Catherine Larkin: Releasing the Soul on Four Levels

Catherine Larkin: Releasing the Soul on Four Levels


55 лет назад

29 Просмотров

"The role of the healer is to release the soul so that its life can flow." This quote by Alice Bailey is the first law of healing on all levels, including individual, ancestral, collective, and planetary. Yet the very sensitivity of the soul allows it to become imprinted and stuck in patterns that block growth.

Drawing on the work of Bert Hellinger, A.H. Almaas, and my own experience as a soul level healer, we will explore how to free the soul and access the fullness of these levels. For while self-realization is about the unchanging truth of who we are, the changing unfoldment is the soul's realm. As Hellinger says, "The Greater Soul moves in only one direction and that is to bring into union that which has been made separate."

Presenter's Biography:

Catherine Jane Larkin, M.A., has 24 years experience as a healer, teacher, and counselor. In 1989 she was certified in Self Attunement, which facilitates healing at the individual soul level. In 2002 this was extended to working with the family soul through the Bert Hellinger Family Constellations. Catherine is a gifted public speaker and integrates from a variety of fields.

Born in Iowa in 1952, Catherine's lifelong commitment to serving humanity has taken many forms. She has benefited from many teachers, including A. H. Almaas, Don Kolmar, Helen Luke, Marion Woodman, Adi Da, Gangaji, Catherine Ingram, MSI, Stan Grof and the Steps to Knowledge program. She graduated from Matthew Foxe's Institute of Crestion Centered Spirituality in 1983. Her articles have been published in Conscious Choice magazine in Chicago.

Catherine has traveled extensively to work with planetary energies, including 18 months in the United Kingdom, where her ancestral roots lie. She invites you to share her vision of calling forth the goodness of the human heart and the ancestral wisdom to be caretakers of the earth.


108 Minutes. Recorded September 12, 2006. Produced by RVML Community Resource Center, a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization in Ashland, OR since 2003. ©2003-2021 • RVML 1757 Ashland St., Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 552-9119


#RVML #consciousness #Bert_Hellinger #A.H._Almaas #psychology #Spirituality #Mysticism_and_Religion #Therapies_for_Emotional_Well-Being
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