Viega MegaPress Overview | Viega Training

Viega MegaPress Overview | Viega Training

Viega LLC

1 год назад

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@mortezagolmakani484 - 21.10.2024 05:20

Thanks for sharing the information

@1jbunceiii - 03.10.2023 18:04

Home heating oil is ok with the last fitting? Where i work, we installed a diesel back up generator. The workers were using threaded black pipe and cutting/threading them on the job site. I asked if they ever used viega and they said something about their company wasn't going to spend the money for new equipment. So narrow minded! I have the press tool for 1/2 and 3/4 copper, i bought it as a homeowner and have helped several people install hot water heaters and fix small plumbing jobs for my friends. I love the press fittings. People are amazed when i show up with the press tool and viega fittings, no soldering!
