End of the Year Bjd Tag 2021

End of the Year Bjd Tag 2021

Kiwi and BJDs

3 года назад

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@ScreechingTrashGoblin - 21.06.2023 17:38

Your Olathe is so amazing! I love her. I just love Olathe, honestly. She's one of my absolute top-tier favorite doll sculpts.

@nisar6339 - 19.03.2022 01:42

Your dolls are fantastic!

@Keshaza - 31.01.2022 03:06

Your dolls are beautiful and unik I hope your friend finds their grail. Shoues are so hard to find for fantasy dolls I can relate to that. Also I love elfs too, one can never have to many elfs 💜 good luck with your crafting and your shoue hunt 💜 (every one has favorits but thats is a secret)

@jupiteradept100 - 03.01.2022 18:39

Great video! I really enjoyed hearing you talk about your creative process and how some dolls are here to stay just for a moment in time, whereas others stay for longer and carry on evolving.

@sukisakain - 03.01.2022 05:08

Your collection is gorgeous. I can’t pick a favorite. So inspiring.

@orioncreatures8306 - 02.01.2022 00:34

Love your collection so much. They inspire me to work on my own collection. Thanks for sharing! 💙

@HalcyonStraits - 01.01.2022 23:29

Awww! I love your attitude towards how dolls join your collection, you execute on an idea, and you let them move on (for someone else to enjoy). That's so refreshing to hear and something I will try to employ in my approach as well. 

On a separate note, I partially decided to join the Meeksdoll preorder because you joined. So here's hoping we get them soon, and I look forward to how you style them!

@resinmothdoll - 01.01.2022 17:00

your collection is so incredible, you always inspire me so much 💗 your Jericho is still my fave ✨

@mercedesmercedes173 - 01.01.2022 12:31

Happy new year kiwi I’m so happy you made a video I love ur making gave me inspiration to make clothes

@DD-eq2bl - 01.01.2022 12:10

omg love ur dolls!!! where r u from>???? Pls continue posting <333

@lauraleecreations3217 - 01.01.2022 08:20


@teressagivens8372 - 01.01.2022 07:12

Do you make your wigs? And how do you die your dolls?
