In this video, Jim Huber takes you through 10 of the best drills for teaching foundational skills in a fun and effective way.
These drills come from Jim Huber Beginner Basketball Ages 5-9 Learn more here -
Each drill is meant to combat some of the common problems that youth teams face:
-Handling the ball with eyes up
-Making layups
-Reducing turnovers
-Shooting the ball with proper technique
Coach Huber uses a mix of “on-air” and competitive drills, allowing you to teach and challenge your players in multiple ways.
These 10 drills show how to train your players to:
-Rip thru and attack the rim
-Keep your head up while dribbling
-Create passing windows to throw solid passes while being pressured
-Shoot layups with proper technique
-Shoot with proper form
-Closeout and play sounds 1v1 defense
-Maintain form as you move away from the basket
Additionally, you’ll see two 1v1 variations:
-A 1v1 finishing game that teaches players to make layups with a defender pursuing them
-A 1v1 game where players must quickly recognize whether they are on offense or defense and play accordingly
Beyond the setup of the drills, you’ll see the master teaching that is necessary at the youth level. Coach Huber provides numerous coaching tips that make the difference in players retaining what they are being taught.
Furthermore, every drill is conducted with youth players, so it provides realistic context to youth coaches.
Jim Huber Beginner Basketball Ages 5-9 strength is its comprehensiveness - it covers all your youth coaching needs from A to Z, saving you hours of planning time. These drills are a great starting point for any youth coach. Start using them now and see your players improve!
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