ATOLLA Powered USB 3.0 Hub With 7 Ports | Best USB 3.0 Hub for Everyday Use

ATOLLA Powered USB 3.0 Hub With 7 Ports | Best USB 3.0 Hub for Everyday Use


2 года назад

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@DocksDoorsDrives - 18.10.2022 04:27

I have the same one! it works great

@IPlayCrust1 - 12.07.2023 04:40

i just subscribed to your channel i would like to say keep up the amazing reviews you help people like me make the choice to buy it or not and for that i say thank you

@Bro.Jerome - 23.06.2024 12:34

Would this work to use 2 mics MacBook for podcasting??

@shawnj5154 - 25.07.2024 07:41

Will it work for a ssd or external hard drive?

@nemisis_wolf - 03.02.2025 15:58

Hi good review and I own 2 Atolla USB powered Hubs but a slightly different version of this that has 4 charging or just pure power supply ports added as well although I don't use those ports.

All worked well for about 10 months but started getting USB disconnects with several devices literally disconnecting and reconnecting continuously, It would go away but resurface few days later, not long after that 3 of the 7 USB porst on one of the Hubs just stopped working! The devices would not get recognised by the PC on any of these 3 ports but if plugged into another port they would work. Not long after that I started getting disconnects from the second device.

So I have to note that I am a heavy device using Flight simmer having numerous Flight sim hardware devices that send a lot of data back and forth including screen info and all have a decent amount or Green LEDs to power and they do get used for hours daily so it is needing that extra power from the plug but it seems that the Atolla just does not have the necessary power to supply all these devices for so long and eventually goes faulty!

Had this happened with just one of the Hubs I would have put it down to a rare failure, but since both Hubs are now failing I have to say that these might be good for Light to medium use on devices just needing Data transfer but if you need to power the devices from the USB ports as well and you have a lot of devices (NOTE! I split my devices to 4 to each HUB so not even using all 7 ports that are available on each of mine) then I'd say buy something that has a bit more power available to supply than the Atolla's.

@bltefft - 17.02.2025 00:18

I recently received a Powered USB Hub 3.0, Atolla 7-Port USB Data Hub, only I don't use it the same way many do. I don’t use the Atolla’s USB at all, just the plug-in. I don’t connect it to a computer. I have it sitting on my workbench in my shed. I strictly use it for the 7 USB ports it offers. You see, I fly DJI drones and use USB-A to USB-C cables to charge their batteries and my controller. So, all I do is plug it into a wall outlet. It works fine for me.
