Owen Campbell - Angry Busker -  Australia's Got Talent 2012 audition 3 [FULL]

Owen Campbell - Angry Busker - Australia's Got Talent 2012 audition 3 [FULL]


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@troyneilson6553 - 01.01.2025 18:28

That’s fucked up it’s a talent show not a fucking manners show

@PussnBoot2516 - 05.01.2025 10:59

The guy came on acted like a twat and a smart arse & got what he deserved - nothing. You don't have to kiss the judges arse but you can show ppl who are just there to do their jobs a level of respect and he was a rude arsehole. Agree with Kyle - NEXT!

@isacmarley - 06.01.2025 01:45

Two young "judges" stupid and inexperienced in recognizing true talent. Clowns

@johnnydeppaddict12 - 11.01.2025 13:15

Brian McFadden is a dick. He cheated on Delta Goodrem and doesn't have as much talent. Danni is a knob! She is talentless herself. They are just jealous.

@maroinmybones - 12.01.2025 02:14

Translation......."This dude isn't willing to play casting couch with us, he's out".

@25thSaint - 19.01.2025 05:28

Probably the biggest flaw of all the got talent shows is that it’s 3-4 pretentious/famous/rich assholes playing god

@TiredOfY - 21.01.2025 11:01

it's not Australia ass kissing it's called Australia Got Talent and dude's got talent...
"let's pretend the judges aren't there and we'll just enjoy this song"...literal meaning
judges get mad because they're both failures in the biz..brian former boyband...solo 1 hit wonder? ---> hahahahahaha
then you have dannii minogue..seriously still trying to get famous on sis shoulders? she'd do better in adult movies..
and Kyle was nominated the most hated man in Australia...still in biz in radio for his controversy and hence the nomination
you can tell on their faces they're mad right off the start just waiting for him to finish
glad they both got fired...how's that for smarts?
smart would be to answer him...with your guitar and my voice...we have a ManBand now xD
not act all butthurt over a joke because his time has passed by 20 years ago

@troybryan8147 - 29.01.2025 23:41

I would have said to the Irishman “ don’t get your panties in a wad little leprechaun”

@emeralddreamscape4842 - 01.02.2025 09:52

I don’t understand what he did wrong

@SteveWilliams-i5q - 02.02.2025 03:30

He's not angry at all and thos judges can't comprehend because they're too busy sniffing thier own asses

@richardhanssen672 - 02.02.2025 20:39

So if you are real and entertain the actual crowd instead of the tv judges you are not good

@popculturerocks - 02.02.2025 21:43

EXCELLENT performance from him and the "Judges" self own here was amazing.This cat is the Australian John Fogarty.

@methotrexate13 - 03.02.2025 20:23

Fuck the judges this bloke has fucking talent ......

@ArturPereiraMTB - 07.02.2025 04:44

That's the problem of having more talent than all of the judges put together.

@thorporter8319 - 19.02.2025 12:08

These judges were trying to be cheeky from the get go you can see he clearly got frustrated with the patronising from the young male judge . Ffs learn to speak to people you brat of adult

@thorporter8319 - 19.02.2025 12:12

I thought it was Australia’s got talent . not Australia’s got personality 😂😂😂 ffs lol

@Akdjwjeiei - 19.02.2025 16:32

They ain’t judges no more lmfao

@MrBowelz - 22.02.2025 01:33

I found his channel and subscribed, and wont ever watch another Austrailias got talent with that idiot judge on the far left.

@alfredonanuk6092 - 22.02.2025 08:04

worst judges ever

@wayne5607 - 22.02.2025 20:19

The judges are a bunch of little girls! Butt hurt Bitchers and the judge is the one whos an ass!

@ding0925 - 23.02.2025 01:10

every one thinks the 3 judges run it when in reality the people that really run it are in the background that's why Owen was called back .

@brianstubberfield2116 - 24.02.2025 16:47

Always makes me laugh. Being judged by talentless idiots

@Philthy82 - 26.02.2025 06:40

I like the guy! That boy band comment hit a nerve! 😂

@hidrislim1459 - 26.02.2025 08:16

I keep coming back to this video year after year just to remember what fragile ego looks and sounds like. They rejoiced on breaking his free spirit. He apologized, didn't lash out, kept his cool even though he's hurt. He is admirable! The fact that he came back for a second audition makes you understand how humble and strong he is

@coleburns6705 - 26.02.2025 23:06

The difference between a show judge and GOD; GOD doesn't think he's a show judge

@Canadiancaveman - 27.02.2025 13:45

Worst judges

@RichsMowersNBlowers - 28.02.2025 02:59

Being cocky or trying to be funny and not landing the punch lines.... saying I'll play to the audience like the judges is not there is a way to bring down nerves.

The judges were as.ses and held a grudge.

He should be a star and tell the judges off at every concert.

@michell9753 - 28.02.2025 08:32

This is the most ridiculous singer ever😂😂😂😂😂😂

@LESPAUL261 - 01.03.2025 19:13

He is no Clive barnes

@PapaLes-s5f - 02.03.2025 00:26

These judges are self centered idiots :

@girlinagale - 02.03.2025 23:45

Welcome to the machine.

@calitri-boost - 04.03.2025 11:34

Damn wtf he was just showing personality. The judges are far from perfect and obviously make huge mistakes as they just did. Oh let’s vote no cause he hurt my little girl feelings. Listen to the crowd next time. Pick some new judges lmao.

@nathanturley4916 - 04.03.2025 22:55

According to Simon Cowell one of the most prestigious judges of these Got Talent type shows he says we don't count it's about the audience. Like the musicians if the judges can't take criticism maybe they need a different job

@VulpezEdits - 05.03.2025 03:23

The judges are terrible.

@peterblackstock9157 - 05.03.2025 09:57

These judges are honestly a joke
He was very entertaining

@AHorseCalledMan - 06.03.2025 03:10

Fella Brian is a prick. He took it so personal and he abused his position. I hope he's proud of himself 🤦🏻‍♂️

@GodKillerKRAT0S - 06.03.2025 18:34

Judges are so soft, delicate egos

@AcesHigh-n1w - 07.03.2025 18:27

Bloody hell! Seeing a bunch of snobby celebrities who lost touch with the common people, sook over Australian sarcasm makes me realize deciding not watching TV was a good choice. I suppose it was just a shock to their systems, to be pulled back into the grips of reality, and made to feel like their star power doesn't mean much to some!

@jacobpaint - 07.03.2025 20:05

Judges made themselves look like complete arses on this one. Stupid show and judging by a quick Google that shows Owen has recorded a couple of albums and is still following his passion (as you’d expect), he was probably better off not getting selected. He showed personality and the only one who could appreciate it was freaking Kyle and it would have been absurd if someone like Kyle had said no because he thought Owen was rude.

@karenhenness5174 - 07.03.2025 21:09

I am very proud of these judges.I've been a musician over twenty years and I know you don't go out on stage and make a complete ass of yourself

@marioslixourgiotis1903 - 10.03.2025 01:17

12 yrs ago owen fucked your mom lets celebrate!

@naturelover3189 - 12.03.2025 04:53

Being judge mean top but crush him n can't control, they should handle him well

The boy to need to be humble

@cecils3357 - 15.03.2025 11:06

With that attitude, he deserved that treatment.

@johnmoon9146 - 16.03.2025 13:12

I would ask Owen to kiss my entire ass!

@PLANOAPETROLIN - 18.03.2025 09:43

Woke judge

@brandonabarry29 - 19.03.2025 20:45

His guitar playing is insane to say the least

@MarkWemby - 21.03.2025 22:13

He could busk outside when everyone came out and make thousands in minutes probably.

@johnnyheidi2839 - 22.03.2025 22:46

Rich coming from McFadden he always came across as the cockiest in Westlife bit of double standards

@phoenixrivers7283 - 23.03.2025 00:28

Brian was actually the problem here, it's disgusting what the judges did here, celebrities have clashes all the time wtf

@richardharris6496 - 23.03.2025 20:42

An absolutely perfect example of self sabotage!
He preemptively rejected them before he thought they were going to reject him, which gave them no dignified choice but to unfortunately reject him. This artist truly screwed himself. Wake up and do better next time.
