Fixing Broken Gundam Model Pegs - Hobby Clubhouse | Gunpla Tutorials and Fixes

Fixing Broken Gundam Model Pegs - Hobby Clubhouse | Gunpla Tutorials and Fixes

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@KelgaCreations - 15.09.2021 23:10

Paper clips! That’s genius! Thanks for your tutorial! What I also like to do is sand down a little or trim the ball joint peg so it has less friction in future so less likely break again.

@TorchicNidoran1994 - 23.09.2021 18:28

You saved my broken Tieren! Thanks so much!

@jm_lamp6998 - 12.11.2021 02:16

Im going tondo this i broke my early 2000s 7-11 strike freedom’s wing peg

@thebox505 - 13.11.2021 18:08

Draw an X on the peg, and use the center as the drill point.

@ishimreyes2911 - 27.11.2021 20:53

My Verde buster gun holder is broken

@simpslayer7417 - 03.12.2021 05:50

I just fixed mine with a paper clip, a glue and a fire from blow torch since I don't have a tools like that and i manage to fix it properly. But the next time i accidentally broke (hopefully not) gunpla, i use that method.

@Gunblade_Nin - 04.12.2021 16:41

What if the peg is stuck in a joint you can open?

@ColgateMcajax - 31.12.2021 10:56

I used this tutorial to fix a girl's rg unicorn gundam and now we are a couple...

@ezhumbug - 15.01.2022 08:32

How to be a Dental Doctor for your Gunpla broken pegs

@Darrkerkg - 20.01.2022 17:53

You think something like this will work to extend the length of some limbs with soft plastic?

Want to extend the peg of the arm joints of the MG GM sniper ii, the small peg coming down from the shoulder and see if I can extend the ones in the chest. But I don't know if it hold up the constant movement while I'm customizing the rest of the kit.

@karnaarjunarama8308 - 06.02.2022 09:01

I love that Zaku III lol
I'll probably try this if I want to extend one of my Gunpla's torso

@Gabsaidwhat - 18.03.2022 06:43

A trick is if you dont have a caliper, get a spare piece of plastic and bore one hole of each bit size unto the plastic. You can use those holes to test the closest size your dowell matches. This has the advantage of being an actual fit test. Although you might have to remake this guide every now and then as some of the holes may loosen up over time from all the testing.

@bluegill5802 - 18.03.2022 17:19

MS hip replacement tutorial 👍

@mikeb4198 - 31.03.2022 15:56

can i use the runners plastic instead of metal rod?

@bee-beargaming - 26.04.2022 04:09

This was a helpful video

@therookieotaku8477 - 22.05.2022 04:11

Is there any way to fix the tiny pegs? I was built a rg zaku 2 and it dropped and broke the shoulder armour peg while I was posing it.

@darkkadabra - 23.05.2022 23:32


@cyclone044 - 22.06.2022 14:07

surgery but for plastic figures 💀

@anhqa5483 - 08.07.2022 01:25

where can i buy this drill bit set

@corbingarrison7167 - 29.07.2022 15:42

I needed this, my FA Gundam had bubbles in the abdominal peg and the knee joint

@MrKaji010 - 10.08.2022 08:26

I hope this works for the entry grade strike

@merceditasimonduaqui7522 - 13.12.2022 02:55

Fix the broken Gundam v pin

@childObliterator - 26.12.2022 14:11

I would find this useful, however the problem i have is that my kit is a real grade and the part is monescule. Great video for a different kit though.

@ihavethehighground8697 - 27.01.2023 03:39

Can I ask? If I heat the part with like a hair dryer before I drill it will it work better?

@shashummga3477 - 07.02.2023 16:12

My poor gogg will be healed

@KumaFall - 05.05.2023 17:34

Reinforced plastic! Genius!!!

@emperorhadrian6011 - 09.05.2023 07:02

Two holes, glue and two pins.

@BumblingNyle - 20.05.2023 13:44

broke a leg joint for my RG Banshee Norn same kind of joing you showed in this video, gon use this advice. Thanks in advance! The peg is a little small but it is a load bearing peg so I'm using a rather thin 0.5 mm rod to put into it. I hope the rod isn't too thin and end up being too weak to actually support any pressure from the weight...

@matthewphillips465 - 20.08.2023 18:25

My 3 yo son broke his Optimus Prime just this way and I was thinking of doing something similar. Thanks for the video!

@shauncerezo - 30.08.2023 18:08

How about smaller pegs? Like pegs in the armor stuck and broken to the holes I cant remove the broken pegs

@randallkornik5439 - 02.09.2023 00:16

First time trying gunpla and this happened to me

@rowenarrow - 15.11.2023 23:08

great video

@Naro_12 - 01.01.2024 13:36

Can this help normal sh figuarts?

@lozmaster6441 - 06.02.2024 03:55

Thank you for this, had the leg peg snap recently on a kit less than a week after I built it

@carehs12 - 22.02.2024 06:54

Almost... My dog ate a Zoids tail and I had to repair it with a nail and burning a hole in the plastic. I think it ended up ok. Thanks for the advice on the tools to use!

@bluescero4617 - 08.03.2024 01:03

Brilliant video! I broke both hips on my first kit, but a friendly Redditor directed me to your video. Now, I have a way to fix my model, and an excuse to buy new tools!

@Iymarra - 13.03.2024 23:29

The shoulder to arm peg on my full armour thunderbolt exploded :( it's such a tiny peg and it needs to be wedged in so firmly. Can't find spares for runner b so may have to try this....

@stephanvandermerwe1468 - 12.05.2024 01:07

Damn I wished I watched this before I butchered up my hg banshee Norn 😢😢

@matthewwertz6649 - 26.05.2024 14:18

Best peg repair I've seen. Keep it up.

@imchillingbro - 31.05.2024 10:37

cant wait to try this, im new to collecting gunpla(i collect transformers) and the first model kit i got broke so yeah i will try this soon

@juliustaniguchi - 01.06.2024 01:58

That’s the same exact leg on that kit for me 😂

@mob1_ - 03.07.2024 16:32

Thanks for this, my Barbatos rex left arm joint broke off (literally like in the anime lol) cuz it was too tight.
This oughta fix it.

@hijous - 26.07.2024 09:26

ugh the pain when the ball joint break the moment you trying to move it.

@penscrap - 09.08.2024 00:40

Unfortunately this method doesn’t work with a 1/100 IBO kit due to how the hip piece is formed.

@peucoman - 10.09.2024 00:33

This video saved the life of my 00 Qant's right arm. Without it, Setsuna would've been unable to wield his GN Sword 5, and would probably have been overwhelmed by my grunts.

Speaking of, it also saved my Dom Tropen's waist, be careful with your Tropens guys, the brown plastic on the waist doesn't age the best

@PhantomJesko - 29.12.2024 13:00

Uh i dont know if you’re gonna see this or respond to this but im gonna ask anyway. I broke the arm peg of Iria’s Zaku (yes the RfV one), it isn’t exactly easy because uh, the base is already tiny to begin with and the only leftovers of the ‘peg’ is inside the socket, considering how the peg is quite short and the socket is pretty deep.

@Syakirin57 - 02.01.2025 03:45

This just happened to my RG Unicorn! Damn joints are too tight. I feel like im breaking it just by trying to pose it

@Shell-k4d - 24.01.2025 03:40

But what if i cant remove the two parts? Like the Mg tallgeese on the lower torso part, the one that sags a bit?

@TripEnd - 07.03.2025 11:59

The nu gundam ver.ka leg peg broke while trying to pull it off because i skipped a step… ill have to fix it, drill in a small screw and super glue wouldnt be better?
