Adding 2 New Mini-Boss Fights To My Roguelike │ Devlog 5

Adding 2 New Mini-Boss Fights To My Roguelike │ Devlog 5

Helper Wesley

1 год назад

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@GillgameshConsumerOfReality - 22.03.2025 09:22

I find the idea of walking into a room that is so stuffed with enemies that you can't move really funny and would make for a death that I couldn't even be mad about.

@sergey_a - 07.03.2025 23:16

It's rare to see such high-quality work, even on such a little-known engine as gdevelop.

@PixelZoneST - 11.09.2024 14:51

Hey Wesley I just wanted to give you a very little idea and it’s why don’t you change the cursor’s “Sprite”, like in Revita or Bullet Bunny where the cursor changes style. But it’s just my opinion soooo… 😅

@Johnhtut - 18.08.2024 08:34

looking at all those long coding lines gives me seizure :D

@deaths488 - 02.08.2024 20:05

I think with the high enemy spawning it slowly becoming a bigger room but it would still be chaotic because of the ranged enemies

@CreeperGamingAZ - 19.07.2024 23:02

Yes it will not make the game feel unfair definitely agree

@Gshjxstgghijnmngtes - 06.07.2024 02:02

whens the next one coming out? id rly like an update on the game

@PixelTrainer. - 21.06.2024 23:44

Why is no one talking about how insane the Linen boss transition animation is?
As a novice pixelartist it left me stunned at how good it looked

@ImNotNightmare_ - 21.06.2024 08:57

ive been trying to make a rouglike but i can barley figure out how to get things to work so i would appreciate it if you would make tutorials on how to add (example) dashing in top down and other stuff within this project

@Dooby_Gooby - 01.06.2024 16:24

Dude, this is freakin' awesome. I've been binge watching development on your game (partly to avoid working on my own 🤣). I am a huge fan of your game, and most definitely love Art's art. It is so inspiring to see another developer be so awesome. Hope you do well, man. Good Luck!

@reguret2976 - 22.05.2024 05:07

The first enemies projectile attack doesn't match with its aesthetics. Maybe after smashing the grounds, rocks falling would be a better look. :)

@KrismondStudios - 06.05.2024 20:15

More enemies per room pleaseeeee

@Beardash123 - 05.05.2024 05:50

Impossible mode - every room is filled with bosses

@shadowau7674 - 02.05.2024 10:56

So its doesnt matters which portal you choose while making tour way through the dungeon?

@ffxivguild-mahiko-san - 15.04.2024 23:22

what engine do you use?

@TL4546b - 31.03.2024 22:47

I’m begging you please do a tutorial on how to put aseprite sprites into gdevelop 5

@MarkieMark-vy7hg - 25.03.2024 03:55

I like the idea with the more enemies

@einNikki - 09.03.2024 15:26

Everything looks amazing butt I feel like the portal still needs MORE PARTICLES because it looks like you clip through the portal instead of actually coming out of the portal.

So basically:
Frame 1: No character
Frame 2: Full Character

@Molla_Mahir - 07.03.2024 04:49

change the mouse sprite

@shisuiuchiha1168 - 05.03.2024 19:49

Hi! Can you answer my question? Which version of gdevelop are you using?

@ShoTro - 04.03.2024 21:06

Instead of increasing damage you can do several things. Each level increase health, increase attack frequency, increase damage, increase enemy count, increase enemy projectile speed... etc. You can cap some of these off, like damage and speed buffs or make them less common after a point. IDK, just an idea, but slowly will require the players to adjust their playstyle instead of just shooting the same enemies in greater quantities.

@emi2010r - 25.02.2024 05:42

How can I add multiple weapons with stat changes?

@thatsaltypeashooter - 19.02.2024 05:37

Definitely add more enemies per room (and enemy types). This makes the game feel more like a bullet-hell and harder and less like its just a game where 1 really strong bullet one-shots you.

@PixelPicklez - 16.02.2024 04:32

i like not getting one shotted! good idea! just dont make it toooo overwhelming

@brandonjacksoon - 15.02.2024 04:50

I'm new here) liked and subscribed!

@nodalino862 - 05.02.2024 19:36

Will you add a parameter to play on AZERTY ?

@PaahtimoGames - 05.02.2024 16:53

New enemies look great! Keep up the good work!

@janapavlikova4553 - 04.02.2024 19:57

the difficulty change is good :D

@AvectaInteractive - 04.02.2024 14:39

More enemies makes sense yeah, will also help with feeling powerful smashing through a bunch of baddies

@draka_kingdom - 03.02.2024 04:59


@Skeffles - 02.02.2024 12:52

These bosses are looking great. It would be cool to see the player jump into the portal for the final bosses instead of just a camera zoom.

Also I think the idea of introducing more mobs for difficulty is good since the player will need to dodge a lot more.

@PixelZoneST - 02.02.2024 01:03

it looks amazing and the idea of a lot of enemies is great

@RamaSomeStuff - 01.02.2024 04:57

You deserve more than you get.
¿Only 785 likes and 145 coments???
This should be way more! this game looks incredible and the work you and the art guy (idk how to write his name) put into this is just amazing to watch.
Keep up the good work!
(Im learning english and im sure i made multiple errors in that sentense, please tell me if i did!)

@Michael-The-Composer - 31.01.2024 11:12

Hey this game looks great! The animations are amazingly detailed and well done, and I like the decision to spawn more enemies in a room instead of allowing enemies to one-shot you.

Your Steam page says the game has a soundtrack, but is it placeholder/temporary? If so, I'm a composer who'd love to work on a project like this.

@n0_one-mc5to - 31.01.2024 08:43

I was waiting for this moment

@onebrickatatime9097 - 31.01.2024 05:41

Personally, I think you just shouldn't change the base stats of the enemy's and just increase the amount and introduce more difficult types, but I understand that this may not be feasible, so I think the idea you suggested is a good middle ground. (Also I'm not a game designer so take this with a grain of salt lol)

@herb2110 - 31.01.2024 04:52

more enemies is definitely better than more damage, but I think it would be better if the difficulty got harder by introducing more difficult enemy types (new enemy varieties/old enemies with more difficult attack patterns)

@jabin8153 - 31.01.2024 00:53

i agree
with your idea

@JustAGameDeveloper - 30.01.2024 22:53

I think the rooms having more and more enemies is a funny idea!

@hamzahgamedev - 30.01.2024 19:19

Art, Video production, memes, everything about this devlog is on-point!
Game looks super fun, instantly Wishlisted and all the best with the Launch! ❤
btw, you are super talented (i am jealouse ngl)

@paperKlipStudios - 30.01.2024 18:12

Really cool game, i had a random idea about making the floor checkerpaterned instead of flat colors?

@OttoSjachrani - 30.01.2024 17:10

Your probably not going to do this but ultrakill has a very good difficulty system where they add mechanics to enemies like being enraged and stuff

@mewvern - 30.01.2024 16:30

I like more enemies instead of 1 shot

@billy6427 - 30.01.2024 14:56

This is looking good , but u need to finish this game and start on the Sequel.
Or maybe the Sequel can be in 3-d😮

@alexandrajones4518 - 30.01.2024 14:53

Definitely agree with the dificulty change.

@RohanDaDev - 30.01.2024 08:54

I'm a big fan of hand-crafted rooms, but I understand your resource constraints.
Will this game be on PS5?
I have to say, the art in this game is amazing. It really has its own vibe to it.
I also looked at the release date. Q2 2024? The steam page doesn't seem to have more areas nor a trailer you sure you can make that?

@flameshadow8 - 30.01.2024 05:59

for favor section in think your should do a mix of increasing damage and health, and the amount of enemies but also the difficulty of the enemies

@ClammyGuy - 30.01.2024 05:30

Defiantly the more enemy option
