Puppy's fear of going outside | Fearful Dog Training Tips | EveryDoggy

Puppy's fear of going outside | Fearful Dog Training Tips | EveryDoggy


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@lelemarie6125 - 03.07.2024 16:09

My puppy just sits, tucks her tail and shivers. Food doesn't motivate her. Shes 4 months old and came from a shelter l. EDIT: She's actually warming up to us nicely now. We've had her for 9 days

@jeananderson1598 - 05.05.2024 13:56

Oh my goodness, perfect timing. I recently adopted a rescue dog unbeknownst to me and the foster person this dog does not like to walk outside the confines of his home. It’s deathly afraid of everything outside and a challenge for sure. Your video gives me hope. With patience, consistency and faith, I will prevail! Thank you❤

@jocelynveronica6711 - 11.03.2024 00:52

My puppy only goes in the yard right now and he doesn’t like being out there. Any noise startles him and he runs inside.

@ebenezersengo327 - 02.01.2024 01:39

Thank you very much. I have a new puppy home. 4 months German Shepherd, and she is terrified of going outside, I have 6 other dogs and never had such problem. Now I see a light in the end of the tunnel, and I will definitely put that in practice.

@FenrirAldebrand - 20.10.2023 10:22

Except Solan is so anxious outside he doesn't even notice me or the food... So already this video falls flat. Whining, really pulling on the leash, trying to bolt etc.

@AdroitJake - 01.09.2023 21:31

My 6 month old husky is afraid of everything. Unfortunately the situation I rescued her from was bad. She had never been outside. She seriously fears it. It's been 3 weeks now and it's so maddening!
That said...if she has to go potty she will go out back now. But I have only been able to walk her twice. Both times I had to drag her out.
I'm needing help getting her out the door! Once outside I can handle the rest.
Please help....anyone!
Thank you,
I'm so in love with her...i will never give up on her!
She also has a 12yr old sister. She's a perfect angel

@rachaelflores3810 - 26.03.2023 19:48

My puppy is so afraid he cowers shakes leans back and defecates just by being outside on leash. Tail tucked deep between legs. He won’t eat treats either and no amount of praising or comforting helps. He is this way just outside the door and refuses to follow on leash even inside. He’s afraid of literally everything. 5 months old no past trauma and came from a place that was always open to the outside even though he was inside with other dogs

@sherl6261 - 30.10.2022 00:32

Wow! Thank you so much for this. I picked up my puppy 10/27 and the little guy was quivering outside from the varying sounds. He would then pull me to the door. I watched your video this morning, and all I have to say is "cheese." I gave him cheese this morning outside and again the second time outside. For whatever reason, it did the trick. The third time outside, the tail was up and he was rolling in the grass. Now, he loves it outside so much that I can't get him to come inside the house - not even for cheese! LOL

@melovfx9829 - 30.09.2022 00:12

bro my dog literally doesn’t move

@artbykcappadona5166 - 08.05.2022 00:11

Thank you for this information. Yes when my puppy finally finishes going to the bathroom he will run back home in a frantic frenzy. That is if we were lucky enough to get him to go to the bathroom while he was freaking out with the sound of cars or people or dogs or anything. And I did not realize that I should not let him go home like this. So we will try to calm him and reward him when he calms and then try walking slowly again.

@michelleborchardt199 - 16.04.2022 07:53

An important point: Don’t plan on a full walk. Go only as far as the puppy is comfortable. If the pup refuses a DELICIOUS treat, it’s over threshold and you should cut the adventure short. If you go too quickly, the pup won’t be habituating to the outside, instead your SENSITIZING it. Sensitization causes responses to worsen because the dog is continually exposed into an environment it’s unprepared to deal with.

@maskyclockwork - 05.04.2022 20:15

This is a very useful video. We just adopted a puppy from the shelter and she is scared of going outside. This will help a lot

@yipsandhowls - 03.04.2022 08:11

A great video, well explained. What is the "shoo shoo game"?

@poshapooh4545 - 26.03.2022 08:13

she is 3 and never used to be problem she was at my daughters in a rural area for 5 months then i brought her back with me but downtown i cant get here to exit the building if i dont carry her 1 block away she will refuse to move almost laying the front of her bodu to the ground once i get tp the end of the block and across the street i throw here nall she is fine plays goes potty but if i just try and taker cross the street she shakes freezes and pulls her way back hpme i give her cbds toys and im going to try steak tomorrow

@akodara - 22.02.2022 20:37

I have an adult resqued dog, who is afraid to walk far away from our home when being outside(We live in a city). I've tried giving her treats outside, which she refused, but I did it only a few times. I'll try this technique out with her, sounds like it might really work if I'll be consistent.

@celtickirin - 18.01.2022 20:48

Helpful. Thanks!!
What is this shoo shoo game?

@_GlobalNomad - 06.12.2021 14:14

great advice I'm surprised this video hasn't got more views

@PolskiDaily - 24.11.2021 13:41

Great video! Thank you P)
