6 Ways Spain is RAPIDLY Changing

6 Ways Spain is RAPIDLY Changing

Spain Revealed

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@katniss4670 - 12.05.2024 02:06

The rise of Vox makes perfect sense . The left government is extremely corrupt, cost of living and taxes are high , salaries are low, violent crime is increasing and much of it is perpetrated by non European immigrants . The left tries to control speech and thoughts , and rather than being progressive , they are more neo Bolshevik. My grandfather fought Franco and spent almost 5 years in a prison camp , but were he alive today , he would be dismayed by the government and current state of affairs.

@marksmith8663 - 15.05.2024 02:21

Between 2010-2013 I lived Spain I remember2011 had the hottest August in record 47 c where I lived 20k inland near Valencia.

@albertomunoyerro5562 - 18.05.2024 21:28

In spain both the far rigth and far left are rising. We are becoming more extremist

@valfaro93 - 22.05.2024 21:10

Loved the take on politics! Very neutral and informative. Would love to learn more.

Thinking about moving there and understanding politics is a MUST regardless of your party preference

@josegerd8672 - 23.05.2024 09:42

¿Extrema derecha? Antes de hablar de eso deberíamos hablar del dictador de extrema izquierda que tenemos en España.

@many3ext - 25.05.2024 17:51

Thank you for your informative video. The last time I was in Spain was 22 years ago. Now that I am retired I would like to go back. It would be good to see videos about every day life in various regions. It would be helpful to know about basic prices for alojamiento, groceries, and transportation for travelers.

@ViagemParis - 31.05.2024 18:32

You went out of your way to try to explain without addressing the main cause: socialism.

@ViagemParis - 31.05.2024 18:47

Leftists call 'far right' whomever they don´t like...

@leovigildrekkared8702 - 01.06.2024 17:44

Hi, my parents are spanish and we still have family in galicia. I remember it perfectly how it was 20 or more years ago. All door were open in our village in south galicia. It was all safe. This changed now. I was back in "my" village after many years. People feel unsafe. All doors have to be locked and I was robbed for the first time in my life. I won't come back quickly.

@anacasanova7350 - 07.06.2024 22:37

Emigrantes españoles, italianos, griegos, portugueses, polacos, británicos, irlandeses, ....etcetc😊
Trump, Kennedy....sus padres emigraron a Usa. Y el padre y madre de Obama.😂

@billybenson3834 - 15.06.2024 02:25

Something to think about while people complain about the far right is that they are simply reaction to the leftist policies being pushed.
And just because the "far right" is not of your tastes, it doesn't mean they aren't correct. Non citizens don't have (nor should they) the right to force their opinions on the citizenry.

@Leogar982 - 16.06.2024 13:50

Why do we keep saying "far right" and never say "far left"?

@commonman711 - 18.06.2024 21:11

By 'Far Right' are you referring to people that still have common-sense and can tell the difference between a woman and a man?

@backup_hdd - 24.06.2024 11:38

"you won't find a political party who won't say that they're feminist" that's wild actually; in austria, even the minister for women's issues (part of the right-of-center people's party) literally says that she's "not a feminist"

@FountainSongs - 29.06.2024 01:07

Where is Yoli from originally? .... She seems to indicate that she was born elsewhere.

@shanjayaweera3036 - 03.07.2024 12:05

great video - thank you

@paulacravello - 06.07.2024 11:39

Far right is growing all over Europe. The crisis is hitting hard and national of all countries are showing strong rejection to immigrants and tourists. Immigrants have collapsed the system and foreign investor are sky rocketing real state price. Globalisation is also hitting hard. Climate change is affecting not only health but also food supply and price. Water and draught is a serious increasing issue. If I had to move from my country I would do it to a place where there is no issue with the water

@paulacravello - 06.07.2024 11:45

Spain received lots of immigrant from Andalucia to do non qualified jobs, construction etc. They lived very poorly and in basic conditions in Barcelona and Madrid

@paulacravello - 06.07.2024 11:57

I look at the broader view in terms of politics. The movement towards the far right is all over Europe. The risk is that the leaders once in power will change all progressive politics (women /LTGB rights, immigration restriction, welfare state) and even manage to get people to vote to leave the EU. In your case I can see you going back to NZ, a country which is also closing borders very drastically. We take for granted that the rights that we conquered are here to stay or that we will even advance. However, it takes people to be really upset about their own situation . The poorer gets poorer, the middle class also is losing purchasing power, and the rich wants to be sure that they can keep their life style. While all around you see more people and poverty on the street,. All this sentiment is a catalyst for far right political parties. All these different people will vote any leader in the style of Trump, Marine Lepin, etc. It is really happening. And as the crisis deepens in every new election every year the far right parties will get more support. I live here as an immigrant, permanent resident for 24 years Im afraid I will have to go if they change the policies.

@SamCaan-b1o - 07.07.2024 14:06

Yes very good format especially because couples that are in mixed race relations have a more open understanding of cultural nuances and it’s great to see that play out in the open.

@Eduweb67 - 08.07.2024 22:26

Sopas y potajes está menos disponible en los restaurantes que antes.

@ferdinandascot3541 - 17.07.2024 20:53

en los 60s . la economia espanola crecia mas que nadie un 8% y los que se marchaban no lo hacian porque no pudieran ganarse la vida , sino porque eran ambiciosos , y por cierto que hay de aquellos que emigraban de nueva Zelanda al reino un ido?

@ferdinandascot3541 - 17.07.2024 21:47

dame si quieres tu correo electronico y yo te envio textos sobre la historia de espana reciente si son de tu interes , textox por historiadores eminentes

@juhakauppinen5055 - 19.07.2024 09:46

I think the media is exaggerating the heat and the heat waves. I visited Madrid last week, and 35c was fine, especially if you leave with the Spanish rhythm and living more in the evenings.

@sociologica4247 - 21.07.2024 20:10

Tapas is why I love Granada!! you can eat with just that, they mantain it and they are soooooo good!!! please don't gentrify it though

@albaleone267 - 24.07.2024 06:29

Yes, talk about everything. Life, culture, politics, food, education. Also, something that is never mentioned in sites similar to yours, is that many people coming over are retirement age. Are there enough nursing homes. Are they only for people who were born in Spain. I had read in Portugal some nursing homes require the elderly to be born in Portugal. Is Spain (France, Italy and Portugal) prepared for this wave of retirees from all over the world? Will it stress the system?

@meashearim9602 - 07.08.2024 16:06

I remember vividly the first time I met a black man, I was 9 years old, and I was shocked cos he was not at all like the american black guys on tv.
That guy was clearly from Africa cos he was reeeally really black.

I stared him in shock because you know... he was black but not like in the movies.

And that's it, it's not a great story, but it shows how little we were accostumed to non white ppl.

@terryjz - 07.08.2024 23:47

We love your videos. However I do have a question. This is our third trip to Spain and we need to know if we need to book trains and busses in advance from home. The last time we were in Spain was two years ago. We had just bought our tickets at the train stations. Is this still a viable to do the same or is there now a big cost difference? We really appreciate all your advice.😊

@kerlipeterson - 09.08.2024 12:40

I am more concerned the left going too extreme and it seems that the more one side goes to an extreme, the more it pushes the swing to go sooner or later to the opposite side. Either way it is not good for anybody, but as politics works, it´s desgined to be like that: on one or the other side; no well analized and balanced alternatives.

@jorgemartinez-compains8369 - 12.08.2024 09:33

Hi James and Yoli! Great video. I am wondering, is your analysis of the bars happening across the country or more particularly in Madrid? I am from Pamplona, although I don't live there. But I frequently visit my family and I don't experience what you mention in the video. Do you see tapas decaying across the country generally?

@FranB123 - 15.08.2024 13:05

Hope you two enjoy the leftist policies hardly, you don't really know what's happening here in this country and also in west civilization.

Please, just turn off your TV and start thinking for yourselves.

Yoli, me da que no te enteras de lo que pasa realmente en tu país. Pon la tele a ver qué te dice La Secta, a ver dónde dicen que está firmando discos Franco hoy. De paso piensa si en los 6 años de gobierno "progresista" estamos mejor o peor. Y por favor, no me digas que si Putin.
Piensa por qué en Francia ganó en votos Le Pen, por qué en Alemania la AfD sube como la espuma, y por qué están como están en UK y en Irlanda.
Muy triste todo...

@enriquebicho7509 - 24.08.2024 15:54

Madrid had last 20 years the mildest summers. 2024 is being a constat hot old scxhool summer i do remember perfectly ... with the whole july and august at 40- to 42 in city. And then at september rain lot of rainy days ... and later then the veranillo de san juan. I must disagree totally about the climate theme . Sorry

@amywalker7515 - 27.08.2024 04:49

Very informative video. Thank you. What about anti-immigrant sentiments amongst Spaniards? We are possibly relocating here soon and want to be sure we are going to a place where we are accepted and don't encounter hostility wherever we go.

@cps5149 - 28.08.2024 00:08

Podemos is FAR LEFT, comunista party. Call the things by its name. If far right is bad ,far left is not better either

@WillSlaton - 29.08.2024 17:23

I love how I was forced to watch a Taco Bell commercial right before this... 😂

@jerry-cw9yw - 30.08.2024 02:31

used to love tapa hopping!

@jerry-cw9yw - 30.08.2024 02:34

the heat is why people went to the coast!

@vladimirferrand7229 - 02.09.2024 17:21

The conservative party in spain is already a fascist party. Created by franco ministers.

@Mamiruco13 - 03.09.2024 22:25

Watching this 1 year later as the German AfD right wing party just dominated their regional elections this early September for the first time since 1945, the world should truly be concerned about the future of democracy in Europe and the USA.
Since 1945, PEOPLE!!! …. …..19-efing-45!!! , like in Hitler’s Germany 1945!! Wake TF up…. Immigration is definetly an issue in all of Europe and in the Americas, but all countries can’t go on about their merry lives without any concerns for what’s happening in 3rd world countries involved in war, humanitarian and social crisis.
If conditions improved in those countries, their people wouldn’t risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean in fragile vessels; they wouldn’t risk their lives crossing the Darien Gap in Central America with babies in their arms in search of a better life.
In this age of globalization, every developed country must assume a higher level of global social responsibility and attack their problems at the root level. To put it in término español: “ es muy fácil ver los toros desde la barrera”!

@MaggiesBirds - 04.09.2024 00:14

Hey there, my wife and I are considering starting the immigration journey with Spain as a potential destination. We're lesbians, and are frankly fleeing the united states because the far right here is getting a little much to handle.

How stable do you feel Spain is for LGBT rights? Whats the feeling on the street? There's lots of places here in the U.S. where we might have legal protections but people would just as well shout slurs or throw rocks at us.

We're visiting Spain in October, Madrid and Badajoz. Considering Extremadura or Castile and Leon to move to. We're fortunate enough to have EU passports so an easy legal path to entering, and both speak spanish.

@justahomosapiens1861 - 06.09.2024 10:13

Note: Podemos isn't left wing, it's extreme left, pro Venezuela , pro Cuban, communist in terms of ideology.

VOX is a right wing party, not far right. VOX would be considered a softie by Trump supporters.

I anticipate the resurgence of an actual far right party (along the lines of AFD in Germany) over the next decade since there's a growing sentiment in segments of the population that the country is being very badly run (no need to get into details, that would turn this into a political channel). There's still a chance to prevent this from happening.

Btw, keep your better half in the video. She's a nice person and being Spanish provides a very good insight.

@trillrudeboy - 08.09.2024 00:59

The left right scale is a political propaganda tool created by communists.
Politics is actually an absolute zero scale. Where total independence or anarchy is at zero and total tyranny is on the other. Communist chose to pick a scale that favors them by making everything on the tyranny side and putting their norm in the middle of two tyrannical states. The truth is, all the parties that are considered far right are actually just as left as the socialist parties. Nazis were socialists, the italian fascists were a for of socialists. Communists and every derivative of are actually weapons to con people to accept tyranny. Communist have been clever and put independent loving people on the right with nazis? Lol in actuality, people are tired of the communism lie, what Spaniards have been brainwashed to call far right is actually tyranny, the same thing as the far left. What is the difference between spains "right" dictatorship and north koreas communism? They are the exact same thing. The people have been forced unto weak positions while a ruling group controls everything. If people dont want yo be controlled again, they shoul run from those whonare calling the,sekves progressive and left, thatbis a trap. Both directions you run are traps because the left right scale is positioned in a segment all the way down on the tyranny side.

@ThunderPrincessOKC - 10.09.2024 18:29

Thank you for talking about politics! It would be hard to consider moving to a country without understanding the politics of a country. <3

@itsfunnybecauseitstrue3219 - 29.09.2024 02:11

We’re SO EXCITED to be visiting Spain in a couple of days! We found your content and it’s making us even more excited! Our 20th anniversary bucket list trip! Thanks so much for all these tips!

@TheTenfourroger - 04.10.2024 10:37

I’ve been living in Madrid for 23 years now (outskirts Torrelodones). Summers were always hot between mid July and mid August. I don’t notice any significant change. I think many people nowadays are just not up to bearing the heat and have the resources to escape the heat by traveling more. I do notice a significant change to the winters though. We used to always get snow and we always needed a winter coat. That is of the past

@seancaseo84 - 17.10.2024 10:43

Please define far right

@j-dgrant1318 - 21.10.2024 19:05

Far right?? It's corrupt Sanchez propped up by the podemitas and nationalist that's destroying Spain. Many Spaniards feel less safe in the street because of the uncontrolled immigration.
