RAW vs Edited Photos #editing #lightroom #photography #photoediting

RAW vs Edited Photos #editing #lightroom #photography #photoediting

Wild and Free Victoria

55 лет назад

6,206 Просмотров

RAW vs Edit

I get asked a lot what my RAW shots look like so here you go. I wouldn’t necessarily call these “true RAW” as they still have the Fujifilm shooting simulations applied but when I export my RAWs into Lightroom this is how they look, so they are the unedited versions.

Editing is very individual and is a place where people can add their style, flare and stamp to their work - which isn’t wrong. It’s their shots, so their style. I personally am not someone who will edit lots, usually I don’t have a lot of time and I like to keep my pictures true to the real thing as possible, that’s important to me. And that is my style. I also find, if you shoot in the right light/time of day, and plan your shots for the natural environment they will naturally have lovely colours, balance of light and vibe to them. Finally, I ALWAYS shoot in manual, which I think really helps reduce editing because you can really tailor your shots to your personality and style - for me this is usually using a wider aperture and a contour jour approach.

But ultimately, editing is personal. There is no right or wrong answer. There are so many different genres and personalities in this world, so best to let people be and enjoy their art in their own way .

Happy shooting 🙂✌🏻
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