Celebrating a regime who they fled from.
ОтветитьFew lunatic TPLF people traumatizing millions
ОтветитьThe lunatic lifeless restless sleepless robbers looters rapist TPLF JUNTA
ОтветитьTrash junta lost the war..
ОтветитьFree Tigray
ОтветитьYour racism got you where you are. Maybe you learn from this 🤔 . You can spread you racism in Sudan but not in ethiopia . Racism has no place in ethiopia or in the world . My advice to you guys stop ✋ your racism and you live very happy life in ethiopia or in the world. Peace
ОтветитьTPLF forever!
Ответить😂 😂 😂 😱 😂
ОтветитьThey never learn do they 🤣
ОтветитьWhy don’t return to your home . TPLF is dead and won’t return.
Ответитьምደረ አራጅ ባንዳ ሁላ የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት እየረዳ 70% የሱዳን ባንዲራ የዉለበልባሉ ቁልቁል ዎች
ОтветитьFeck news
Ответитьሌቦች ወደ ሱዳን ወደ ግብጽ ሂዱ እንጂ ኤርትራ ሃጌረ እማ ኣትገብዋትም
Ответитьተጋሩ ሁሉ ማወቅ ያለበት ለትግራዋይ መጨፍጨፍ የኢትዮጵያን ጭንብል ያለበሷት የአማራ ኦርቶዶክስ ቤተክርስትያን የአንበሳውን ድርሻ ተዋታለች። ከተጠያቂነት አትድኑም
ОтветитьLong live Ethiopia 💚💛❤️
ОтветитьTplf most go 😡💪
ОтветитьChildren need books not gan
Ответитьከሀዲ ሁላ የሌባ መጨርሻው ይሄ ነው ።
Ответитьዞባ ምዕራብ ዘሎ ፀላኢ ዝፅረግ ብኣካትኩም እዩ፡ሰልፈ ፈክራ ገዲፈኩም ናብ ታዕሊም ውረዱ ፡ምስ ህዝቢ ሱዳን ሓቢርኩም ዘትዩ ፡ኣብ ሱዳን ዘሎ ህዝቢ ዕጥቅን ስንቅን የዋፅእ ፡ ዓዲማት ካ ኮንካ ፈከራ ትርጉም የብሉን።
ОтветитьNmaykadran hzebi ketilekum sudan atikum tseneahu frdi kab laeli eyu.
ОтветитьSew agerun tilo besew hager yileminal tinishinetachu goteginetachu yablachu chigaramoch ke tint jemro meretachu dereq libachew dereq enesu dereq feriha egzihabier yelelachew mefjet new ezaw sudan eyalachu cancer nachu kufu sewoch yicherisachu yehone bela yiwredibachu
ОтветитьLook what are they doing to the younger generation... TPLF has been in all conflict in East Africa since 1960 Enough is Enough need to be eliminated.
Ответитьሱዳኖች በጣም ተንጠራሩ ከኪሳቸው ሚመግቦቸው ይመስል እንደውም ጥቅማ ጥቅም ሁሉ እንደሚያገኙበት እናቃለን
ОтветитьSudan will pay a hefty price for hosting TPLF genocide squad in its territory ‼‼‼
ОтветитьTPLF is butcher, genocider and killer.
Ответитьህዝበና ኩሉ ኣበ ሱድን ድዩ ዋይ ህዝበይ ክሓልፍ እዩ ኣይዝኩም ኣልና ኣበ ገነኩም
ОтветитьTplf are heroes ❤❤❤
Ответитьቡሽቲ ባንዳ ሠው አራጆች እዛው ሡዳን ትቀበራለክ
ОтветитьAll tplf talking is fack
Ответитьኮተታም ብሄረ አናሳ !!! በጀግነንነቱማ የለም እንደአማራ 💪 Amhara ✊✊✊
ОтветитьEdma lekachun lemagnoc labwoce. Chekagn gedayoch nachu ye tegray hezboch
Ответитьየተረገመ ክፉ ክፉ ሂዝብ
ОтветитьLong live Tigrey
ОтветитьWe tigray people need help now
ОтветитьWe tigray people need help from sudan brothers government
ОтветитьAmhara is a killer, Amhara is a Genocide of Tigray civilians in my cadra, Amhara yet Tigray Telstra new.....
ОтветитьTPLF organization is Terrorist organization ,TPLF did 27 years crime to civilian Oromo people
Ответитьጁንታው ሲንጫጫ ባንድ ሙቀጫ ተደበቁ አታፍሩም??game over!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьThey are TPLFs soldiers they are not refugees we know that they are acting Refugees.They killed Ethiopian Army when they were sleeping we Ethiopian and who love Ethiopians we need justice. God bless Ethio and Ethiopian 💚💛❤
ОтветитьTplf been the largest mafia organization in Africa; now game over
ОтветитьSome of them are killer Comandos who slaught Civillans in Maycadra and run away when Ethiopian Soldgers and Amhara Militias are arriving. Is thebWoeld can tolarate Mass murderers
ОтветитьKkkkkkkk, it is better tigeray colonized by Eriteria
ОтветитьThey want come all USA
ОтветитьTplf is mafia.killer