SimplyBEE Features

SimplyBEE Features

SimplyBEE South Africa

1 год назад

7 Просмотров

You have decided to partner with SimplyBEE! We are excited to be on this journey with you, but have you ever wondered what the benefits of having a B-BBEE certification or rating are?
👉Your clients will know that you are doing whatever it takes to stay ahead in your business.
👉By being rated, you will have a good overview of how you are performing with regard to national requirements, and how to plan and change in future to increase sustainability.
👉You will have a clear picture of what types of suppliers you have. A rating would give you leverage to be able to negotiate better discounts, etc. Supplier analysis will assist with your procurement policy development.
👉By focusing on HR development, enterprise development and BEE, you will demonstrate commitment toward the social, educational, and economic developments in the community in which you operate.
👉The sooner your business is rated, the sooner you will understand how to develop a BEE strategy to increase your annual BEE rating. Your BEE strategy should form part of your company’s overall strategic plan.
Unlock your business potential with SimplyBEE!
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