Can You Get Sick from Shared Greek Orthodox Communion? | Greek Orthodoxy Fact vs Fiction

Can You Get Sick from Shared Greek Orthodox Communion? | Greek Orthodoxy Fact vs Fiction

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@georgenovikov8186 - 03.09.2024 21:52

Short answer: No
Long Answer: Noooooooooooo

@MakedonskiBulgarin - 30.08.2024 19:56

It is impossible to get sick from communion if you are properly prepared, confessed and if you truly belive that the Communion is the Body and Blood of Christ. When St. John Chrysostom was holding divine liturgy, a poisonus spider or socrpion fell in the communion, He ate it and he didn't die. The harmful germs aren't harmful to he who takes the Body of Christ prepared!

@AyatollahS.A.Khamenei - 30.07.2024 00:57


@SolidSnake0 - 22.07.2024 11:44

I'm a Catechuman right now and my spiritual father told the congregation, if you think you can get sick from taking communion then don't take communion because you have a spiritual sickness. I believe that to be true, if you believe that you can get sick from communion then how can you believe in communion, or any of the mysteries for that fact?

@SuzanaMantovaniCerqueira - 08.07.2024 04:40

I can’t . Sorry. 😟 Simply, I can’t accept this kind of communion.

@sevi9 - 16.05.2024 13:25

Doctors everywhere would like to have a word...

@FoundSheep-AN - 08.05.2024 21:23

The spoon is made of silver, argent. So it’s a metal rich in antibacterial and antiviral properties

@medicalmisinformation - 07.05.2024 01:51

This is very strong wine. Silver is also antimicrobial.

@TruePluto - 08.04.2024 21:22

Is this guy really born in 1887?!

@robinbyrd4430 - 31.12.2023 04:58


@b01tact10n - 15.12.2023 01:22

Id like to say that I've neved gotten sick before, I have never asked but i understand Our Lord Jesus Christ Son of God cures all so I do have faith and is strengthened each time I receive Holy Communion before i don't smoke my Cigars or eat when the day changes from Saturday to Sunday but afterwards i do. For him not me for them not me.

@cyberiad - 22.11.2023 05:44

From the LA Times, Nov 2020: 'The 82-year-old head of the Church of Greece, Archbishop Ieronymos, was hospitalized last week, with doctors saying Monday he was in stable condition for the fifth day.

The death of a bishop in northern Greece earlier this month revived controversy surrounding communion, which in the Orthodox Church is given using one spoon shared among the entire congregation.

In Greece, the powerful Orthodox Church has insisted that the practice couldn’t transmit the disease as it is the body and blood of Christ.

Metropolitan Bishop Ioannis of Lagadas, 62, was an outspoken advocate of continuing communion during the pandemic. He was buried last Monday after dying of COVID-19.'

@Mike-hr6jz - 11.06.2023 05:16

Why isn’t anyone asking this question about the black rock the Muslims all kiss at Mecca

@cmoberg2036 - 10.06.2023 10:04

Communion is a holy sacrament.
God will not pass germs in a holy sacrament. And then wine ...
alcohol and silver or gold spoon.
science of destroying germs.

@thenarrowdoor7 - 07.06.2023 07:15

It is the blood of christ and the body of christ our lord and you are afraid it will get you sick ? Its the most pure and most holy ☦️

@k.k.5046 - 21.05.2023 11:17

Old video before the Corona virus. Now bye-bye.

@proteinpapi7595 - 19.03.2023 05:50

The material of the spoon and the alcohol content is not enough to do anything to the germs in a short period of time

@vertilingo - 12.02.2023 19:10

If you’re afraid of getting sick, you’re not in a state of grace to take communion! The communal sharing is a leap of faith!

@allandunn1431 - 22.01.2023 01:07

I'm loving this series of videos. God bless you all.

@nox567 - 11.01.2023 23:04

That was a joke in the video right? No way this man was born in 1887

@habibsabanekh2437 - 10.01.2023 04:20

The mere explanation of why we don’t get sick because it’s gold plated or because the communion contains alcohol is infuriating and blasphemous to say the least, this is Christ Jesus our God. How could he ever make you sick. 🤦‍♂️

@johngillatt2740 - 31.12.2022 23:55

In the West (In my case Anglican) we use silver (vessels) we also use real wine.

@ExVeritateLibertas - 26.11.2022 12:56

There are many accounts of the healing power of the Holy Mysteries. St. John of San Francisco once tried to commune a person dying of rabies (which can be transmitted by saliva). The person spit the Sacred Gifts out onto the floor. To the shock of everyone else in the room the saint without hesitation picked it up and consumed it. He was of course perfectly fine afterward.

@nikolabrankovic1124 - 10.11.2022 22:51

Born 1887? Hahahahahaah🤣🤣🤣🤣

@luisperez3979 - 30.10.2022 16:31

The problem with this is that it is not explicitly mandated in the Scriptures that everybody has to share the same spoon. It is a way to do this born of tradition, in times when there was not scientific knowledge about bacterias and viruses. In my opinion faith doesn't mean to blind ourselves to scientific facts, and expose ourselves to unnecessary risks that can damage our health. This is called tempting the Lord. But if you are an Orthodox Christian, and this is the only way you have to receive communion, then you have no choice but to have faith and do it according to your belief. God bless the Orthodox brothers.

@PastorJC - 20.09.2022 14:14

We will be visiting your church from South Carolina the first Sunday of October!

@michaelcaza6766 - 06.09.2022 21:06

Whoever asks this doesn’t truly believe that the chalice we all share from is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord God and Saviour. They lack faith, and need to be reminded of Whom it is we are receiving.

@b_ks - 04.09.2022 00:36

The music is distractingly irksome.

@aanskska3058 - 17.08.2022 00:39

Wow. The fact that this came out pretty much exactly one year before Covid became a global pandemic doesn’t seem like a coincidence to me. It seems like God was trying to prepare His church to be knowledgeable in difficult times

@birdeyes200 - 07.08.2022 06:13

What is the reason for communion on the spoon if that isn’t the way Jesus did it?

@emmanuelcadelina1848 - 31.07.2022 05:19

Eventhough, that we eat body of Christ in the holy communion hygene is a must is required..

@thegamethemovie9605 - 19.07.2022 06:50

As a Roman Catholic now, we accept the body of Christ at mass, and accept His blood at home 🍷The wine is no longer given at mass.

@treygood6371 - 15.07.2022 15:08

Lutheran communion is not the same but it difficult

@IsraelSuperguide - 13.07.2022 18:54

This Prist crack me up, I can see he is not uptight but funny too. I saw his video on the sing of the cross, Jimmy Herring style😅.

I wish I could take communion with my orthodox brothers but I found in person while queuing in the Holy Sepulcher the priest asked me if I was orthodox and I said no, which he replied: sorry.

I am seeking and learning about orthodox faith and I wish I could be part of one but here in Israel everything is nationalistic and some politics too, not to mention masses are either in Greek or Arabic which I know nome of them.

@treygood6371 - 02.06.2022 21:43

Love holy communion body and blood pressure blood Jesus who died for love it in the Lutheran Church

@mrjemes1597 - 03.04.2022 14:17

Giving Communion to unbelivers is a sin which your church doing still now. God will punish your church for this.

@frankpontone2139 - 09.01.2022 23:24

This video was made pre-COVID. It's a whole different ballgame now.

@Kathy12Ray - 05.01.2022 17:11

I have had to ask GOD to build my faith in this area. Previously when I was in a charismatic church, everyone got their own plastic vial, and that was that. When I began to embrace orthodoxy, EVERY TIME I think of sharing the communion cup, I have anxiety and the fear that I'll vomit in front of everyone, yet I'm not even a germaphobe.

@ChaosRevealsOrder - 03.01.2022 05:54

I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't use no spoon, he just split the thing and let the apostles take it for themselves. I really don't get it why we have become so obsessed over using the same cup, the same spoon, this is no were to be found in scripture.

@giasullivan9039 - 06.12.2021 03:57

I have been receiving Holy Communion for all the years of my life and I've never been sick from the same spoon . Glory to Christ in the highest , We Thank Him for His Passion .

@emmanueldigenakis1168 - 23.11.2021 03:42

Very interesting

@ignatiusl.7478 - 30.10.2021 17:35

Excellent answer to this question. I really appreciate this especially during a pandemic.

@symbolicmeta1942 - 19.08.2021 05:42

….alcohol needs to be 60% proof to be a disinfectant so that must be some wicked strong wine there ….

a layer of saliva would also protect bacteria from the gold…. Also does it effect viruses as much as bacteria?? They aren’t functionally the same…..

this stuff is all non-sense, if you had the love of God in you you’d accept the suffering you may feel from not being able to do communion and just substitute the common spoon with disposable ones… or at least stop between each person, spread 99% alcohol spray on the spoon and wipe it. If you can’t compromise on something like this then you aren’t worshiping God, you are worshiping an Idol…. Because you are worshiping the act of communion above the love of God’s creation.

@-Joann - 17.08.2021 16:13


@IC-XC-NIKA-ORTHODOXY - 14.08.2021 13:48


@aalm7082 - 26.04.2021 23:31

Believe what you will! I no longer want to partake in it. I’m Greek n grew up doing this n I had gotten sick from communion. It was winter time & people lined up. Little kids& Old folks go in line first that’s the rule. Old ladies coughing n hacking in the line literally ahead of me. I was about 17 & I had gotten the worst flu ever & was super sick after that night!! No one knows where that mouth has been before going in there. Did they brush? Are they sick? The alcohol thing makes sense to a degree, but no thanks I’ll pass on sharing germs! It’s disgusting! It still makes no sense to put your mouth on something everyone else did! Unsanitary & not safe you can catch a virus or infection. Would u go to a restaurant n share same utensils n cup with 50 people there n not have it washed? The gold spoon excuse does not mean it’s 100% bullet proof. Maybe you won’t keel over n die right then n there but if someone is sick you have a good chance of catching it. A lot of people are not conscious of what they do & they cross contaminate crap all the time because they do not know or think. Or maybe their culture where they were raised it’s normal to them. Example the way their food practices/preparation are? Did they prepare food safely? Did they wash their hands or not? Not washing after the bathroom. You don’t know who really washed their hands or not unless u visibly see them come out of bathroom stahl then walk out without washing. There’s tons of disgusting people out there that are too lazy or don’t care n do that. Maybe they picked their nose? They put the red towel up on your chin then move it over, but they probably only have 2 red towels and for a room full it’s not enough for them to change towels so your lips are wiped w the same towel. So would I trust having that spoon in my mouth no way! Nasty nasty nasty 🤮

@PrenticeBoy1688 - 15.04.2021 00:09

Interesting that the priest should wear a Roman style clerical waistcoat.

@francescogorbechov4192 - 04.04.2021 17:02

The people are not supposed to close their mouth on the spoon, but in this video they were

@lumpcrabbarnacle3382 - 18.02.2021 18:21

Lol thanks for the laugh! And the great teaching!!!
