What is the difference between TY1 and C6CN? They seem to be similar devices, I am confused which one to buy.
ОтветитьIs it ok for outdoor purpose?
ОтветитьWhat is the different between TY1 and TY2? Please rep
Ответитьكيفيه الاتصال بيها من مكان آخر مثل اني في البيت وهي في الشغل
ОтветитьWhat's the difference between c6n and ty1?
ОтветитьI have one of those at home
It must to connect to the router
By the cable or can i connect it with wifi network instead ?
Price please
ОтветитьIf you mount TY1 on celling will picture rotate automatic or you can do it manually?
ОтветитьHi , Ezviz Suport Onvif ?
ОтветитьObsolescencia programada,mis dos camaras murieron casi al mismo tiempo y de igual forma,no las volveria a comprar.
ОтветитьPoor service doesn't purchase they don't give any service after sale , I purchased a ty1 model and I sent them lots of mail and they don't have any solution , at last I have to get my camera repaired from the market.
Ответитьक्या ezviz को lan केबल की मदद से पीसी से कनेक्ट कर सकते है।
Ответитьএটা কয়জনে দেখতে পারবে কেউ যদি জানেন একটু বলুন প্লিজ
ОтветитьTerry Neck
ОтветитьFisher Greens
ОтветитьDoes it have a app to be able to view it on your phone? I wanted to purchase four is it possible to have all of them linked?
Ответитьكيف اركيب
ОтветитьDo u need to connect to cable all tje time ?