How Do You Increase Your Home's Equity?

How Do You Increase Your Home's Equity?

Win The House You Love

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@lisad6106 - 21.02.2025 16:19

This really has the sense of a personal consultation rather than redundant dialogue just for the sake of running up the clock for ad revenue. Subscribed!

@arangel32004 - 22.12.2024 21:56

What if you own your property?? Can you still use it as equity to invest in real estate??

@badassoptic - 09.01.2024 03:39

The best way I have found so far is just to build another source of income and do an additional principal payment. A couple bucks here and there don't really do much. An additional $1k or 2K principal payment helps a lot.

@jasonwilliams521 - 14.08.2023 19:12

Hi. I have a rental property I paid cash for and need repairs. What’s the best option to take money out the house to do repairs and maybe purchase another rental?

@rty626 - 21.06.2023 02:41

Nothing helpful 😕. Create new content and unknown techniques, what u shared is common knowledge, everyone knows it!

@DeBee-dc9ce - 28.05.2023 18:03

I didn't understand the "Recast" idea? If you have extra money, what is the difference in putting $5K on the principal as oposed to talking to the lender to reduce the payments?

@TheNumbaOneMiss - 25.04.2023 13:39

Ours was listed as a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath. It doesn't have 4 beds it has 3 beds and a room on the lower level that has the washer dryer hookups. Will appraisers actually look to see if there is 4 bedrooms as listed? Appraisal today!

@itsallbusiness3784 - 22.03.2023 02:19


@beabonbons - 09.01.2023 19:20

Luv your explanations, thank you for making these videos,
May ask a question?
I recently purchased my first home in September.
However, I’m really addicted now to the feeling of purchasing property,
I want to buy a duple or triplex, would it be too early to start looking?
Any advise? Thank you

@omar1920100 - 16.08.2022 10:08

Great ideas 💡 also You can add solar panels that’s increase the Home value immediately by 2 or 3 %

@BiologyIsHot - 09.08.2022 10:01

This boy cute as hell

@eduardotijero6900 - 26.06.2022 23:53

I can't wait until Americans see a home for what it is; a depreciating necesity and not a golden ticket/ ATM machine.

@nimia8534 - 29.01.2022 17:56

Thank you for explaining everything in a simple way. God bless 🙏🏾

@billyhamilton6882 - 24.01.2022 12:28

Take a drink of water jesus christ

@Xtremeproducts - 23.12.2021 04:39

Closed on my home today

@Nitta43 - 01.05.2021 02:33

I think this ASMR voice is helping me retain all of this great information. I feel like I'm in a real estate 101 class. 😆

@jama7379 - 18.04.2021 20:32

Heard his voice and subscribed in a heartbeat 💓

@Beksljn7878 - 13.04.2021 22:58

I can listen to him all day long

@BusterDarcy - 13.04.2021 01:58

Why focus on paying down a low interest loan like a mortgage when you could put your spare cash into the stock market instead?

@AB-fm2zn - 26.03.2021 18:17

Great video. Very informative. Thank you. Keep them coming!

@Crypto_with_preston - 22.03.2021 22:15

Amazing content

@magdamejia9704 - 14.03.2021 17:11

I love your voice!! Great teacher

@mattfischer1 - 28.01.2021 10:51

I’m a realtor and it’s very important for me to understand at least the basics of mortgage lending and this is the best channel for me to learn!

@admotivation24 - 22.01.2021 05:00

Do FHA Loans have a qualifying minimum income

@VirtuouslyWright - 21.11.2020 13:51

I love the sound of your voice. Thanks for the info❤️

@ritaharris8035 - 04.11.2020 23:03

Great video! What is better than this guys voice! Love it!

@andygonzalez1139 - 01.11.2020 06:04

Im 19 years old, and im a full-time college student majoring in business finance. I want to apply for an FHA loan; my credit is 740, and no debt. I read online that I need a 3.5% down payment for an FHA loan. If I were to get a job and work for a year, getting paid 12/hr working only 20 hours a week, I would have 11,500 dollars if I were to save up every dime. I would be able to get a house for around 340,000 dollars. I feel like college is holding me back from working a full-time job. Is this realistic? Will a loan officer even give me $340,000, regardless of the down payment I have? What are your recommendations? Thank you for all the help! (Ps. I live in the Denver area where real estate is costly) ?

@ma7673 - 15.10.2020 20:16

This was very useful. Thank you!!

@TheSparkleCompanyChicago - 08.10.2020 14:13

I am so glad I clicked on your channel! You explain things so clearly and make things easy to understand. Thank you for your time and the effort that you put into this video. I am subscribed! 👌🏽

@ameneh212 - 11.09.2020 11:10

Thanks for the good information!! I have a question, can I use the money from renting out a room to use towards my income when applying for the loan if my income is not enough?

@stephaniem.2909 - 21.08.2020 22:51

This guy is the ASMR of finances!! I love it!!

@smshh33 - 12.08.2020 05:52

Hi Kyle!

I currently use my home as my primary residence, but I think my long term plan may be to rent out the property full-time. With interest rates being so low, I'm strongly considering a refi, and wondering do you think it would be smarter to:

a) get the lowest monthly payment possible, (which will likely extend the mortgage term) thereby maximizing profit from future rental income, or

b) could/would it be more strategic to just try and eliminate the mortgage as quickly as possible even if that doesn't result in much profit per month on rental income (i.e. shorten the term with a similar monthly payment).

And is that decision just a matter of deciding whether I want cash now, or can wait 15 years until the property is paid off?

Thank you!

Edit: Just watched your Refinance video! Also really helpful.

@CheckThisOut1 - 31.07.2020 05:09

you have this sort of ASMR voice lol

@amberconover3684 - 30.07.2020 07:28

Currently looking into buying my first home and you have answered a ton of questions I’ve had! Not only are the visuals a plus, but I can actually understand what you’re talking about! You’ve got yourself a new subscriber. Thank you!

@nonyabisnas - 30.07.2020 04:09

Dude... where have you been all my life

@fmz3971 - 24.07.2020 07:32

Awesome breakdown! Thank you for the info. New subscriber!

@shazam1389 - 04.07.2020 22:03

Thank you so much for the in depth explanation

@haynesis - 03.07.2020 11:24

Wow your voice is smooth good work

@dfelixrx7 - 01.07.2020 20:04

Soothing voice

😴 😴 😴

@mikedusenka3238 - 16.06.2020 02:23

well done. great info

@angelao.beckford6052 - 11.06.2020 01:02

Reducing my debt is same in FHA and conventional.

@jellyrcw12 - 07.06.2020 17:52

Great video. I plan on house hacking with friends.

@flogol4645 - 05.06.2020 19:20

Hi Kyle...You are fabulous. Question...what are your thoughts on the Condos, Duplexes, Manufactured homes,mobile home purchases verses Single detached Homes? Do you have any video's for this information? Thank you so much.

@lamboash2101 - 26.05.2020 15:11

Thanks great content that will me and others!

@brianwalker8900 - 20.05.2020 17:06

I love it man! Keep going .

@chelsbolin - 07.04.2020 00:38

I bought a fourplex in January. I would like to add real value to the property. The units are pretty updated so not sure what I could do for inside renovations. The landscaping could be cleaned up. Just want to do it smartly.

@akendricks05 - 22.02.2020 00:47

Currently looking into purchasing my first home and was wondering how equity worked. Thanks for this simple breakdown!!
