to have 3 of them !"

@ChristopherStrong-sv4vy - 28.10.2024 16:22

BRITA water 💧 filter!!

@ulissesvera9581 - 28.10.2024 08:01

would it work if I boil my water first and then filter it? I noticed even water bottles have medical residues. would that work? how good do you think water is in California? is non of this works, what do you guys recomend to do? which fite would you guys buy?

@eddiespaghetti54321 - 15.10.2024 04:06

I don’t wanna drink whatever nasty shit that builds up in the water pipes throughout the city and my home.

@mjaynes288 - 13.10.2024 01:49

I bought a PUR countertop water dispenser today after dropping off $6 worth of gallon bottles at the recycling center. My tap water is perfectly safe but it tastes like over chlorinated swamp water. The reservoir has an algae problem. Dead algae releases chemicals that taste unpleasant at 2-3 parts per trillion. The actual algae is removed during the treatment process but there is no cost effective way for the city to remove the nasty taste.

@stevedgrossman - 12.10.2024 15:23

My country has incredibly safe drinking water, and I just use a Brita knockoff to make it taste better. I am now concerned about the idea of bacteria in the filter. 😮

@117johnpar - 09.10.2024 04:56

I have used a brita for years and recently had two different couples over who both commented on how good our water tastes. The tap water comes out bitter.
I feel like of all the things I've bought, Im getting my moneys worth.
