The #energy crisis in #Europe continues. As yet, there is no end in sight. Industries are struggling with increased prices and at the same time trying to implement new solutions for energy production in a rush. A rapid transformation to #renewable energies and new solutions is becoming increasingly urgent.
The EU project iWAYs is focusing on developing #sustainable water management solutions for industrials processes, with the goal of reducing water use and waste. It aims to create closed-loop systems that #recover and #reuse water and heat from steams.
Prof. Abdul Ghani Olabi is director of Sustainable Energy and Power Systems Research Centre at the University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He talks about the status of renewables in the UAE and what lessons Europe could learn from this.
The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 958274.