Vital Signs Taking: Body Temperature, Pulse Rate (PR), Respiratory Rate (RR), Blood Pressure (BP)

Vital Signs Taking: Body Temperature, Pulse Rate (PR), Respiratory Rate (RR), Blood Pressure (BP)

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@StephanieAnnobil-w2u - 05.03.2025 01:14

Please can you teach me how to read the pulse

@SnehaSneha-mb4lz - 28.02.2025 19:18

Kondanta telivi ,cettanta needa children stories

@selanpoyep1010 - 19.02.2025 19:07


@LettleViolet - 14.02.2025 05:08

I really love this Method thank u very much

@AmaliRupasinghe55 - 29.01.2025 02:13

People help me

@MagdalenaMathias-e4x - 28.12.2024 08:13

More appreciated

@YaaOppong-m1f - 14.11.2024 19:48

Please help me in all the procedures please

@JestinaSaah-p7p - 02.11.2024 01:39

Much appreciated

@LuwamYemane-ib2qt - 06.08.2024 18:47

Thanks so much ❤❤❤

@TetaPowoe - 27.07.2024 14:45

Thank you ❤

@nursingagent-co7il - 17.07.2024 08:07


@dareewanduu2367 - 27.05.2024 00:46

Afaan Oromotin Nu gadi dhisaa ka

@NoroLobuangole - 08.05.2024 10:37

Thanks so much

@WilliamBipheanNhialGiel - 27.04.2024 16:29

Addition: capillary refill time,spo2,Urine output,pain score and AVPU level of consciousness are also part of vitals sign assessment.

@elgelynpenaso4757 - 27.04.2024 09:28

Thank you ❤

@UjuOkafor-rl1np - 26.04.2024 11:17

Wow ooooh I love this God bless you for teaching me

@SimonRaymonde93 - 19.03.2024 21:36

Tout mes félicitations mes amours. Suis infirmières en 4e année

@lovelymaymelecio5 - 18.03.2024 15:38

Ano yung pinapahid po sa gamit

@AsielArceroMagtulis - 24.02.2024 20:13

happy birthday junjun

@stem2anduyan539 - 18.02.2024 18:24

malamang naa KO DRI Kay retdem

@-Musicallyrics - 15.02.2024 17:29

my gf prof said na stop holding the bell of stet instead hold the chest piece hehhe

@YamilaChap - 14.02.2024 05:04


@mleemarshmello2804 - 05.02.2024 12:08

We have retdem tomorrow, thanks for this!

@HajaSesay-l7p - 02.02.2024 13:29

Thank you for making me understand

@EliyasMeseret-g3g - 01.02.2024 17:41

Tanka's for God

@Over2646 - 31.01.2024 03:38


@Milkiastufa - 24.01.2024 10:15

Translate to oromo

@Milkiastufa - 24.01.2024 10:12

Thank you somuch

@gamearena4259 - 18.01.2024 03:13

I am grateful

@AbdiwaliCali-in3cl - 19.12.2023 22:59

Thanks teacher i have understood

@oluwolefestus7648 - 07.12.2023 13:37

The procedure is great, but the body mechanics?

@JanetNambuya-u7u - 20.11.2023 12:50

I gut it ba dear😂😂😂😂❤❤❤

@LameDeniseTeeh - 17.11.2023 14:52


@SelomieDangew-jh9ks - 04.11.2023 16:19


@MohndzembakopSandrine - 03.11.2023 01:32

Waoh very interesting thanks so much

@NabwireIrene-ez9ph - 28.07.2023 11:33

Can I follow this procedure and I apply it to the patient l am first year nurse and how can I perfect my nursing

@aminroid - 23.07.2023 00:24

Can i use this video for illustration vital sign check up?

@Arfankhostwall - 30.06.2023 15:26

Thanks ❤

@christypinar4516 - 14.02.2023 19:15

Christy Pinar

A. This video shows the importance of vital signs taking and how essential it is in the overall assessment of pur patient.

B. Yes, vital signs takjng is important since it can provide an accurate reading on the essential informations of our patient with regards to their health and it is a stepping stone in identifying the condition of our patient.

C. To be able to create the best plan of care for our patient and to be ablt to provide nursing interventions that can be beneficial for their care.

D. It is important because it can help us nurses identify which interventions could be or is better for our patient with regards to vital signs taking.

E. My learnings for today’s video is that vital signs taking is very important and should be the first thing that us nurses should take in our patient. Just with vital signs taking we can gain a little overview on the condition of our patient.

@ralphjuliusondonalubguban1588 - 14.02.2023 17:04

Lubguban, Ralph Julius O.

A. Vital signs are useful in detecting or monitoring medical problems. Vital signs can be measured in a medical setting, at home, at the site of a medical emergency, or elsewhere.

B. Its important because there are times that the patient is not aware of it vital signs and it can affect its daily living.

C. To be able to monitor the patients vital signs and avoid any error and not waste any time

D. To identify if the patient doesn't have any unusualities of its vital signs.

E. The learnings that i have gathered from this video is the importance of vital signs taking amd how to properly execute it with not doing any errors.

@gabriellemonika414 - 14.02.2023 15:54

BSN 1-A13

Vital signs are a group of objective measurements that provide information about a person’s basic body functions. They include body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. These measurements are often taken by healthcare professionals to assess a person’s overall health status and to help diagnose and monitor various medical conditions.

A functional assessment process is necessary to help understand an individual's behavior of concern. It is essential to identify appropriate and helpful teaching strategies and interventions that will support the individual in achieving the quality of life they desire.

Clinical observation and inspection are fundamental to the practice of medicine. They are central aspects of the physical examination as they lead to accurate diagnoses and treatment.

The mental status examination can help distinguish between mood disorders, thought disorders, and cognitive impairment, and it can guide appropriate diagnostic testing and referral to a psychiatrist or other mental health professional.

I’ve learned that vital signs can help healthcare professionals identify potential health problems or monitor a patient's condition over time. Changes in vital signs may indicate a range of conditions, from minor illnesses to life-threatening emergencies, and can help guide the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a patient's care. Regularly monitoring vital signs can help ensure patient safety and improve overall healthcare outcomes.

@rosielsumayang5056 - 14.02.2023 15:21

Sumayang, Rosiel A.

A.Vital signs should be taken when the individual is at rest and hasn't eaten, drank, smoked or exercised within the last 30 minutes. To recap, normal vital sign ranges for average healthy adults (at rest) are: Blood pressure: 90/60 mm Hg to 120/80 mm Hg. Breathing: 12 to 18 breaths per minute.

B.A functional assessment process is necessary to help understand an individual's behaviour of concern. It is essential to identifying appropriate and helpful teaching strategies and interventions that will support the individual in achieving the quality of life they desire.
C. Clinical observation and inspection are fundamental to the practice of medicine. They are central aspects of the physical examination as they lead to accuidiagnises and treatment.

D. The mental status examination can help distinguish between mood disorders, thought disorders, and cognitive impairment, and it can guide appropriate diagnostic testing and referral to a psychiatrist or other mental health professional.
E. I know the correct procedure in vital signs taking

@julesmapaloviano7967 - 14.02.2023 13:44

BSN 1 - A13

a. Temperature, respiration rate, pulse, blood pressure, and, when necessary, blood oxygen saturation are all considered vital signs. These figures offer crucial information—hence the word "vital"—about the state of health of a patient. They can specifically detect the presence of a serious medical issue. are a quick way to gauge the severity of a condition and how effectively the body is handling the resulting physiological stress. The patient is more ill the more abnormal the vital signs are. are indicators of chronic illness conditions (e.g. hypertension is defined as chronically elevated blood pressure).

b. It is crucial to evaluate functional health since the information gathered may reveal a way to promote health and prevent illness or offer relief or support. It is crucial to take into account wider aspects of health as a holistic and comprehensive assessment because health goes beyond the absence of sickness.

c. Medical practice is fundamentally based on clinical observation and examination. They are essential components of the physical exam because they result in precise diagnoses and interventions. Although the phrases "observation" and "inspection" are sometimes used synonymously, inspection primarily refers to what we can see on the body's surface, while "observation" is a broader term that refers to the deliberate use of our senses to gather physical and behavioral information. The hue of the skin is something that is instantly discernible while assessing a patient. This can offer crucial hints to the underlying medical issue and point the practitioner in the direction of a diagnosis.

d. The mental status examination is a methodical evaluation of the patient's cognitive and behavioral abilities. It covers descriptions of the patient's outward appearance and general behavior, level of awareness and alertness, motor and linguistic activity, mood and affect, thought and perception, attitude and insight, the examiner's reaction, and, lastly, higher cognitive capacities. The clinical relevance of certain cognitive abilities including attentiveness, language, memory, constructional ability, and abstract reasoning is highest.

e. I learned taking vital signs in advance because I am a volunteer in a health organization and in this video I learned few more things such as the importances.

@abigailtabay226 - 14.02.2023 13:25

The procedure for taking the body's temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation level, or 02sat, is shown in the video, as well as the proper positioning of the tools used. the significance of taking vital signs, reminders for using it, and the range in which they should fall.

A functional evaluation is important since it has an impact on how the subject conducts daily tasks. Vital signs will give the patient information about their health status, enabling them to make informed decisions about what to prevent and what to keep up with that will have an impact on their everyday activities.

Is essential because it will enable nurses to choose a nursing solution that will accurately represent your vital signs and their wellness.

The patient's entire mental status must be noted when taking vital signs in order to determine how and where to perform the patient's initial assessment. As you are already aware of the patient's mental condition, this will also assist the nurse in providing better nursing care.

After seeing this clip, I gained knowledge about the right technique, the significance of obtaining vital signs, and their precautions and reminders. Since the patient's vital signs are a representation of their health, the nurse must obtain them accurately.

@kristianajuliannevivaresle4481 - 13.02.2023 18:13

1BSN- A13


- The video shows how to properly take vital signs from the patient.

- It is important to know the concept of functional assessment because it helps us nurses to provide interventions that will help support patients in achieving a healthy life.

- To provide the physician an insight about your observations and also provide accurate nursing diagnosis.

- Yes it is important that we should assess the patient's mental status so that we would be aware if our patient needs immediate attention or not.


- As I watched the video, I learned that in taking vital signs is important since it assess our patient's wellbeing.

@FrancesZenvieAlferezTantiado - 13.02.2023 16:47

Tantiado, Frances Zenvie A.

A. The video showed what vital sign is, what does it composed of and how it is done as well as why is it done.

B. Yes it is important, vital signs gives the indivisible an insight about their health status which will help them know what to do to avoid in case of some problems.

C. To have a good nursing intervention and come up with an accurate nursing care for the patient.

D. Yes, it is important to assess patient's mental status for us to know their level ug responsiveness and cooperation.

E. It is important to know your vital signs to get a preliminary diagnosis of your heath status, the video also showed the proper way in taking vital sign and also the materials that would be used.

@echeilsulib4949 - 13.02.2023 16:36

Sulib, Echeil D.
SWU – 1BSN – A13

a. Provide a summary of the video.
- the video contain vital signs taking of body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure, which is essential in assessing a patient.

b. A 65-year-old patient came to the ER to have her vital signs assessed. After taking the vital signs, all results were at a normal level. So why is it important to know the concept of functional assessment? Does this measure how a person manages day-today activities?
- To better comprehend a person's troubling behavior, a functional assessment method is required. In order to assist the person in obtaining the quality of life they seek; it is critical to discover appropriate and beneficial teaching tactics and interventions.

c. You are assigned to the stroke unit and monitor the patient's vital signs. Why is it essential that you also need to observe the patient and infer health or dysfunction during observation?
- They are central aspects of the physical examination as they lead to accurate diagnoses and treatment

d. In taking vital signs, is it necessary to note the full mental status of the patient? Why is there a need to systematically check emotional and cognitive functioning?
- to estimate applicants' potential to use mental processes to solve work-related problems or to acquire new job knowledge.

e. What learnings did you ponder, and what insights did you gain after watching the video?
- I’ve learned that it is important to observe and gather information about the patient’s overall health status to provide the best possible intervention they needed.

@giamairah.tapdasa7395 - 13.02.2023 11:39

VID 10
A. Provide a summary of the video.
ANS: The video demonstrates a basic understanding of vital signs. The first lesson a nursing student learns is about vital signs. It measures the most fundamental bodily processes. We must be aware of how to conduct this evaluation because it is essential for identifying or keeping track of medical issues.

B. A 65-year-old patient came to the ER to have her vital signs assessed. After taking the vital signs, all results were at a normal level. So why is it important to know the concept of functional assessment? Does this measure how a person manages day-to-day activities?
ANS: Identification of suitable and beneficial teaching tactics and interventions that will aid the person in obtaining the quality of life they seek is crucial when evaluating the client's physical and mental capabilities to engage in daily activities. A functional health assessment is crucial because it highlights areas where health promotion and prevention may be possible. Identification of suitable and beneficial teaching tactics and interventions that will aid the person in obtaining the quality of life they seek is crucial when evaluating the client's physical and mental capabilities to engage in daily activities. A functional health assessment is crucial because it highlights areas where health promotion and prevention may be possible.

c. You are assigned to the stroke unit and monitor the patient's vital signs. Why is it essential that you also need to observe the patient and infer health or dysfunction during observation?
ANS: Observation is one of the responsibilities of a nurse or any other member of the hospital staff. Medical practice is fundamentally based on clinical observation and examination. Monitoring vital signs is crucial to guaranteeing rapid diagnosis of bad events and appropriate treatment, allowing the patient's health to be stabilized. The terms "observation" and "inspection" are frequently used interchangeably.

D. In taking vital signs, is it necessary to note the full mental status of the patient? Why is there a need to systematically check emotional and cognitive functioning?
ANS: The patient's well-being is impacted by significant life events related to emotion and cognitive performance. We can advance the position of our patients by comprehending and learning about their well-being.

e. What learnings did you ponder, and what insights did you gain after watching the video?
ANS: I learned the importance of knowing the basic intervention in assessing the patient, which is taking vital signs. Practice and having background knowledge of this will surely make me more confident in engaging in this in a real-life situation.

@joliamariemalabay4656 - 12.02.2023 15:54

BSN 1-A13

a. Vital signs are useful in detecting or monitoring medical problems and a crucial for living a long and healthy life. Vital signs taking include body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. It keeps
b. It is important to know the concept of functional assessment to help understand and individual’s behavior of concern. It also measures how a person manages day to day activities.
c. To know if there are any changes to the patient situation. If the patient is still breathing and healthy.
d. Yes, it is necessary to note the full mental status of the patient. Mental status examination are the most important for the providers working with the patient to have an awareness of the patients’ level of health. It also defining the status of the current state of the patient.
e. This video taught me about vital signs monitoring. As a student nurse we should know how to take vital signs. We need also to look for specific changes that indicate an issue with the body. This video is very detailed and beneficial.

@glycapolangco7527 - 12.02.2023 10:49

Polangco, Sweet Glyca S.

Like any other skill, taking vital signs requires time and practice. So, the first step is to understand the proper techniques and procedures. The first step in taking the pulse rate is to wash your hands thoroughly. Ensure that your patient is relaxed before you begin. Use the radial artery to find their pulse. You can find it on the inside of their wrist (closest to their thumb). Place your first and second fingertips not your thumb in a firm yet gentle manner on the patient’s wrist. Look at a clock or watch and wait for the second hand to hit the 12. Start counting the beats of their pulse. Count the patient’s pulse for 60 seconds or until the second-hand returns to the 12. While counting, remember not to watch the clock constantly but instead concentrate on your patient’s pulse beats. in taking respiration rate first is to Put your fingers on the patient’s wrist (either side is fine). Count their breaths for one minute. Keep in mind that an inhale plus an exhale equals one respiration. Document their respiration rate. Include any relevant observations, such as wheezing, agitation, etc. In taking Temperature encase the thermometer mouth tip with a sanitary plastic shield. Press the button to turn on the thermometer. Put the thermometer under your patient’s tongue and ask them to keep their mouth closed. Remove the thermometer after it beeps to signal completion. Record their temperature, including necessary information like the date, time, and method used. Always clean and sterilize the thermometer. In taking the blood pressure first is to Disinfect the stethoscope. Ensure that the blood pressure monitor is working correctly. Place your fingers on the underside of the patient’s elbow to locate their pulse (referred to as the brachial pulse). Wrap the deflated cuff snugly around the patient’s upper arm. This should be at least one inch above where you detected the brachial pulse. Place the stethoscope earpieces in your ears and put the diaphragm (disk) over the brachial pulse. Twist the knob on the air pump clockwise to close the valve. Pump air and inflate the cuff until the dial pointer hits 170. Turn the knob on the air pump counterclockwise so that you can open the valve to deflate the cuff. When the dial pointer falls, closely observe the number and listen for a thumping sound. Record the number displayed as the first thump is heard (systolic pressure). Record the number displayed as the last thump is heard (diastolic pressure). Deflate and remove the cuff from the patient. Document these results and include any unusual observations.

b. A 65-year-old patient came to the ER to have her vital signs assessed. After taking
the vital signs, all results were at a normal level. So why is it important to know the
concept of functional assessment? Does this measure how a person manages day-today activities?
answer: It is important to know the concept of functional assessment to aid in understanding a person's troubling behavior. In order to assist the person in obtaining the quality of life they seek, it is critical to discover appropriate and beneficial teaching tactics and interventions.

c. You are assigned to the stroke unit and monitor the patient's vital signs. Why is it
essential that you also need to observe the patient and infer health or dysfunction
during observation?
answer: it is important to observe the patient and infer health or dysfunction to lead to accurate diagnoses and treatment.

d. In taking vital signs, is it necessary to note the full mental status of the patient? Why is there a need to systematically check emotional and cognitive functioning?
answer: this is to determine the patient’s general awareness and responsiveness as they include some of the brain's core functions such as thinking, reading, learning, retaining information, and paying attention, and are used to solve problems, remember tasks, and make decisions.

e. What learnings did you ponder, and what insights did you gain after watching the
answer: After watching the video I’ve learned the importance of taking vital signs in our daily lives and how is it useful in detecting or monitoring medical problems.
