It doesn’t bother you in the beginning and for the first couple of years you may even be hopeful…and then time keeps passing and I’m not Martin so I don’t have an eloquent way to put this but it’s TORTURE. And anyone who loves these books and says that the delayed release of the next installments doesn’t bother them is lying.
ОтветитьYou HAVE GOT to change your mind about Jon in the next books, because Jon is boring!! Please 😂
ОтветитьDany had Stockholm syndrome bad
ОтветитьIf there can't be romantism in an arranged mariage, then romantism didn't exist until the XXth century !
What about Ned and Cathlyn ? Do you also have an issue with it ?
While I would agree that the show is more graphic than the books I would argue that, in large part, because of the ages of the characters the books are way more f**ked up.
ОтветитьDany is meant to be read as a victim of sexual assault and this is true for tyrion and cersei as well
ОтветитьJust now found your channel and going through your ASOIAF reviews... omg hearing your denial of Ned's death has me cracking up!! I never imagined what it could feel like to have these preconceived ideas of plot points so wrong because of misinterpreted spoilers. And it's absolutely hilarious.
Loving your videos!
A song of ice and fire, is like those children's picture books where you connect the dots to complete the picture.... Each dot is a difference characters point of view..
You cannot appreciate the picture the first time drawing it. You have to rewatch or reread to understand the story for real.
Sounds like you're personality would make a good wimpy girl character in a novel
ОтветитьThe issues that you have with game of thrones is understandable. Dunk and Egg is a prequel that has much softer tones
ОтветитьGirl seriously ily so much and I totally relate to you and your explanations, but PLEASE look up how to say things correctly. Cersei is pronounced SIR-SEE
ОтветитьTyrion is pronounced Teer-Ee-Un
ОтветитьYou brain dead cunt. That’s what you took from this book!
ОтветитьCan't trust your opinion if you can even watch the show. Just assuming it's not for you.
ОтветитьI HIGHLY recommend watching Hill's Alive video on CSA in the books and why it is seemingly such a common trope, she has very insightful commentary on all of it. Also keep in mind that GRRM loves to use unreliable narrators and force the reader to question the morality of the characters and the world yourself. Yes, terrible things are done to Dany, but she is the one rationalizing them away as romantic as a coping mechanism when in reality they are deeply traumatic events. It is up to the reader to realize how bad it actually is and understand that Dany's perception of her own life is not entirely accurate and that this will almost certainly result in bad things down the line.
ОтветитьI keep coming back to this video. It makes me happy.
ОтветитьJon snow’s chapters are the ones that I loved the most. Sad to hear those were your least favorite :/ I loved all of the lessons he learned and the wholesome moments with his friends, and anytime maester aemon talks it’s like poetry
ОтветитьI have no idea how you can state the books are less graphic than the show. It's literally the complete opposite, the show was very whitewashed and so many graphic and disturbing stuff was cut out. The show is not really graphic at all apart from major battle scenes. There are no rape scenes, the only one that does occur happens off screen and we don't see any of it. The books however go into a lot more detail.
ОтветитьThe reason you were bothered by Dany's storyline is purposeful, if you actually bothered to watch the show and realized she's actually the main antagonist/villain of the story you might understand the framing better.
ОтветитьYeah, ngl Dany and Drogo's relationship feels like Martin is romanticizing abuse, which is especially weird because GRRM is generally really good about NOT romanticizing that kind of thing.
ОтветитьWe’re all upset that Ned’s dead
ОтветитьI love all of your other videos on ASOIAF, but in this video you just sound like a complete idiot..
ОтветитьI don't think the show was any more graphic than the books... not even close.
The only difference is you SEE some of the graphic scenes rather than reading them. The books are even more detailed than the show.
I totally agree about Martin using S.A. way too many times (same with the sibling relationships), and yes, it's not necessary.
Edit: Also, GRRM had a lot of say so & involvement in the show during the early seasons, so he doesn't get a pass for how the Danny + Drago stuff was handled either.
My Ned Stark story ( SPOILERS BELOW ) -
My roommates were really into GoT when it first started airing. They'd watch week to week & try to get me to watch, but I had no idea what it was so I ignored it.
Weeks later, I pop out of my room to go to the kitchen & see my 2 roommates fixated on the screen. They told me they were watching GoT, and all I see is Sean Bean leaned over with an executioner standing by. I had no idea what was going on, but I decided to mock them saying "Spoiler Alert - it's Sean Bean... of course he's going to die!"
My friends told me he's not, he's the MC, and to shut up. I stood around for a minute just to see what would happen, then he gets decapitated & I busted out laughing saying "TOLD YA SO!" They were in SHOCK!
I went on my merry way, never to think about it again.
Fast forward nearly a year later, and S2 of GoT was about to come out, and the hype had transcended to a new level. It had fully penetrated the zeitgeist, and all I heard was S2 of GoT was about to start.
So I finally decided "fine, guess I'll watch the show," and went to Walmart, bought a Blu-ray box set of S1, then sat down to watch alone. I ended up hooked, and binge watched all night until I got to episode 9...
Then, at that same scene I had previously mocked a year before, the imagery flashed back the memory of what had happened! I had totally forgotten about Ned being killed, and was desperately hoping he'd survive! But because I stuck around for that ONE SCENE like an idiot, I spoiled it for myself!
I was so mad!!! I paused the show, walked out of my room, and told my 2 roommates what had happened. Man, did they ever let me have it! 😅
So I bitterly resigned myself to finish up the season & watch what I already knew was going to happen. From that point on, I watched week to week as it aired, but I was still so mad I ruined that moment for myself...
get a grip. your a grown woman.
ОтветитьI think the reason Dany and Drogo’s relationship isn’t depicted as gross is because it’s from Dany’s perspective who is in love with him and is also groomed. If the relationship was from anyone else’s perspective it would show how fucked up it really was I think
Ответитьthe world is a dark place, and children can only delude themselves into thinking it isn't
ОтветитьMartin writes from the perspective of the in-world characters. It's tone and "casual" treatment of situations is meant to reflect their knowledge and values.
ОтветитьYour PC philosophy kept you from reading quality lit. Correct yourself. The story is "medieval" in it's portrayal of society, male-female relationships, etc. Of course, it's brutal and sexist. Anything else would ring false. What do you want? A perfect modern-values, evolved society?
ОтветитьI read the first book when it was translated into my first language and thought it was good. I did buy the 'rest' of the books over the years (paperbacks, some large format) but I never continued. I thought the first book was a fair Arthurian type of story. It had a good pace and told its story well. The TV show did make me decide not to continue (I only watched the first season). It was too violent and explicit for me. Also, I tend to not 'like' characters that are too 'grey'. Sorry. It's not for me.
Ответитьi read the books long before the show. the show disappointed me in that it did not follow the books entirly like the hunger game series but it was well done and i like both the books and the HBO show. still waiting for the last book to read.
ОтветитьYou don't minding if the series will one day be finished, is like one of the radiant words : " Journey before destination"
ОтветитьI watched GoT 7x... all of it. Lol, thats says a lot. Ive never read the books. I did read Fourth Wing. I loved it. Is there more books as good as these 2 out there? I would love to give them a try!
ОтветитьYeah a lot of things in books are upsetting in movies and books, but this is what art it is, it provokes us, makes us think this is what good art should do, it is not something that should be censored canceled etc, if we do not have provoking art we will reflect less on the problematic parts of history and life, you not enjoying it well yea well duh.
We also need to stop calling male perspective sexist casually it is super duper wrong.
I liked your reaction to this book so much, that I will now go back and read the entire series AGAIN 😂
(I didn't think I would because of the.. "open ending")
I just love these books so much!
Love your energy and personality shining through, so liked an subscribed... now onto your other videos 🙂
I watched the show before I read the books but I still have book 5 to read but I’m waiting hoping that George RR Martin put out book 6 and 7 and have you read fire and blood? It takes place 500 years before Game of Thrones and it’s just about the Targaryen.
ОтветитьIt's such a testament to how good of a character Ned is and how good Sean Bean was in the show, that is he talked about so much despite dying in the first book/season. He really was too good for this world,
There's a point where it's suggested he might be allowed to join the Night's Watch, and it's fascinating to think what sort of turns Jon's story would have taken if that had happened
Jon is very important his mother is revealed in the show (not in the book yet) but is very important
ОтветитьIm one of those who never even knew there was a book i was so upset i didnt get to read the books first!
ОтветитьI love the series and books, as a female I enjoy seeing how the female characters navigate the patriarchal society and abuse and how they survive. Cersei is my all time favourite character in the books and I love how complicated she is and how she does things behind the scenes and her motivations.
ОтветитьThere was one line in Arya's pov of Ned's death that gave me false hope. Something about her not recognizing her father, or just something about him looking different.
ОтветитьThe Ned Stark reaction is hilarious lol
ОтветитьEras Tour Crew Neck!
ОтветитьThe reason I was excited to read this book was because of the naughty stuff. Im glad i read it without watching the show first
ОтветитьMy only complaint is the book had the glossary at the end unstead if the beginning. It would have come in handy as a reference throughout
ОтветитьI dunno why anyone would bully you (affectionately) to read this series that's very unlikely to ever be finished.
ОтветитьIm jealous that ASOIF is only the books to you I wish I could erase Game of Thrones seasons 5 thru 8 from my mind. I pretend the show ends of s cliffhanger at the end of season 4.
ОтветитьWill it be interesting to read books, i i have already watched the Television Show
ОтветитьPLEASE STOP SPOILING THINGS IN THE COMMENTS 😭😭 you know I love y’all and so I try to read/respond to every comment. But I’ve had to stop because I’ve read so many spoilers for the series at this point. Please at least mark a spoiler in your comment if it spoils beyond book one. Thanks!