Reef Tank (4 TANK UPDATE) Up’s And Down’s - Getting Past The Down’s

Reef Tank (4 TANK UPDATE) Up’s And Down’s - Getting Past The Down’s

TOM Reefer

2 года назад

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@TOMReefer - 15.05.2022 17:35

Hey Guys! Happy Sunday! I tried to give you an honest update today. Not all is roses with keeping our reefs! Hope you get something from it. Closed Captions available 👍🏻😊

Revised: the clear like organism in the beginning of the video, that I show you, is not a rotifer. Sorry guys. Google isn’t always correct. I didn’t check my sources! Now I’m really not sure what it is?

@03bugeye - 15.05.2022 17:51

Patients is key. My 65g is 4 years old and is just now getting past the uglies

@paularamos5752 - 15.05.2022 18:08

Luv my Sunday vid never enough T!!!! Johnny.🇺🇸🇺🇦

@jonathancapen2310 - 15.05.2022 18:18

Awesome video today man if your ever in the Kentucky area look up my shop hell or Highwater tattoo shop ! Idk if you like that kinda thing but would be cool

@WandWizardLLC - 15.05.2022 18:27

I have a question does Duncan‘s need medium to high flow because one day mine looks good and then the next day it looks like it’s gonna die?

@adamkwek5888 - 15.05.2022 19:13

Hi Tom, cromis will fight when they get bigger for space , they will fight till left 2 or 3 when comes to breeding size ...cheers 😊

@seangriffiths9163 - 15.05.2022 20:07

Yet again another great update video 👍👌
Could the loss of the two fish be the link to the loss of sps?

@jibe4781 - 15.05.2022 20:14

Hello Tom. 😱 valonia are a disaster. I had a lot in my tank since the begin on this year. I just had emerald crab and now is close to be the end of the invasion. I also remove it manually, safely without break it. I lose my pocilopora, may be to close to my sarcophyton. And my torch looking bad ... . Bad year 😰. Very good video. Macro algae come back !

@bencarr9955 - 15.05.2022 21:50

Nice video Tom 🙂👍do you have any idea what could be killing my clowns I've been through 3 brand new clowns in a weeks time always dying overnight its so frustrating I've never had so much trouble with clowns ever.

@brandonmms - 15.05.2022 23:20

What happened to fish tanks around the world?

@dobermanguy9437 - 15.05.2022 23:38

I can measure my phosphate in my tank it's at 0.02 checked with the Hannah low range I keep my nitrates at point one PPM I never have algae problem hair algae or bubble algae and I always keep a little bit of phosphate and nitrate in the tank if you look at my videos you will see that there is no bubble or hair algae in my tank believe it or not I had problems when I didn't have these elements in the water anyway they say Coral must have a little bit of both of those elements to thrive the only algae I have in my tank is coralline algae anyway your tank looks good give some romaine lettuce on a clip a try for your yellow tang by the way I'm wondering what you paid for him they're very expensive I got mine back in 2013 I only paid 40 bucks for him but now the prices through the roof my blue hippo Tang I got back in 2006 and he still doing fantastic I can't believe he's that old

@stelthtrekker9445 - 16.05.2022 05:50

You are like the aquarists I read about in books back in the 80s. You have this down to a Zen. I bet you rarely reach for medications, and aside from just tweaking the parameters, you let your systems run on their own. Your content is quality.
Beautiful tanks.

@matthewbassett9193 - 16.05.2022 14:39

Are you sure that is a rotifer? Doesn't seem to match pictures I looked up on it? I am super curious what it is. I had 5-6 of them in my system, but since they lift their "heads" up they sometimes blow off the wall and my clowns will slurp them down q: thanks for the vid

@HCBCHEMISTRY - 17.05.2022 07:39

I been having a hair algae problem on one of my tanks for many months. Its starting to go away.

@YoureBreathtaking - 17.05.2022 10:34

Damn even Digitata that sensitive. I guess keeping reef tank is like bitcoin graph?

@fishpony1211 - 17.05.2022 20:14

Awesome update. Thanks for always being real! Love this channel.

@xCaspow - 17.05.2022 22:01

Good update, Tom!

@sealevelreef7174 - 17.05.2022 23:24

It's also a chasing your tail hobby

@Guacamole44479 - 23.05.2022 04:29

I'm starting to think having an algae quarantine tank (e.g., 6-8 weeks of watchful waiting or an active week of something like Vibrant - eek) for all new corals would be prudent. Thoughts?!
