The Final Video

The Final Video

CEC South

55 лет назад

1,995 Просмотров

Countdown - 0:00
Video Starts - 7:17

I've never properly made a final video for my time leaving the Chuck E. Cheese's community, so I found for it to be that time right now.

Tears went into this video as I was making it. Going through all my photos from both Chuck E. Cons was great, but what made me emotional were the videos from my 8th birthday party at the Lake Charles, LA location. Those were indeed simpler times.

Those who want an update on me, I'm currently 19 and have a full time job. I left the community about nearly 2 years ago. I just found no interest in the Chuck E. Cheese's name or brand anymore. I still have all my shirts, and merchandise. It's just as I graduated high school, I had alot more things to focus on. Not to mention my local location receiving the dance floor remodel in 2018 killed of my motive to visit a store.

I have already applied to be a cast member at Lake Charles, but they never got back to me. I plan on applying again in the future, because while I'm not associated in the community, there's a hole in my life where CEC was.
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