WHAT IS THE ENNEAGRAM? The Simple Beginner's Guide

WHAT IS THE ENNEAGRAM? The Simple Beginner's Guide

Abbey Howe

5 лет назад

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@solomusiciantimlucas - 09.02.2025 01:19

Is there any relation between Enneagram and Numerology? I assume no... This is a bit of a challenge for me because I already have 1-9 personality types assigned from being into numerology. Anyway I like Enneagram and did the full test I'm a 1 but the others (that come second for me) are also helping me a lot!

@BruceJC75 - 09.01.2025 10:21

Infinite expression aka its all bs 😂

@LD-wf2yt - 25.03.2024 02:22

However, we should travel lite.
Things that could mess up with our ideal self are many causes of mental health problems. Understand those first. Also, read three Arbinger's books.
Things that could help us in our well-being is to understand all the choices that we have under the umbrella of the Growth Mindset.

@buckwheat6245 - 19.03.2024 13:32

The enneagram isn't doing anything Astrology hasn't already done.

@amandasymon4363 - 02.03.2024 01:58

Brilliantly explained - thank you

@hildaottosson8660 - 19.01.2024 08:47

Kinda confused about my type!:) I identified with a 2 for some time, then took a test and got 4, only to later discover i also heavily identified with type 5. For some context im an INXP. I've gotten 4 on several tests, but when i read the descriptions of the type 4, it feels kinda like theres something missing that makes me not relate to the 4 enough for it to be my main type. I've gotten 2 as my dominant type on one test, and then on a tritype test(btw the test said my tritype was 251), it feels like it fits, its only that i'm not very physically or verbally affectionate(I'm neurodivergent so i dont rlly show affection in that way, my love language is also acts of service). 5 fits alot, and i basically share almost all of the types traits, but i've never gotten 5 on a test. When it comes to childhood wounds, i've experienced all of these 3 types' childhood wounds. So im kinda in a dilemna right now.

@ce6236 - 13.01.2024 08:24

I AM The Way The Truth and The Life. no one comes to the Father except through me
John 14:6 ❤

@CourageToLiveTrue - 28.03.2023 20:18

Underlying motivation as lense, see as worldview

@Neb.333 - 05.11.2022 21:43


@sirnubenegra - 25.10.2022 20:54

Oh wow! This is vague

@sirnubenegra - 25.10.2022 20:52

Wow! My ears!

@ultravioletindigotribenetw6594 - 22.10.2022 01:06

For someone have parts, each parts can be different type

@jeffbeck6699 - 01.10.2022 14:40

re tard concep t.

@mofogie - 29.09.2022 19:35

Enneagram sounds way way way too limited

@madelynn_ryder - 26.09.2022 04:41

I do have a feeling that you are ENFJ, Is that true?

@mayaq8324 - 08.08.2022 23:09

So forget about all wisdom thru thousands of years?? 🙄

@katherineshields1434 - 16.06.2022 17:40

Is this numerology?

@ahsokatano5394 - 18.05.2022 08:29

I'm that enneagram obsessed person 👁👄👁

@ablahday2558 - 05.05.2022 15:03


@svartelf - 04.05.2022 22:18

Laughable, insanity

@jasmineelhadidy - 18.03.2022 03:00

How to know my enneagram?

@annaburns2865 - 01.03.2022 06:58

The enneagram was really popular in my high school. I’m m an 8 with a 9 wing. A lot of people thought that was weird at the time. But I’m glad I stayed true to myself. I’m33 now and was showing this video to my husband and I liked how there was an example that shows that the 8/9 is driven by anger and expresses themselves directly and honestly.
This definitely describes me. Hopefully this can help him understand me better. He wants to take the enneagram test too to help me understand him better.

@richardmunoz5856 - 25.01.2022 18:15

Refuse and repent if you've delved in it. It's a form of divination.God bless! 🙏

@patrickcrowley2743 - 22.01.2022 10:50

Gut heart and head anger image and fear I'm trying to achieve a 9 way balance

@commentdrops2110 - 06.11.2021 02:40

For a person addicted to self-knowledge and personality tests, I loved this video! I had no idea this test existed, and how broad it could be. I also found very interesting the way the woman in the video explains it. Happy to acquire another addiction haha.

@commentdrops2110 - 06.11.2021 02:39

When I discovered my ENAGRAMA I realized that I'm very type 9. Being able to relate information to moments in my daily life made a lot of sense in my personality. I am a very peaceful person who mediates conflict but who has a wing in 8, which means I have a very strong sense of justice. I fight a lot for what I believe. In the end I just want peace and justice hahahahha

@commentdrops2110 - 06.11.2021 02:39

I have some kind of addiction to personality tests, especially the MBTI one, but I've always wanted to understand how the Enneagram works. Now everything makes so much sense, I'm definitely going to take the test and know how's mine.

@xa06507 - 08.10.2021 18:25

I believe more in astrology. It is more accurate than this

@tropicalbass5574 - 21.09.2021 12:56

Alternate title: if astrology wasn’t enough for you

@trustyourself-ashleyching3646 - 10.09.2021 19:17

Excellent intro to the Enneagram!!!

Complex and flexible system of broadly, 9 types.

Each type sees the world differently, driven by a different motivation.

Triads and motivations
Gut, Anger
Heart, Shame
Head, Fear

Wings are neighbors.

@activelivingchallenger4298 - 09.09.2021 07:53

Does figuring out your triad put you in a box? Sometimes I feel stuff like this influences you subconsciously and we use confirmation bias on these results.

@KKKaTTT123 - 27.08.2021 01:45

Christians, do not use the Eneagram. God bless

@brianjetton3962 - 05.08.2021 17:25

Myers and Briggs, I think, is a more reliable personality test.

@michellegibson1933 - 01.08.2021 02:00

The testing link doesn’t work

@francislick - 30.07.2021 20:09

This is awful! The Enneagram was for a long time a Sufi secret, known only to a few higher sects in central Asia. It was Mr Gurdjieff who brought the enneagram to the west as a means of beginning to understand certain cosmic laws. That such a sacred instrument has been reduced to this babble, that it has been purloined and plagiarised essentially for profit is worse than shameful

@trogzorp9900 - 17.07.2021 06:29

Is this basically astrology without birthdays?? Not being critical just curious. And would you say most people who believe in one would believe in the other as well?

@WolfMarrow - 12.07.2021 18:31

Im a 9

@steventucker6422 - 12.07.2021 01:36

This is the dumbest thing I ever heard of

@JessicaMary0702 - 21.06.2021 19:45

I’m 5

@meichow3000 - 09.06.2021 12:43

Amazing you have 30K subscribers just from doing enneagram!! Awesome 👏🏻

@catzdollz9810 - 23.05.2021 02:58

What absolute bullshit. There is only two types of human #1: The Wise> follows the MORAL LAW (the 10 commandments) #2: The UN-Wise> follows his self indulgent, ways of the flesh.

@llawliet6484 - 18.05.2021 12:47

Hello, I wanna ask if it's only related to christianity?

@enidfrommyname - 14.05.2021 21:39

I’ve taken 7 tests already from 3 different websites and my results are always 8 as my primary enneagram personality.

@navedian739 - 19.03.2021 06:12

Super easy 😇Try this successful method maybe? Fast RAMADAN, then meditate reading last verse of the Quran its amazingly sweet results 🤣can you!!?? 🍰

@squarebox271 - 17.03.2021 07:54

Can type 4 have a wing 6 because that what I got 🤷🏾‍♀️

@tamelashafer8852 - 15.03.2021 21:43

How can anyone HATE math?🤔curious ~random comment of the year.... rhetorical, even

@中本愛美-x6y - 05.03.2021 10:40

It was obvious to me, I'm an 8

@Ironawesomeness11000 - 05.03.2021 01:52

What if you are all types at once?

@inkerikavantera - 04.03.2021 10:26

Hun, using Google translate for description works for Anglo languages fairly well. Finnish is however NOT one of them. It is a mess.🤭😁
