300 Famous Hollywood Actors Passed Away (2000-2024)

300 Famous Hollywood Actors Passed Away (2000-2024)

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@giovannifunaro5408 - 04.01.2025 19:00

stop saying Robing Williams committed suicide. He was on drugs.

@preciousjelle - 08.01.2025 01:58

Riposate in pace nella luce e amore di Dio eterno riposo 😢😢😢😢😢

@user-wt1jd4rc9n - 09.01.2025 05:48

It is very shocking to see these famous and beloved people who you imagine will live forever and realize that we are all going to die.

@user-wt1jd4rc9n - 09.01.2025 05:49

How strange it feels to see that they are no longer with us, it is as if I had expected them to be immortal.

@David-b3t - 10.01.2025 04:12

Brando. And. Matthau are on the list

@AnneMarieNicol - 10.01.2025 15:05

A lot of heart and cancer! All our food is poisoned with toxic crap ,has been accelerated since late 70, s!.Now everything ,everything in the supermarkets and “ organic “ is full of toxins ! The latest they are contaminating all meat! So with viruses,vaxs ,air pollution etc etc water full of chloride and fluoride ,soil contaminated where are we at ?

@hikedayley9309 - 11.01.2025 20:13

Live your best life every day. Be kind and love everyone. Material posessions are irrelevant in the scheme of things. Follow Jesus... He is the way, the truth and the Life Become Catholic and receive the Eucharist. Jesus told us "If you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will have life" and you will have eternal life in Paradise. God Bless you. Heed my words. I'm praying for all of you.

@deboraduharte8572 - 12.01.2025 06:00

Este grupo. De. Actores. Que. No. Conozco. Mucho. Porque. Soy. CUBANA. Pero. Les. Diré. Que. Todos. Sin. Excepción. Alguna.
TODOS. EsTan. Muy. Requetebien

Y. A. Lo. Cubano. ( Mejor. Que mejorar )

@predaaurelian5301 - 12.01.2025 19:26


@bobbradford6838 - 13.01.2025 22:34

Many missing:

Frank Bank, 71 (Lumpy on “Leave it to Beaver”) died 2013.

Paul Benedict, 70 (“The Jefferson’s”, “Cocktail”, “Arthur 2”) died 2008.

Ken Berry, 85 (“Andy Griffith Show”) died 2018.

James Best, 82 (Rosco “Dukes of Hazard”) died 2015.

Robert Blake, 89 (“Baretta”) died March 9, 2023.

Val Bisoglio, 95 (John Travolta’s movie father “Saturday Night Fever”) died 2021.

Tom Bosley, 83 (Mr. Cunningham on “Happy Days”) died 2010.

Jim Brown, 87 (though known for football was an actor) died 2023.

Johnny Brown, 84 (Bookman maintenance man on “Good Times”) died 2022.

Richard Bull, 89 (Nels Oleson “Little House on the Prairie”) died 2014.

Dick Butkus, 80 (though known for football was an actor) died 2023.

Frank Cady, 96 (Sam Drucker grocery storekeeper on “Green Acres” & “Petticoat Junction”) died 2012.

Bernie Casey, 78 (“Revenge of the Nerds” & “Brian’s Song”) died 2017.

Johnny Cash, 71 (known as a singer but also an actor) died 2003.

Robert Clary, 96 (last primary survivor “Hogan’s Heroes” who wore the beret) died 2022.

Michael Constantine, 94 (“My Big Fat Greek Wedding” & principal Kaufman in “Room 222”) died 2021.

Tim Conway, 85 (needs no introduction) died 2019.

Bill Daily, 91 (“I Dream of Jeannie” & “Bob Newhart Show”) died 2018.

Mac Davis, 78 (Quarterback in “North Dallas Forty”) died 2020.

Buddy Ebsen, 95 (“Barnaby Jones” & Jed Clampett in “The Beverly Hillbillies”) died 2003.

Stephen Elliott, 86 (“Arthur” movies & corrupt police chief in “Beverly Hills Cop”) died 2005.

Don Grady, 68 (Robbie Douglas on “My Three Sons”) died 2012.

Gary Graham, 73 (Tom Cruise’s older brother ‘Greg’ in “All the Right Moves”) died 2024.

Kevin Hagen, 77 (Dr. Baker on “Little House on the Prairie”) died 2005.

Corey Haim, 38 (“Lucas” & “License to Drive”) died 2010.

Pat Harrington, 86 (Schneider the maintenance guy “One Day at a Time”) died 2016.

John Hillerman, 84 (the snooty Jonathan Higgins on “Magnum P.I.”) died 2017.

Ken Howard, 71 (Coach Reeves in “The White Shadow”) died 2016.

Michael Jackson, 50 (though known more for singing was also an actor) died 2009.

Russell Johnson, 89 (The professor on “Gilligan’s Island”) died 2014.

James Karen, 94 (“ The Return of the Living Dead” & Lassiter in “Little House on the Prairie’s” last episode) died 2018.

Alex Karras, 77 (though known for football was also an actor in TV & big screen movies) died in 2012.

Ken Kercheval, 83 (played J.R. Ewing’s rival Cliff Barnes in TV series “Dallas”) died 2019.

Lance Kerwin, 62 (James Hunter on "James at 15") died 2023.

Richard Kiel, 74 (giant figure “The Longest Yard”, “Happy Gilmore” & Jaws in “Moonraker”) died 2014.

David L. Lander, 73 (Squiggy in “Laverne & Shirley”) died 2020.

Charles Lane, 102 (many TV shows & movies in career spanned 76 years) died 2007.

Ron Lester, 45 (fat football lineman Billy Bob in “Varsity Blues”) died 2016.

Tom Lester, 81 (handyman Eb Dawson on “Green Acres”) died 2020.

Al Lewis, 82 (grandpa on “Munsters”) died 2006.

Geoffrey Lewis, 79 (Philo’s brother Orville “Every Which Way but Loose” movies) died 2015.

Dave Madden, 82 (Reuben Kincaid in “Partridge Family”) died 2014.

Mark Margolis, 83 (Sosa’s drug worker in movie “Scarface" shot in car by Al Pacino) died 2023.

Philip McKeon, 55 (son Tommy on “Alice”) died 2019.

Bill McKinney, 80 (Riverbank hillbilly molester in “Deliverance”) died 2011.

Eddie Mekka, 69 (Carmine on “Laverne & Shirley”) died 2021.

Allan Melvin, 84 (“Andy Griffith Show”, “Gomer Pyle”, “Brady Bunch”) died 2008.

Spencer Milligan, 86 (father Rick Marshall in Saturday TV series “Land of the Lost”) died 2024.

Tommy Morrison, 44 (Rocky’s student boxer “Rocky 5”) died 2013.

Roger E Mosley, 83 (TC helicopter guy on “Magnum, P.I.”) died 2022.

Martin Mull, 80 (Restaurant boss on “Roseanne") died 2024.

Jim Nabors, 87 (“Gomer Pyle”) died 2017.

Merlin Olsen, 69 (“Father Murphy” & “Little House on the Prairie”) died 2010.

Ken Osmond, 76 (Eddie Haskell in “Leave it to Beaver”) died 2020.

Ron Palillo, 63 (Horse Shack on “Welcome Back Cotter”) died 2012.

Michael Pollard, 80 (C.W. Moss on “Bonnie & Clyde”) died 2019.

Ben Powers, 64 (Keith the boyfriend of Thelma Evans “Good Times”) died 2015.

John Quade, 71 (“ROOTS The next generation” & motorcycle gangster “Every Which Way But Loose”) died 2009.

Jason Robards, 78 (“Max Dugan Returns” & “Tora Tora Tora!” died 2000.

Pernell Roberts, 81 (“Bonanza” & “Trapper John, M.D.”) died 2010.

Ángel Salazar, 68 (Said to Ernie ‘Hey man.., you got a job!’ in “Scarface”) died 2024.

Vincent Schiavelli, 57 (weird faced Mr. Vargas “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” & subway ghost in “Ghost”) died 2005.

Paul Sorvino, 83 (Paul Cicero on “Goodfellas”) died 2022.

G. D. Spradlin, 90 (mean football coach “North Dallas Forty” & mean basketball coach “One on One”) died 2011.

Sage Stallone, 37 (son of Rocky in “Rocky 5” & was Sylvester's Stallone’s real son) died 2012.

Larry Storch, 99 (numerous movies & TV shows) died 2022.

Joe E Tata, 85 (Nate on “Beverly Hills 90210”) died 2022.

Jerry Van Dyke, 86 (Luther in TV series “Coach”) died 2018.

Dick Van Patten, 86 (“Eight is Enough” dad) died 2015.

@beatapaolicchi4049 - 17.01.2025 04:33

Stop lying!. Robin Williams committed suicidal!

@AQUARIUMFREAK123 - 17.01.2025 10:14

is it FOUL to put a like to this video ?

@rhondahaywood8137 - 19.01.2025 17:50

John Wayne you missed!

@donkique956 - 20.01.2025 05:59

So not a single female elapse between 2000 and 2024?

@young749Au - 20.01.2025 22:51

When it comes to the end of this life, the more important things are not what most spent most of their lives pursuing. At that point the love of God and His son becomes the most important whether one realizes it or not.

@willardsmith1949 - 21.01.2025 00:54


@michaeltrolan4143 - 22.01.2025 04:25

Very sad to see all who died from prostate cancer when that type of cancer is very treatable and curable with an early diagnosis.

@johnhowlett1502 - 22.01.2025 12:37

THE GREATEST American Celebrity were not in the line up.

@AvyRampa - 24.01.2025 06:53

Danny Aiello

@Rose-p5m1v - 24.01.2025 12:13

If the moron Trump hadn’t been president during the height of the pandemic 😷 maybe so many would not have died. He gave poor Dr. Fauchi hell ; was impossible to work with and so dumb as to tell Americans to inject bleach! 🙄

@johnrogan9420 - 25.01.2025 08:52

Death by "natural causes"...what are those???

@johnrogan9420 - 25.01.2025 09:06

Oh ....no... OJ!😂

@bumpercoach - 26.01.2025 04:01

very interesting
but what was the basis
for the ORDER since it didnt
seem to be longevity or
alphabet or chronologic
by either birth or death

@alveniamcqueen5696 - 28.01.2025 07:47

Under David Carradine, it says "erotic asphyxiation." Is that what I think it is???

@lol33380 - 28.01.2025 18:35

David Carrarine’s is so unserious after all of those cancer deaths lmao

@StanTheObserver-lo8rx - 30.01.2025 02:29

Robin Williams is the head scratcher commiting suicide. You just know they have drugs that can delay the worst onset. Plus what good is big money if you won't use it for top medical care? He just panicked one day i suppose...

@hormozhormozgan4662 - 31.01.2025 22:10


@rodneybell3201 - 31.01.2025 23:41

"We're all travelers in this world. From the sweet grass to the packing house. Birth 'til death. We travel between the eternities." -Prentice Ritter (Robert Duvall)

Acts 2:24
HE IS Risen

"There is no death, only a change of worlds."

God No Respecter of Persons
All Will Be Judged By Same Standard
Hebrews 9:27
27 And as it is
appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, the Bible is true!
WE ALL DIE ONE DAY, WE ARE ALL TEMPORARY HERE! It’s where you go after is the question! And NO I am not talking about religion!!

@DindoHamac - 01.02.2025 01:16

Johnny Weissmuller
Errol Flynn
Tyrone Power
Henry Fonda
Jack Elam
Gary Cooper
Robert Taylor
Lee Van Cleef
Woody Strode
Vincent Price
Yul Brynner
John Derek
George Peppard
James Mason
Anton Diffring
Jeremy Kemp
Robert Shaw
Trevor Howard
Stephen Boyd
Jack Hawkins
Eli Wallach
Jerry Lewis and
Charlie Chaplin

@dendennis9060 - 01.02.2025 05:35

Thank U, Infinite Intelligence 🙏

@GlobalTopTop - 03.02.2025 05:30

Ray Walston

@vincentkalafate43 - 11.02.2025 07:58

Stupidest , Over-Paid People ? COPS !

@Cove-o4d - 14.02.2025 07:08

I know that some of the original Little Rascals died in this century. I know they are all gone now. Please list all of them in the order they died.

@265sftre - 16.02.2025 14:29

I don’t want pneumonias on my death certificate, because it’s an I don’t know.

@saboor8917 - 21.02.2025 06:42

Also intimate lady actiors in Hollywood

@RalphHunt-m2l - 25.02.2025 05:28

It is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgement we all have an appointment we can't delay it cant cancel and if you dont belive in God you still have an appointment to face him. Only by accepting christ will you escape judgement and eternal damnation Get ready to accept christ he's our only hope

@shaye6598 - 26.02.2025 22:00

Rubbish Bruce Willis is not dead. 🤯

@RuthForsyth-r4x - 27.02.2025 04:15

I am looking for a Douglas , the younger one?

@RuthForsyth-r4x - 27.02.2025 04:17

I see Kirk Douglas, the older one

@RuthForsyth-r4x - 27.02.2025 04:20

These diseases are cruel, suffering. Such as pancreatic cancer, and others

@RuthForsyth-r4x - 27.02.2025 04:23

They will be missed, the Creator remembers all

@RuthForsyth-r4x - 27.02.2025 04:25

Glad the younger Douglas is alive

@RuthForsyth-r4x - 27.02.2025 04:25

I am Forsyth, no e

@RuthForsyth-r4x - 27.02.2025 04:30

It’s a shame we didn’t personally know many of them

@handyman7297 - 02.03.2025 18:43

How many of them are in hell right now ....

@theoriginalthinker9199 - 03.03.2025 08:08

Time goes by fast, then you're dead. Make every moment count, people!

@militia-je3rr - 04.03.2025 00:52

A set of men bending over to be rich

@jeancoppin6353 - 07.03.2025 22:58

What a great compilation. It's good to be reminded of performers we've appreciated over the years.

@PartyCrewCoolPAD - 08.03.2025 02:28

.Lee Dot
passed away it took me 17 months to realize I was 22 years old


@kurtierian - 11.03.2025 04:57

May they rest in peace for the trails they blazed will light the way forever❤
