Surgical Goblin [ENG]

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@Halfdimension1263 - 08.01.2025 18:45

Yo what's up guys Surgical goblin here, welcome to new episode, surg we want you to restore the old Clash Royale community again, lets make this game on top as it was :)

@mohamadparsasharifi - 08.01.2025 18:55

that one larry cuz of the dager take the hole tower🤣

@PennyLaTarada - 08.01.2025 18:58

I think they should have nerfed the fake goblin's damage instead. The biggest issue I had in terms of balance with the evo barrel was that if the opponent tanked for the fake barrel, regardless of if you threw a spell at the real one or not, you'd still be taking the full damage of at least one barrel since the decoys deal as much damage as regular gobs

@Dragggggggg - 08.01.2025 19:26

What u will say about my deck-Goblin barrel, Dart goblin,Ice spirit,Cannon,Princess,Goblin Gang,Log and Goblinstein ?

@ToxicOverloadd - 08.01.2025 19:27

As someone who plays DD tower, I feel the change is slightly noticeable. I still think it’s still the worst tower troop. But if they kept the 8 to 9 daggers then we would see some difference

@anthonyrodriguez9067 - 08.01.2025 19:38

Doctor dies with firebalk surge greetings from mexico wey

@egyyoussif6636 - 08.01.2025 19:42

Can u make a good deck with 0 evolution? Thx

@robbywillis4849 - 08.01.2025 19:51

FINALLY🎉!!! Thank you surgical goblin I've been trying to find a deck to get me out of the third league was practically stuck there. Ive been using the second deck you shown with the witch jusy demolishing through people. Thank you man😊

@xshaxo9842 - 08.01.2025 19:51

do you think you should run evo wallbreakers now in logbait? I think it might be better.

@Virtahep0 - 08.01.2025 19:57

what do you think about this deck I found from someone playing it in top 40:
inferno tower , minion horde , goblin gang , log , miner , princess , evo knight , evo wallbreakers
as for the tower, dagger duchess

@henrygutierrezsantiago607 - 08.01.2025 20:01

Can i join your clan haha

@FANETO2688 - 08.01.2025 20:13

they shouldve just nerfed the damage or something like that for the evo barrel. the whole point of the evolution is to trick the enemy to pick the wrong one, it is literally the worst thing they couldve done to it, the value is just not there anymore majority of the time

@AhnafJayen - 08.01.2025 20:44

Play with a new mk pekka deck (please)

@dominicjefferies6767 - 08.01.2025 20:44

Hey surg , I was wondering what does that "c" award mean on your profile when you load into a match? (The green one)

@Victim-xs1kd - 08.01.2025 20:45

Day 9 of saying that we love our chubby goblin ❤❤❤

@rickyspanishhh6007 - 08.01.2025 20:48

You should do a video just on the balance changes.
Just going over all the changes and your thoughts on how it will affect the use of the card. People would definitely watch that.

@sanket_dalvi28 - 08.01.2025 20:51

Can anyone tell me how to identify a real barrel which side?

@luckycat7728 - 08.01.2025 20:56

Archer queen didn't deserve a nferf 😡 also the barrel they spoil it just like they destroyed elixir collector

@georgesaliba8876 - 08.01.2025 21:04

I love the balance changes, I dont know about taking away the 9th dagger.

The evo barrel was too much value, although the point of it is to make the opponent guess, it isn't supposed to be that influential.

I think nerfing the fake barrel would help, maybe half damage, because even if you know the fake, sometimes the counterpush can be undefendable.

Its great to see mighty miner back in the meta, especially with goblinstein nerfed.

@luta5221 - 08.01.2025 22:15

Nice layout

@xdmemes-games1058 - 08.01.2025 22:18

What evolution would you recommend after the balance changes?

@jasonuerkvitz3756 - 08.01.2025 22:58

It's funny how your experience with the game is entirely different from that of mine. The players I match with play a lot of witch, a lot of evolved firecracker, a ton of mega-knight, a ton of PEKKA (almost everyone runs him), and a lot of Goblinstien. For the witch, I see a lot players running her with evolved wizard supporting mega-knight or PEKKA and sometimes both or on occasion goblin giant or golem.
With all of the balance changes, the cards I was hoping they would address as well were Golden Knight and barbarians.
Golden Knight has had a lot of tweaks, but he simply under performs compared to his two similar counterparts in bandit and prince. For one less elixir you get an incredibly annoying, incredibly good card that dashes automatically and can earn much needed chip throughout a match. For 1 more elixir you have a legitimate threat to towers, a great anti-tank card, and something ideal you can build a push around. He's brilliant for split-lane or for single tower attacks. He can't be knocked back and he can jump the moat. Both bandit and prince can be cycled back to or mirrored so you can have multiples of them on the board. They also synergize really well with other cards. Golden Knight you can only ever have one of on the board. Costs a hefty four elixir for what is basically a regular knight, and for a hefty additional 1 elixir gets his ricochet dash but that is extraordinarily situational and most players are able to counter it. In my opinion, the Golden Knight either needs to do more damage, or attack faster, or should be 3 elixir.
Then there is the barbarians. 5 elixir for a very fragile unit that lacks versatility and is generally out performed by goblin gang or royal guards is pretty frustrating. Goblin gang gets a ranged attack, moves faster, and is cheaper, making it fit in with lots of decks as one of the ultimate support 3 elixir cards, and royal guards do a great deal of damage and have shields for a mere 3. Barbarians, well, they just suck. They should either get a health buff, a speed buff, a damage buff, or a reduction in elixir cost to 4. They suck. Hardly anyone uses them because of how fragile they are and how expensive they are, making it tricky to find a good place for them in a deck.
The other changes they did are really inconsequential for a player like me that constantly faces PEKKA and mega-knight supported by Goblinstien and firecracker. CR has become a dull, monotonous experience where I am not improving as a player overall, and getting pigeon-holed into playing cards I find particularly antithetical to my sensibilities. Admittedly, I am a very stubborn person and I'm trying to force a giant, hideous foot into the glass slipper that is CR deck building and I repeatedly fail because of it, essentially smashing my head into a proverbial brick wall, assuming I will one day cause a break through. I am a very average player, that has never reached ultimate champion, but the one season where Dagger Duchess came out, I reached Royal Champion. I've since only made it to Grand Champion once, and all of the last few seasons, Champion. I have played the same deck for over a year. I know this is my fault as a player and a symptom for why I am not progressing, but I also believe that SuperCell has made some incredibly daft decisions with their cards they've decided to give evolutions to and the buffs that those cards received and their obstinate refusal to address the prevalence of cards like firecracker and the massive idiocy behind Goblinstien as a card and concept as a whole. Both firecracker and Goblinstien belong solely in Brawl Stars and nowhere else in SuperCell games. Man, do they suck.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant. I doubt anyone will read this novel, but I have a very distinct game experience with CR and I find it funny how there is this niche, high-level experience out there that's fun to watch, but never something I will experience myself.

@vjr - 08.01.2025 23:07

Thumbnail goes hard bro

@petitponey1255 - 08.01.2025 23:30


@arthur_agatapa9418 - 08.01.2025 23:31

I might start running evo cannon because of the skellies nerf

@kysh4178 - 08.01.2025 23:39

they destroyed the evo man with the nerf

@SikeyYT - 09.01.2025 00:57

Morten explained the goblin barrel evo will still be good because when both sides are tanked for you just cant take advantage of the information

@Brenogustavo-y9x - 09.01.2025 03:30

The problem is having to get these decks to elite level quickly and without spending money on the game.

@ABSTRACT278 - 09.01.2025 04:36


@ChunkyCleanup - 09.01.2025 05:04


@AdamMcIntosh-bo5ib - 09.01.2025 06:19

Not sure why they felt they nedded to nerf almost every single log bait card. I realize that theres a couple top players that use this archetype but doesnt mean the cards were overpowered just very skilled players liked to use them becasue it can be a very skill based deck i love log bait and this shit hurts

@anand6301 - 09.01.2025 06:32

Please provide a link to copy the decks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@gamingwithpurg3anarchy157 - 09.01.2025 07:05

I can't even tell the ram rider got nerfed. exactly The same to play against

@yswong2193 - 09.01.2025 07:14

electro dragon is busted!!!

@ObedEscalante-w9t - 09.01.2025 08:22

Mega Knight should be deleted it needs a nerf

@waynelee6364 - 09.01.2025 08:34

Yo Champ! is evo mortar bait already dead in this season 😢?

@echidna_new - 09.01.2025 09:59

Finally someone said that pigs vs hypnobait is not that easy😢

@mohabens8617 - 09.01.2025 11:48

Surg is exe still solid with pekka??

@terrysigmon3119 - 09.01.2025 12:06

I would use the Evo WBs on the Logbait Deck instead of Evo GB.

@twatik - 09.01.2025 17:17

Evo Skeletons, evo ice spirit did NOT need to get nerfed, NOTHING except fisherman, Gobstein, and evo pekka needed a nerf, they really just nerfed most decks

@ZenoParker-Stark-b7l - 09.01.2025 20:30

I think the change to the goblin barrel is useless the whole point of it was so you couldn’t tell which one had the real goblins, so basically it isn’t much better than a regular

@brqy - 10.01.2025 07:53

does he just do a voiceover and re-record the facecam for the english videos? if so does he look down at his game just for immersion for the video?

@ceijeey8789 - 10.01.2025 08:30

I came back to the game i cant win a fuckin single game. Wtf happened, it's so fckin unbalanced. Can anybody give me a deck please?

@StrifeHale - 10.01.2025 19:12

I have a request, can you start using timestamps please?

@melslapper9476 - 11.01.2025 03:47

Needless to say this was one of many mistakes the devs have committed

@jakubexner9011 - 14.01.2025 13:19

I used code SurgicalGoblin for the win! :)

@legendarymystics4875 - 19.01.2025 16:19

I play Clash Royale

@SurgicalGoblinENG - 08.01.2025 19:07

Do you guys like the balance changes? I think they did a good job overall!
