Kerslash series channel:
I know this is shorter than my previous promos but as I get better at editing the trade off is better production value over longer videos, so sadly a lot of my new content will be shorter.
Rant: Why did this take 2 years!? I couldn't find a single clip of TOM saying "The ninja action starts with..." Then I'd cut the audio to Paige saying "Kerslash!" Like in this video. I've seen and heard this line during the lineup promo on Toonami for over a year while Shippuden was airing in 2017 but neither Toonami Arsenal or Caboose Jr had the clip! I searched 2 YEARS FOR THIS and FINALLY GAVE UP nothing that recent in 2017 should be that hard to find!!!....rant over...
#Kerslash #Ninjas #Action #Anime #Manga #Toonami #Promo #Trailer