unite we are all brave Ethiopians
ОтветитьKory Spring
ОтветитьThey denied it then! Now we know how shameless they were. It’s happening today!
ОтветитьUS trade point 11:11 am seeking China to look at vid
ОтветитьWilliam Davison lol
ОтветитьWe Tigrain hunt the criminal Faciest Abiy Ahmed & Esaias Afework to bring them to ICC.
Ответить# TPLF is terrorist
ОтветитьAs an Ethiopian we all know the truth so the fake news don't matter
ОтветитьCan some polite Ethiopian friend guide me about the real intentions of the TPLF and secondly is there really a Tigrayan genocide going on. Also why is Eritrea supporting defeat of TPLF while they themselves are Tigray majority
ОтветитьBrother against brother
ОтветитьTigray people don't trust the government.
ОтветитьUnder the old Tigray President His daughter semhal meles zenawi, took billions of dollars out of Ethiopia And deposit and Switzerland,great Britain,American, Go look it up she’s been expose deposit and 5 billion in the US Bank she’s been exposed with high power rifles from America in the UK.They should’ve wound up the old regime.
ОтветитьEthiopia, Eritrea will be defeated by Tigray soon. They don't know the phycological makeup, bravery, and History of Tigray.
ОтветитьGAME OVER. TPLF love you , one love ( Erhytrée Ethiopie )
ОтветитьI Am mr c and I have approved this msg
ОтветитьNo more talking
ОтветитьI'm done
ОтветитьMany attacks
ОтветитьAstrol attacks
ОтветитьAmmanuel army's on go
ОтветитьBaton Rouge la asap
ОтветитьI don't care who see my text im stop them from playing with me
ОтветитьUseless! You deserve blockade!
ОтветитьAbyi and Esaias have lose ground they begin to act in desperation.
Old fashion Eritrea leadership train amahara militia gang (FANU).
What a joke.
Tigray time is late cool down we Remembers 27 Years controll all cetizen in Ethiopia mow too late
ОтветитьPropoganda will never make some one a winner if you want junta to win come out and fight by your self
ОтветитьWho said the Ethiopian government have no support????
You dont know our heart ABY Ahmed is in our heart that's why we diclare victory over junta so fast and even if you make propoganda for TPLF but we can still kick them out and we restore our peace
William Davidson is a tigre in a white skin
ОтветитьAl jazzera probably works for Egypt.
ОтветитьWilliam Davidson is not a journalist because he could not report the real background of the current fightings. First of al let me ask this fake journalist William... as he knew tplf was on power for over 27 years .why did not ask self determination while stiill tplf was on power????They have killed tens of thousands without justice and buried them in mass graves. William is a self interested , corrupted journalist ....this kind of journalist is the one that hit the twine tower in september 11. TPLF WAS THE ONE THAT KILLED usa citizens in Somalia..... William are you supporting terrorist groups??????????????
ОтветитьAKSAMITES are the leaders of Ethiopia! Tigray people stand strong and take over Eritrea and make Ethiopia ONE - your DNA tells you to make Ethiopia ONE and Eritrea is the missing piece in the puzzle - Africa awaits your leadership!
Ответитьህልሚ እዩ ንትግራይ ምግዛእ!!!!!
ОтветитьThe people of Tigray are the ones to benefit the most from the major dam project but they are the very ones who receive money from Egypt to fight a war and destroy their own interests. That moment when your dullness exceeds stupidity.
Ответитьها ها ها ها ، هل هذا حقًا ما تعتقده في TPLF؟ وتعتقد أن الحرب انتهت؟
أنت لا تعرف TPLF ، وأنت تشتري الكثير من حماقات دعاية أبي أحمد. الأمر ليس كما يبدو.
Willam is a paid reporter by TPLF, he doesn’t have a support from Ethiopian people and the government! What ever he speaks is not true! Chased from Ethiopia!
ОтветитьAljazira must stop campaign against African leaders.
Aljazira alway don't have good news about African countries. The world will be peace without aljazira.
Why Aljazira is terrorist sponsor.
Because they know the fact tplf is gone under ground forever. International flight is started in the region of tgray.
Electric open tellehpone is open food and medicine supplies are available. People are happy.
Ethiopia people they don't like tegrawyan
Ответитьfake arab news channel,
ОтветитьThis page wants ethiopia to fall soo bad 😂
ОтветитьPm abiy is war criminal
ОтветитьThey vacate the city because Tigray didn't want it to fight in their city and bring destruction. As soon ethiopian army will be demobilizing. They will descent on them like a a avalanche
ОтветитьWilliam again 🤦♀️
ОтветитьWilliam, why not you talk about the evil TPLF? Is TPLF an angel to you? Shame on you, the so-called pseudo-expert.
ОтветитьOur pm is a noble peace price winer and he has this to show for it😂🤣😂 what a jk
Ответитьt h e y n e v e r g o t e t h i o p i a.