I had trouble with the graph editor. Turns out you need to set the graph editor to "edit speed graph" by clicking the menu button next the eye-shaped icon at the bottom of the graph editor window.
Ответитьthanks for the tutorial
ОтветитьCan this be done on a still jpeg image?
ОтветитьBrilliant! I love this. No frills, straight to the point. Thanks
Ответитьthank u so much brother
ОтветитьI had trouble with the graph editor the curve is only positive not negative like in the vid how to solve it?
ОтветитьBest channel for tutorial, I see you your videos from Iran... thank you
ОтветитьShutter Angle is not working, Could you help me?
ОтветитьThis tutorial would have been perfect if you just included how to do the second step, aka cutting the adjustment layers. I've been looking up other tutorials just to figure out how to do that one thing. You went over how to create a new adjustment layer but then just brush right over the next step without even saying what hotkey you just used or how to do it. I'm trying not to come off as angry in this comment but I've been spending like 10 minutes looking up and figuring out how to do that one thing.
What's the point of shortening videos if you don't include necessary details?
EDIT: For those also wondering, the shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+D
Also I just saw the in-depth tut. Watching that one now.
Thank you my friend!
Ответитьis there any way to speed it up?
ОтветитьHow we can have u interface positioning? like you tool position etc ... ?
Ответитьthank you!
ОтветитьThank you!! that was fast and easy and beautiful!
ОтветитьThank you
Ответитьif i change the first keyframe like you did and wanna do the same on the second one, then it automatically influences the first one... what is the fix??
ОтветитьIncredible how easy and effective that is.
ОтветитьWhenever I click f9 the windows icon opens .. plz help
Ответитьmy graph look like a mountain not wave
ОтветитьGreat video, super easy to follow
Ответитьmy graph looks nothing like that in the video
ОтветитьQuick and simple, bless you
ОтветитьYou said press F9 but it doesn't work bc im on Mac so what do I press now?
ОтветитьI think this transition is cool and I really loved it too but how can I do slide transition with this
ОтветитьHelp me How to reset win
Ответитьhelped a lot <3
Ответитьeven after 2 years this toturial still works fine
ОтветитьSpot on! Beautifully done!
ОтветитьAwesome effect brother! Thanks loads!
ОтветитьHey bro i did exactly what you did but when i open the graphs mine is not like that but it only goes uphill and then down to the lvl it started what am i doing wrong cuz its not many steps xd
ОтветитьFor those, who thinks that effect is not working, be sure that you animate scale keyframes in the menu effect->transformation, not just transformation. it is a different parameter!
Ответитьi followed the steps but my graph was not like that...
ОтветитьGreat video!!!
ОтветитьWhich are version are you using in the video?
ОтветитьTY TY TY TY TY!!!! Worked Just Like You Said!! TY! .. Is There Any Way To Sav This As A Transition So I Dont HavE To Go Through The Process Again?
ОтветитьAnd use ss radial blur cool idea. Fnx
Ответитьhey i followed the steps but nothing happens here is no zoom transition idk why its not working for me
ОтветитьTitle: Under 2 minutes
Video: 1m59s
Ответитьstraight to the point; appreciate it <3
ОтветитьHow did you cut the adjusment layer into 2 part?
Ответитьthreeeee sisxty hhhhhh thank you man