Phoebe: Insane Unit With Future Value?! - Complete Guide, Build and Teams | Wuthering Waves

Phoebe: Insane Unit With Future Value?! - Complete Guide, Build and Teams | Wuthering Waves

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@hypersummoner9504 - 13.02.2025 08:37

I personally wouldn't recommend going crit rate aix because it's very easy to overcap on crit rate

@raymondcampusano2991 - 13.02.2025 08:41

I didnt really want her, but I pulled one 10 and got her. I will use Yinlin weapon. Sakura card captor is not bad. I will now wait for Brandt.

@Bani4kaq - 13.02.2025 08:42

Since her confession outro buffs some spectro dmg based on spectro frazzle could she not technically be used as a sub dps for Jinhsi? I don't have Zhezhi and my Carlotta already has locked up my Sanhua, so i this wouldn't even really be that bad for me i think 😭

Edit: Correction, she grants 10% spectro res shred and buffs spectro frazzle damage

@camma12 - 13.02.2025 08:54

Well time to build spectro rover i supposed

@justsomeguy1888 - 13.02.2025 08:58

Edging 🔥

@Duskull666 - 13.02.2025 09:27

Star of david? Then Phoebe is Jewish?! I was going to skip but now i just have too..

@suffolk4418 - 13.02.2025 09:36

awesome video ! :D love how u made it with all the details and easy learning + watching

@RaffoPhantom - 13.02.2025 09:48

I mean weakness implant was also a new mechanic for Silver Wolf and here we are, completely disregarding the gremlin completely.

@KeroberosX - 13.02.2025 10:01

She's the most complex character yet, can be sub or main dps. Insane design

@Bakugan2833 - 13.02.2025 10:14

her absolution HA reminds me of phantom from maplestory lol

@ManhwaClipz - 13.02.2025 10:16

Spectro Rover is one of the best sub-dps support in the Game:
1.) He's a Healer at S4 (5s healing from ult nuke) giving way to triple DPS with him
2.) He's a Debuffer at S6 (10% spectro res shred)
3.) He's a Crowd Control Support with Time Stagnation OUTRO at S0
4.) He's a Spectro Frazzle Fast Applier at S0 (Enhanced Skill and Ult) at S0
5.) He's a Nuker with his Ult at S0
6.) His Spectro Frazzle application 10 stacks helps give Eternal Radiance DPS holder have immediate 15% Spectro Damage bonus
7.) He uses Moonlit Set for full support buffs while dishing sub-dps damage

@ayoo_wassup - 13.02.2025 10:36

my bad luck curse is finally overrrrr. 4 lost 50/50's and got her at 30 we are back

@neoinfinity5204 - 13.02.2025 10:39

I saved for her and weapon so I can finally have Spectro DPS it’s fantastic she’s not only DPS cause this would effect her value quickly

@Eurosdown - 13.02.2025 10:41

Crap crap crap her abilities are so cool; I must resist the urge to pull!

@kyori75 - 13.02.2025 10:43

Showing the rotation in simple words help a lot. Many CC just talk and talk with skill names until it's confusing.

@lulushiny2340 - 13.02.2025 11:06

honestly my head is about to burst from her complexity but i pulled her

@AmbroosAugustijin - 13.02.2025 11:45

I got her c1

@DhruvRed - 13.02.2025 12:25

Phoebe is DPS and can also be support, so she will definitely be in the top units for a long time

@solid_plasma - 13.02.2025 12:28

Thanks for your videos. Your explanation and rotation break down has been very helpful in understanding these amazing characters. Keep up the great work!

@iloveloonaandiforeverwill6494 - 13.02.2025 12:38

Now I just need a second Sanhua fro my Camellia

@shawnevolved3610 - 13.02.2025 13:11

unrelated to the video phoebe has very squishable cheeks but uh so glad i pulled roccia it makes the new endgame whimpering waste so easy with her grouping with it basically just pincer but harder and with more buffs, my other team is struggling with grouping rn i need another roccia like character that isnt yangyang or jianxin they dont like their characters too much

@khushsarode - 13.02.2025 13:43

I dont play wuwa but i'll watch just for yhe voice

@sleezyana - 13.02.2025 14:57

Ok boys we pull!

@chandlermua7967 - 13.02.2025 16:23

Maplestory music ❤

@TaviiCatniss - 13.02.2025 19:19

I attempt the 50/50 after 50 pulls i got double phoebe xD guess i main her so here i am

@Msaber2012 - 13.02.2025 20:02

I was going to skip her. But then i tried her gameplay and i just fell in love with her. Immediately pulled her and her weapon. Now im debating getting her to S3

@Nole2701 - 13.02.2025 20:49

Her hat is a rabadons deathcap reskin. That's why she's so strong.

@TaviiCatniss - 13.02.2025 21:03

How do you build spectro rover for her

@yatanogarasu - 13.02.2025 22:40

Whelp, I've got Phoebe and her weapon, beating 50/50. But my stocks were reduced to less than 1K Astrites (started at around 15K + 12 tides). Granted, I haven't deposited any of my Caskets yet for Rinascita, but I need some condolences on whether I'd regret this...

@allanredhill8682 - 13.02.2025 23:04

personally I dont think her confession stance is a support mode. rather its the difference bewteen off field dot and on field burst dmg. This isnt like Zhezhi where her main role is as a enabler to buff another character. Both of Phoebes kits are mainly dmg oriented imo. Ofc there could be another unit that has some new interactions with the frazzle but to me it all reads like the synergies revolve mainly around Phoebe herself. If there are more options in the future to stop the frazzle from decaying her Confession form could be pretty nuts I think.

its more like the choice between dual dps or hypercarry I think

@12vyubi - 14.02.2025 08:53

The Maplestory tot bgm 🥺😭

@69Bloodstreaks - 14.02.2025 13:05

Justice for Yangyang not being mentioned in the grouping characters

@gamergurl3648 - 14.02.2025 19:53

I want to pull Brant so I can use him for Carlotta and I can keep zhezhi with jinhsi… but I am tempted to pull phoebe after the exploration quest because her bonking the daylight out of her opponents to solve certain conflicts is so hilarious to me

@VAnGsTErsaLLdAY - 15.02.2025 07:44

She is too big brain for me, I wanna play like a dumb monkey and click random buttons and things happen

@MMOplayeerr - 15.02.2025 17:02

I dont see how she could be a relevant support in the future. If we get a spectro main DPS who utilizes spectro frazzle, will Phoebe's confession mode and spectro frazzles make the overall team damage more as, if she was just used like a sub dps in absolution? I am not really sure. She has very high personal damage, probably the buff she can give to other spectro DPS characters doesnt actually make it worth to lose her personal DPS from absolution. I guess, if theres big power creep and the new spectro DPS is just much better to have on field time, then you can just do quick confession rotation to not take up field time with a subpar DPS character, so you can instead use the better DPS with buff. I guess that could happen, but still, I dont actually like that she has 2 modes, since in my opinion, most likely one mode will always overshadow the other in the actual meta.

@askeleton2532 - 15.02.2025 20:31

I like Zani, not enough to pull for her because as an f2p I need to spend wisely (unless my inner gambler says otherwise), but if she's a support that works well with Phoebe, I'm pulling her without a second thought

@Mid_Night448 - 16.02.2025 03:46

Reminds me of a certain monster from a certain anime card game. And no its not CardCaptor Sakura.

@_notprof - 16.02.2025 13:29

whats set on rover?

@TeppiaxD - 17.02.2025 05:07

wait so if you go spectro rover do you put the eternal radiance set on rover and regular spectro set on Pheobe since she's going to be like supporting? or the other way around ?

@AceTheos - 18.02.2025 05:35

I knew I was going to main her as soon as I realized how similar her animations are to Cardcaptor Sakura lol

@nurventilatoren - 18.02.2025 09:18

Ngl, I thought she was going to be a healer. Her design screams healer.

But her Summon animation with the adorable Nimbus Wraiths is just something you have to love.

@LizardKingRequiem - 18.02.2025 13:50

Jesus this is the most complicated kit any of these characters have had, wuwa has some complicated kits (reading through Carlotta’s and camellya’s give me a stroke) but this is fully on another level

@meowspark9 - 19.02.2025 21:46

I pulled peebe and her weapon, hoping Zani is her partner. Also for the ToA healer issue my solution was to only use a healer on the 4th floor of side towers and then use them each once per mid tower floor.

@MoonChild8189 - 21.02.2025 10:41

I really like the design of Phoebe having a support mode and DPS mode it leads to a very versatile character. I would play my yinlin so much more if she had a similar mechanic. It's just nice for people who really like a character and want to use them as a main DPS or for someone like me waiting for Zani and it's just so obvious they will play really great with each other.

@osmanthuswine5336 - 24.02.2025 03:03

Must stay strong for Zani…

@SkinnyLegend78 - 25.02.2025 04:12


@Shaddowxxi - 27.02.2025 08:55

I started a F2P account cause Phoebe seemed like a good option and somehow ended up with her, her weapon, and 5 star weapons for rover and verina before Union level 30 lmfao. This shit is more stacked than the account I lightly spend on lmfao.

@Grassy-2016 - 27.02.2025 23:48


@JonTheJotter - 28.02.2025 23:53

I’m new to WuWa and was trying to keep it f2p. But then I started watching videos and seeing that the bish can fly and ended up pulling her and her weapon. 😂 she’s fun to play too. Needed some variety after using Encore exclusively.
