Uniting the clans at the Catholic Identity Conference

Uniting the clans at the Catholic Identity Conference

Catholic Unscripted

2 недели назад

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@AnnaRiley-xq4fb - 02.09.2024 01:10

You’re coming back to America, I wish you all a happy and safe journey 🙏🏼

@berrowboy - 02.09.2024 01:29

I am surprised that ypu omitted to note the 20th Anniversary of Beslan when over 300 children were murdered and the Western Press could barely supress its glee .....blaming Putin.....Today tens of Thousands of children are being killed in Gaza and the West sits on its hands. The Western swords are unsheathed as Bishop Fulton suggests and colluding with the Synagogue of Satan. Suffer the little children......

@imeldatobin7243 - 02.09.2024 01:39

Brings back memories! We stayed in Birkirka a few years ago and attended the TLM in the small churcht there.

@MegaESSBEE - 02.09.2024 02:15

Glad to have you all back!

@rosemarieloncaric-spataro2861 - 02.09.2024 02:21

Infiltration of the Knights of Malta? Grateful to have you back with a voice of reason.

@patcaddagh - 02.09.2024 02:35

Welcome back. Hope you had a brilliant break. Looking forward to seeing you more.

@robertkravchuk3080 - 02.09.2024 03:05

Welcome back from an American supporter! God Bless, -Bob

@Edward-jq2fc - 02.09.2024 03:38

Why can't anyone turn the phone horizontal when filming???

@robertmontgomery4742 - 02.09.2024 04:21

Whats a flake?

@tf8066 - 02.09.2024 04:44

From Alberta Canada: so glad you had a lovely holiday! Also glad you’re back!

@itinerantpatriot1196 - 02.09.2024 07:05

I can't recall how I came across this channel, it ended up in my feed and when I heard three Brits talking about Catholicism I was impressed. I used to travel to Great Britain fairly regularly but that was quite some time ago. I wasn't a fan of the weather or the food but I enjoyed exploring the country and generally had a good time. I am saddened over what has transpired there over the past few decades. Britain never was a bustling hub of Catholicism and I imagine it's gotten harder since those days when I used to visit. Anyway, that was what drew me in. I admire people up to a challenge.

That is why I think this is an exciting time to be a Catholic. I was away from the Church for a long time but I'm back home now and while I don't like the way our faith is treated I am Irish and I've got a bit of scrap left in me. I hate bullies and Satan is the biggest bully on the block. He's using a bunch of earthly bullies to come at us and like I say, that gets my dander up. I say bring it. We need to stop being so polite and start calling out these people who promote abortion, transgenderism, and the rest of the alphabet mafia agenda. Christ loved sinners, but he had no time for the Pharisees and the Sadducees who corrupted men's souls. He wasn't afraid to stand up to them. We need to follow that lead.

That is why I think it is an exciting time to be Catholic. There is nothing quite as rewarding as holding your ground when you are in the right. Anyway, keep up the good work. I subscribed to your channel early on and if my health permitted it I'd join ya in Pittsburg. Maybe the next one, God willing.

@Mar--Mar - 02.09.2024 08:05

@Catholic Unscripted I would be interested to hear your thoughts about Roger Buck who lives in Ireland and who is very highly regarded by some prominent Catholics.

@richardyoung1182 - 02.09.2024 09:06

I am Christian not a
Cathicolic i am willing to join the spiritual fight i follow Jesus christ

@donaldlippert6374 - 02.09.2024 09:38

When I saw the three of you on the thumbnail my heart rejoiced! We missed you! Glad you’re back! 🙏

@marydewar5675 - 02.09.2024 09:40

We celebrated St GGregory's day, yesterday, as church's patronal festival.

@timobrien72 - 02.09.2024 10:12

I wondered what happened to you all, I did fear you all got arrested or something 😂

@gerrytyrrell1507 - 02.09.2024 10:16

We need you guys in this battle against woke Marxism...Ireland

@JoWilliamson-h4k - 02.09.2024 11:13

Welcome home! 💗

@JoWilliamson-h4k - 02.09.2024 11:19

It feels like ‘my parents have just returned from their foreign holiday’ 🤣
Cue great sigh of relief… Life can be normal again…. Thank you, guys!

@edwardbell9795 - 02.09.2024 11:22

What's a mille-ay? I've missed Mark Lambert! I look forward (!) to hearing about Bishop John Arnold's latest ghastly pronouncement.
I am looking forward to new material, although it would be good to hear more thinking that isn't filtered through Dr Ashenden's libertarian, political lens. Perhaps a libertarian perspective is a necessary corrective to the forces of evil but, ultimately, libertarianism is not consistent with Catholicism.

@casino323 - 02.09.2024 11:34

Hi , the meeting/ conference in October, is the address Glencomeragh house tipperary, please can someone confirm, many thanks Mike

@SheilaSloan-g6n - 02.09.2024 11:43

Why did Gavin struggle to admit recently that setting fire to a migrant hotel burning our fellow men would be wrong ?

@JeanMR2383 - 02.09.2024 11:52

Oh man! In Ireland now and wishing that retreat was now! And 1st year I’ll be missing CIC….would have loved to have met you there! Enjoy and safe travels! 🙏✝️✝️✝️

@brianoriordan7281 - 02.09.2024 12:46

Lovely place, Gozo, visited in 1988. I remember as we left the ferry we were highjacked by the PP who was rebuilding his church , asking us all for a contribution. God Bless Him I am sure it is beautiful.

@NapoleonSolo452 - 02.09.2024 13:09

How do you get to Malta? I guess you fly in on a small plane??

@carolsammut28 - 02.09.2024 13:10

Welcome back to you all! Pleased to hear that you had a wonderful experience in our islands, dears Mark and Catherine! Yes a lot of us are anglophiles, just come over during World Cup or Euro Cup and you would see what I mean 😊. The Maltese are still proud of their culture and churches though sadly, you find many catholics in name only. Let us pray that the Faith would prevail here 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️

@AB-kc3yc - 02.09.2024 14:17

Missed your combined truth, wisdom and food for thought. Glad you had a restful holiday. God Bless.

@psychpadre - 02.09.2024 14:49

You have been missed! Welcome back.

@claudioc.434 - 02.09.2024 14:53

From Italy, from Rome, thank you for your witness. The forces of evil won't prevail. Non praevalebunt. I think Catholics will win by creating an international network. By themselves. Just with the help of a very little group of bishpos and priests. Very few bishops, very few priests. God bless you. We do believe in upcoming of a new real Catholic Pope. We'll pray. See you soon.

@tomthx5804 - 02.09.2024 15:32

"Uniting the Clans" is the sickening war cry adopted by the SSPX, the SSPV, and the various anti Catholic schismatic movements that you now apparently are part of. Very sad to see you decline like this. Taylor Marshall has really screwed you guys up. You get a boost in your viewership by attracting Taylor's goofy adherents, all for the cost of separating yourself from the Catholic church. You see, they have to "Unite the Clans" because they all fight like protestants, separating themselves into smaller and smaller groups, because each group is its own pope. So they now claim to "Unite" to fight Pope Francis. Now you have gone down that road. How odd. Now that you have decided to join in the schismatic fun, and pursue Protestantism like them. Weird.

@fynesound9996 - 02.09.2024 15:57

What a wonderful Fulton Sheen quote, thank you! See you in Pittsburgh!

@jimmidgley861 - 02.09.2024 16:38

Very happy to see you together again. Your being away made me appreciate how much I value your online presence. You encourage me and strengthen my faith.

@Fiat1 - 02.09.2024 17:05

We Catholics in the U.S., need to live the true faith, and stop secularizing Holy Mother Church & watering down the Faith!! While we our holding parish fundraisers, the Protestant Churches are uniting & holding revivals to bring souls to Christ. HOW is that possible?? WE are suppose to be the One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church?? God help us! Fiat!! 🙏❤️‍🔥✝️

@HB-iq6bl - 02.09.2024 17:42

the human heart is configured for God

@Veritas353 - 02.09.2024 18:28

well well ..:) the Three Amigos are back :) !

@whiteheatherclub - 02.09.2024 18:44

Chicago. Now Pittsburgh. Who's paying for all the flights and the accommodation? Could the money be better-used?

@casino323 - 02.09.2024 18:54

I Think the full address is
Holy Family Mission
Glencomeragh House
Very Close to the town of CLONMEL

@EpoRose1 - 02.09.2024 20:51

I will be at the CIC, can’t wait!

@anonymouscommenter111 - 02.09.2024 22:39

Hi lovely people...

@Hope20249 - 03.09.2024 18:30

Is it possible to just attend for the days for the retreat in Waterford ( ie if you have friends to stay with nearby). Great to listen in here. Thank you all.

@mspgteach2002 - 04.09.2024 16:19

Glad to see you all back together. Looking forward to new content soon!

@seansheehy6725 - 06.09.2024 23:59

The nature of being a Christian is to be a Catholic.
