Thank you for the very good analysis!
ОтветитьJames you literally never won any event but thnx for your tips 😄😬
ОтветитьDefinitely agree with your final decision after playing the three minus the zard ex builds for hours and hours, the final decision just feels good and fun to play.
ОтветитьQuestion: i have been having issues in the Dragopult vs Charizard matchup each time in go in frontin prize, but in the long run Charizard just ko me till it catches up. what would be the strategy vs this deck in your opinion?
ОтветитьTysm for this video!
ОтветитьCouldn’t agree more. I run a for-fun bard and pult deck, but use drag-pidgeot competitively
ОтветитьI looked at every dragapult deck i noticed something in common... they all run dragapult and was perplexed futher research is needed to confirm these studies
ОтветитьNew video from the absolute goat of ptcg content creation LFG
ОтветитьI feel like Hawlucha is actually really good against decks like OgerBolt as well. You could bench damage with Hawlucha then boss Oger up take two and spread damage to set up for next turn, or do the same thing over two turns (at risk of the damage being healed by switch cart). I think it’s actually pretty based
ОтветитьThe other option in Mahone’s list would be to play Roseanne’s Backup instead of Cyllene. Coin flips feel bad lol, and you can just quick search the neo upper if you don’t have to use quick search to find roseanne (which is more likely with bibarel engine down)
Ответить"i'll tell you why dragapult is good"
that's where you went wrong /j
Lzb dragapult is pretty much carried by the drakloak and rad zard in 90% of my games. I never have much impact in any matchup with the ex except for maybe one attack early game that sets up damage for the rest of my attackers. Dragapult ex just isn’t really working for me, personally I don’t think it’s a good card.
ОтветитьI’ve defeated every dragapult deck on this video with my own dragapult deck
ОтветитьGreat video!
Ответитьnowadays dragapult hv to well response to both raging bolt and lugia. Against grady, zard, giritina are behind them.
ОтветитьJames, ur truly my fav ptcg player of all time ur def the best ptcg content creator because of ur amazing competetive content, i love ur vids soo much and hope to see u hit that wc title!!!
ОтветитьThis was great. Dragapult Vmax got me hooked on ptcgo when that was meta
ОтветитьI’m running a dragazard ex and hve been experimenting with alakazam
ОтветитьNice content James, great vid
ОтветитьWould be nice to see a few matches at the end of the
ОтветитьI’m seeing a lot of decks separating the xatu and pidgeot. So from my experience. It’s best to play both. TM Evo is also extremely strong to use. Imo best deck to utilize the tm evo.
ОтветитьBro said "Don't bother with prime catcher just run counter catcher cuz your going to be losing most the time anyway" 😅.....I don't wanna be playing any variation of dragapault if I'm going to be losing most of the time
ОтветитьCharizard ex / dragapult ex funnily enough has the highest win rates in the dragapult ex mirror. Logically it does make sense to want to attack with dragapult ex as fast as possible to snipe the bench but I just find the charizard ex version sets up a bit faster. It transitions better. Most dragapult lists look for turn 3 curve but charizard ex can maybe hit a turn 2 curve. Also, once a charizard ex takes a shot from dragapult ex, it still has 130hp and you can switch it with a dragapult ex on that turn 3 and the dragapult player that you're playing against in the mirror has to decide to spend resources to ko that charizard on your bench or let your dragapult ex get off an extra attack.
I just feel like the stronger turn 2 on average and the ability to switch out that charizard and the fact it could hit the board later in the game and one shot the opponents dragapult ex is a huge reason the charizard list is the best in the mirror despite intuitively, it seeming the worst.
Also, I do feel like max belt is being slept on currently. Dragapult ex OHKOing for 250 against a raging bolt, then putting 1 damage counter on 2 ogerpons and 4 damages counters on 1 raging bolt on the bench can auto win ogerpon matches. It can bump up the win rates against roaring moon ex, chien pao ex, miraidon, and a lot of other mus significantly
In my experience the lost zone build has been the most fun and consistent so far. It's true that it isn't as easy to put Dragapult into play but in the meantime you're doing Lost Zone stuff so it's usually fine. There are some pretty disgusting combos that get you 3 prize cards , such as Cramorant into a gust + Pult attack or Pult + Sableye on the next turn
ОтветитьHonestly glad to have found this video as someone trying to perfect a build, did a great job listing the pro and cons of all the techs!
ОтветитьImma have to try the pidgeot version of dragapult .I played the xatu version and definitely has consistency issues.I really been on lugia lately but pault seems strong .Great video man
ОтветитьDude I have a problem with what you say generally but you just said when running a Charizard ex/Dragapault ex you attack with Charizard first and I've been running that deck (not the variation you have) since Dragapault has been legal and let me tell you that you are way wrong about that obviously Charizard gets powered up with the more prizes your opponent has so u definitely attack with Dragapault while the Charizard waits on the bench and even powers up other attackers with burning darkness
ОтветитьWhy are people comparing drakloak to kirlia its completely different mechanics. If anything compare it to comfey. They do the exact same thing the only difference is one goes back into the deck. Im not hating or anything I just get slightly triggered when people compare completely different things like this bleh
ОтветитьAll dragons have 1 weakness
I fixes this crap deck
Man i left yugino bcz the stupid decks with almost zero weakness and then i see this crap in pokemon tcg
How about Pidgeot/RadZam/BM Ursaluna? Has been working for me so far.
ОтветитьThe best Dragapult list is Regidrago VStar.
ОтветитьSo what was the best deck in the end?
ОтветитьWhich list would you recommend for a newer player:
Ответитьtimestamps please!!!
Ответитьso which deck list would you say is the best for ladder climbing?
Ответитьyeah ive watched this multiple times and still have no clue what to put in my deck
ОтветитьSir, I need you to sign my playmat, totally goated
Ответитьi kept the serena and i added a third mist energy because i am facing so many dragapults in the ladder and I just like those cards in that matchup
Ответитьisnt there another version where dragapult gets sent to discard pile then another dragon copies its atk ? i got whooped by that this weekend
ОтветитьSparkling crystal has really helped the deck ive been running pidgeot with rad alakazam and hawlucha to distribute damge to bench using boss the swap out and go a 3/prize then devolution against the zard ex deck
ОтветитьFuck phantom dive I can't have benched mons in TCG live now without sweating that a dreepy is gonna rare candy on turn 3 and rip half of the prize cards he owns out of the pool. RIP any babymon strats and tandemaus ex. With dusknoir's ability you could pull a max of 5 prize cards in 1 turn
ОтветитьWhat about dragpult dusknoir