Dropping blind in France! [Downhill Skateboarding] [Col de la Bonette]

Dropping blind in France! [Downhill Skateboarding] [Col de la Bonette]

Oscar Clevö

55 лет назад

1,191 Просмотров

So the backstory to the run is that we had been skating the top of the mountain all morning and were on our way to leave. I wanted to do an exit run from the point we stopped the morning runs at. I had no idea how the hill looked like and we only had one car that we needed to film with so no radios were used. This was one of the most fun runs I have ever had, I had no idea that the run was this long so my legs were already dead halfway down.


#France #Speed #Skating #Skateboarding #Skateboard #Mountain #View #Col_de_la_Bonette #Road #Fast #Racing #Race #Car #Filming #Camera
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