They should have a field day with bo4 perks in bo6 + augments
ОтветитьThey blew it all on the Richtofen trailer.
ОтветитьWe already knew from the intro cutscene that the ww for the mansion will be the wunderwaffe
ОтветитьYesss. I knew they was gonna have double Tap
ОтветитьIt sucks but it's fair. Regardless of them most likely making excuses, it DOES jeopardize the integrity of zombies first completion, and high round. I mean, I'd still rather they kept the bug in but...
ОтветитьToo overpowered?? Mf we aint powered enough. Double tap 2.0 is 1000% needed so we can actually do high rounds without spamming killstreaks.
ОтветитьMy double tap is throbbing
ОтветитьFinally beat it solo 😂
ОтветитьDouble tappppppp letttssss goooooooooooo 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
ОтветитьBring back the friggin Blundergat or the RAY-K 47
Ответить2 late for double tap really if this is true then y wasn’t it in Cold War now they wanna add it in bo6 should’ve add it on launch wtf
Ответитьgive me my mf zappy and double tappy
ОтветитьThey need to bring back the point system or even make it less by making it 5 points per bullet
ОтветитьNeed to be able to hold 3 weapons again
ОтветитьI just want a super EE reward that’s actually good, spawning in with purple rarity guns in Cold War was lack luster for a super EE reward. Infinite warfare was by far the best reward for a super EE 😭
ОтветитьI would love for double tap to come back because after round 35 even pack 3 legendary bullet guns feel useless
ОтветитьTreyarch and Activision and slug hammer need to work together not for the money but for the players that are gonna be playing zombies have a team like 6 that will do just zombies I’m not complaining at all zombies by far is amazing and a bigger and different experience from an old call of duty’s zombies we should be happy they did zombies since they weren’t gonna release it
Other games can’t relate from Call of duty it has zombies, multiplayer, and campaign
Death perception really underwhelming
ОтветитьI will say im mad bc my kills on my stats got deleted and so did my round 400 save on citadel when this update came out
ОтветитьThat's not Fear in Headlights. It's Zombies freeze in place when you look at them.
ОтветитьIs ray gun mark 2 coming out soon?
Ответитьwhat if they made the back of the staff not affect hvts cause that way the ee is still hard but normal elites would be able to be one shot or even 2 shot from it?
ОтветитьI can see one of the augments being shoot 3 bullets for every 1 instead of just 2
ОтветитьI originally beat the boss without the handcannon glitch
ОтветитьI hate TikTok
Ответитьscorcher is my favorite ww all time IMO
they should readd it to bo6 zombies
I rarely use injection.
ОтветитьOh please no old wonder weapons...
ОтветитьToxic growth needs to come back
ОтветитьTreyarch does not care about power creep in this game. Clearly they don't like to lose money they think, but they are going to if they don't change their mind about high rounds. This philosophy where they don't want to build power creep into their games and not empower. The players is going to get themselves killed in the long run of this mode. It's not about the story. It's about the gameplay and if the gameplay is not fixed. Who cares about the story. I mean look at hell divers 2 different game but still had the same problems. If you do not give players the power of the weapons then you're going to have some issues and look what happened to weapon balancing with the tipping of the iceberg of that game and now the game is back because they fixed the weapons and everything
ОтветитьWe want the Aether blade back.
ОтветитьMan i hope this is version of tmnt we hete for it!
ОтветитьI wish they bring back the dark aether throwing knife that was a beast of a weapon it’s a boomerang
ОтветитьDon't ask me why but I have the feeling that buried is coming back
ОтветитьI don't care how good the bundle looks I'm more then likely never gunna get them bc there to expensive
Ответитьfyi the wonderwaffe is in the game i saw a cheater use it in plunder it was a bo6 version with a different pap camo that might be dlc 3
ОтветитьWish they would incorporate cold war zombies ,mw3 zombies open world map with solo grind maps with single play zombie maps would be one hell of a game
ОтветитьWe need widows wine
ОтветитьDeath perception was completely unnecessary and nor even needed when there's literally setting to highlight the zombies already, tombstone shouldn't be brought in knowing theres augments that make it redundant, double tap is more needed than anything since guns became utterly useless after round 30-40 no matter how pack-a-punched they are and their rarity lvl is mule kick I can only see for camo grinding but its still nore useful then Death perception and Tombstone then the perk system needs to go back to the original way it was kinda stupid they increase in price after each perk buy and the points system is completely dumb as well
Ответитьdouble tap has been rumored to come back since before Citadelle. I do agree elite zombies have way too much HP. TMNT would be dope for CoD though but HELLA expensive.
ОтветитьI do think the hand cannon strat with the ice staff did make it a nice change that would be different than the super boring mutan spam for the entire match almost.
ОтветитьI’m hoping they give us a lever action shotgun for the terminator event
ОтветитьLiterally the first comment about who cares if were overpowered in zombies, yall do realize a lot of ppl complained about cold war zombies being to easy...right, im sorry you gotta use more than half your brain to be able to do good 😂
ОтветитьDouble tap 2.0 would prob be an angment(I forgot how to make it)
ОтветитьThe ray gun needs double tap so bad
ОтветитьI feel like a major augment for double tap should be for each bullet that lands or damage tick you get 10 points. We could get the old point system back with the newer point system at the same time
ОтветитьFYTB? Dead light, Green light was incredibly fun.
ОтветитьCan’t wait to mod the wunderwafffe into multiplayer
ОтветитьThey should add double tap ans have double tap 2.0 as the last major augment you unlocked