Who is giving weapons to the Tigray forces? I find it hard to believe that a rebel group can become such a powerful military force without foreign help.
ОтветитьAbiy- rigged election 90%
TPLF-98% rigged
Abiy- committee human right abuse.
TPLF- human right abuse
Abiy supporters - blindly follow abiy and rejecting reality not knowing it will tear the country.
TPLF supporters- blindly follow not knowing it can create worse situations.
Abiy- supporter used tplf crime as scapegoat to massacre innocent life of non amhara and gurage.
TPLF supporters- use abiy crime to justify why they don't care for amhara and gurage.
Corrupt after Corrupt ethiopia will not survive that's for sure it full of people that can't think independently.
The Fascist, Rapist & Nazi Abiy Ahmed GAME OVER! He faces justice soon at ICC or faces Gaddafi's fate!
ОтветитьAbiy Government with rigged election with 90%. The majority one part can have is 42%. ethiopia is to diverse and to big for one party to have 90%, abiy also exiled and massacred many agaw,tigray, bamshangul nilotic and oromo minority with amhara people and amhara government keeping quite. Justice for the 4 people were attacked by EDF and fano thats what I can say🙏.
ОтветитьFake news
Ответитьsumali should get back the land they deserve!!
ОтветитьThere's nothing major crisis going on . All these drama is a set up for some ugly thing planned by the west to act in Addis. When the Ethiopian army advances, they start spreading a false claim that Addis is in danger. The ppl will protect the democracy and development that are taking place.
ОтветитьDown with US
ОтветитьThe Abbersinen legacy of Italy Mussolini empire in Eritrea
ОтветитьTPLF been terrorising 30 years entire horn African nations and they’re western colonial puppet. TPLF has no popular support in country accept western powers backing them .. Ethiopian people decided to end 27 darkness years of TPLF terrorist and selected best leader in the history..
ОтветитьEthiopia it’s in between two choices to independent nation like last three years or western colonial puppet past 130 years..
ОтветитьThere is no way the Tigrean rebels will enter to Addis Ababa. The western media is spreading wrong information
ОтветитьEthiopia is a brutal stepmother of many and mommy dear of one. Now the moment of reckoning is upon her. She will not survive this ethnic conflagration.
ОтветитьThe west wants to destroy Ethiopia to have total control over Africa .
ОтветитьAmerican citizens not welcome in Africa, it's all propaganda by us and western media to destabilize Ethiopia just like Afghanistan.
ОтветитьWestern media please stop the fake news. We know you want to create a puppet government in ethiopia. We won't let that happen. You don't know Ethiopians
ОтветитьLet them kill them self more food for us hoopers
ОтветитьNonetheless Ethiopia will prevail! 🇪🇹
ОтветитьIf you care about Humanity. Then you have to know FREEDOM is #1. Ethiopia is oppressive place .
Different people culture. Language. Tradition always hated each other's are forced together and they don't want.. always the west support this .because they don't care
People need to be Free .
Ethiopia must finish... ethnic people that are always oppressed need FREEDOM ..need FREEDOM
ОтветитьFree Ogadenia...👍
ОтветитьUSA playing its part
ОтветитьLook at fools, ever fighting themselves.
ОтветитьEthiopia should buy some drones from Turkey.
ОтветитьCome back new governo in Ethiopia
ОтветитьFirst Somalia then Libya now Ethiopia
ОтветитьAt least they are seeing media propaganda.
ОтветитьWhy does Ethiopia support separatist rebels in Western Sahara against Morocco while they are fighting separatists in their own country at the same time ? Why so much hypocrisy ? If you support the independence of Western Sahara you should give Tigrayans the possibility to self-determine through a referendum. « Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you» Confucius.
ОтветитьThis problem reignited after the divided state of America noticed that the Ethiopian dam gonna bring a huge economic prosperity to the people of Ethiopia, you saw them in so called Washington a few people called themselves coalition, the west understood Ahmed is that of tegray coward leaders bowing to West
ОтветитьNow Turkey want to involve in Ethiopia to help the government forces to fail the western agenda of creating Christian's govt in Ethiopia
ОтветитьThe neocolonialists and their puppets will not succeed in Ethiopia.
ОтветитьWho is selling weapons all these fighting groups?? Who are the people who are really making money and want it earn more by such sales???
ОтветитьEthiopia is literally over 10% of Africas population. The continent can't afford losing their symbol of freedom. Ethiopia is archive for black nations around the globe. They avoided colonisation and meddling hundreds years ago, these people are resilient. I'm proud of my Ethiopian neighbours stay strong 💪 ❤
ОтветитьRegional powers are involved. Interestingly USA is giving support to rebels because allowing people to carry a war from Washington.
ОтветитьWestern media is banging its head against a rigid wall. Ethiopians are united more than ever, and there is nothing you can do about it.
ОтветитьWhen will ever Africa stop fighting between rebel and government force's and all of them claim they represent the people.
ОтветитьEthopia might collapse or their will be a regime change
ОтветитьAt this point Ethiopia might collapse
ОтветитьHahaha when was last for tplf to capture a city they lost kombolcha and dessie yesterday am in Ethiopia and trt have become fake news factory
ОтветитьGive me a medal trt
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