Justin Khanna

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@west264 - 25.11.2022 08:24

Some knives they claim are Damascus “ARE NOT” they are I’m guessing laser etched pattern on the blade. I was beyond pissed.

@wardhattenjr5249 - 27.11.2022 02:14


@jeremybenoit759 - 27.11.2022 19:19

Overpriced Chinese company from Canada lol

@hoiitsjade - 28.11.2022 05:35

is it too late to win the knife

@alexfrench3972 - 02.12.2022 05:33

Just bought the Omega clever on cyber Monday sale. $88 cdn after tax. I'm sold.

@nikolayd.3399 - 09.12.2022 11:14

I have shohun series and the f knife bend on me if apply pressure on one side.
Good thing it comes right back when i apply similar pressure on another side 😅
Good looking knifes but overpriced not worth the money.
For 50-60$ more you can find real thing.

Not bad knife just overpriced.
Still using it but not buying that knifes again.

@boonsfrc - 17.12.2022 08:35

I want this knife , I like the chef's Damascus steel knife, and great video by the way

@byteme9718 - 28.12.2022 20:58

They're OK but then again I bought early on when they're prices were far cheaper. I feel I got reasonable value but was disappointed so much money had gone into packaging rather than the knife. I would consider buying again but Dalstrong would have to reduce their prices back to what they were.

@roospike - 01.01.2023 16:53

Problem being many home cooks don't necessarily know how to treat a hardened brittle knife ( Japanese like) I believe they have their own Market for that market of people and that's fine if that works for them and they're happy with it.
Many issues arise like I see with a downfall of non-stick pans and everybody going back to stainless steel it's like everybody trying to relearn how to drive and many with zero experience cooking with stainless steel carbon or cast and the many of issues people end up having is lack of experience and understanding but you see people complaining about it quite often and it just comes down to experience.

Excellent seeing feedback and seeing reviews of actual people that have bought and own things versus just getting the news from the supplier or maker but when people go through a lot of reviews you've got to understand that not all the negative count and many times it's human error or Karen's and Ken's 😄

Like they say about competition in the marketplace it drives quality and prices so if you use that to your advantage its a win.

@Winterfell1066 - 17.01.2023 21:30

I don't think you know much about knives.

@Chihuahuauno1 - 26.01.2023 20:03

I DO NOT what this CRAP CHINA-KNIFE !! ! !!

@TheBd0g - 03.02.2023 22:59

i want this knife [or something else creative in a comment below]

4 years i'm not too late right

@natethomson6689 - 22.02.2023 11:08

I've used dalstrong. Absolute garbage

@greenmarine5 - 22.02.2023 23:06

Thank you for the Video, you saved me the time and money of buying something I thought was high quality but is actually an average knife. You are 100% correct the marketing on Amazon makes these knifes out to be the best of the best.

@nycste1982 - 24.02.2023 21:50

Any chance you or someone can comment on how these 3 knives are quality wise vs the Gaia series ?

@Islwynpaul - 25.02.2023 17:58

I absolutely love and adore my Starrett knives....Starrett Professional Steak Knife 10" UK Amazon £10.43, Starrett Professional Boning Knife 6" £7.31, Starrett Professional Steak Knife 8" £9.04 ,Starrett Professional Chefs Knife 10" £6.66.....butchers use these knives and recommend them highly.....all are amazing and are real bargains...why pay more when these are all you need at budget prices...go and explore Starrett knives

@purrungas2012 - 09.03.2023 20:17

So which brands would you recommend? I hate companies lying about their products been made in other countries....fakes if you would. It should be illegal to mislead consumers

@KaitainCPS - 12.03.2023 08:48

Seems like everywhere I go, people are enjoying knives.

@tpnurdle1 - 09.04.2023 06:26

Isn’t Dalstrong from Germany?

@solobaricsrock - 23.05.2023 17:11

I'm a home chef. I do sharpen all my knives. I own a couple of Dalstrong knives. That said, I understand that when I get a Dalstrong, I'm going to have to reprofile the entire edge. Is it a pain? Ehhh sorta. Is the end result worth it? Totally. It is what it is.

@eduardoatillo5287 - 13.07.2023 11:00

How about the omega series

@aaronsandoval6164 - 25.08.2023 05:35

I'm "The Stoked Backyard Home Cook" and I have had my Dalstrong 19 piece block set for 6 years and I love 'em! I use them just about everyday and they still look and perform amazingly! I just sharpen with a simple criss cross sharpener from Walmart Sporting Goods Department and it gets very sharp for my needs. I would probably cut off a finger if I had it professionally sharpened!

@loganphilipp7353 - 06.09.2023 11:50

i have used the shogun series 8 inch chef knife for every day work for about 2 years now and i have loved it

@camocook6 - 29.09.2023 03:23

Are you a Chef?

@TheNewb187 - 14.11.2023 14:53

to keep clEAAAAN as my voice cracks

@cahoonm - 27.11.2023 03:05

How do you feel about the OMEGA series that uses BD1N American forged Hyper Steel?

@geraldbock1012 - 28.11.2023 23:45

Thanks Justin. I have an Aliexpress account. I don't think I have purchased any Dalstrong yet.

@AppleVsGravity - 10.12.2023 01:13

Did you just now hit puberty?

@bowrinkle8408 - 15.12.2023 09:40

Why would you buy a knife with a full bolster and then critique the shit out of the bolster? If you're not skilled in that style knife you'll never like it.

@HYPERxSONICxFANx2012 - 22.12.2023 15:54

i have 4 dalstrongs currently. they're great to use for me. i'm collecting them. gladiator series

@borrago - 09.01.2024 17:42

As soon as you mispronounce kiritsuke, you loose all credibility and your opinion becomes meaningless.

@mikeg3950 - 27.02.2024 20:31

Your voice cracking 😂😂

@gordonliddy9418 - 14.03.2024 12:57

So don't buy a Chinese knife, but buy a Chinese knife is what I gathered.

@vyrusnationgaming1999 - 18.03.2024 04:39

I just bought a Dalstrong Scorpion Series 9.5" chef knife and i use it in the kitchen at work. Let me tell you something....that knife is the best knife i have ever used.
Perfect balance. Light weight, but heavy enough for most applications.
I keep it sharp but i only need to sharpen it once and the blade lasts all day long.
I had a blade slip and it shaved off a portion of my fingernail with no effort so please be carful with these knives....they are no joke sharp as a razor. Especially the Scorpion Knives.
The V12 Black Demascus Japanese ultra steel with cobalt infusion is a game changer for real.

@alphadawg81 - 25.03.2024 22:55

How can damascus be made of only one kind of steel? Isn't it by definition different steels folded together to gain the different advantages of each steel?
Don't take me wrong. AUS 10 is good steel (if properly heat treated), but the dmascus part is pointless marketing.

@brianfreland9065 - 04.04.2024 05:40

im a sous chef and 17 years into culinary and i actually really like dalstrong. dont get me wrong, wusthof is still my favorite but you cant really get a better knife for a better price than dalstrong. its pretty awesome quality for the money. im not saying every single line theyve made are the same quality but the ones ive personally had are really awesome and i used them daily in a heavy use and high paced invironment...meaning they were definitely torture tested haha. a complete set for 300 is pretty fantastic. and they have some epic sales right now. full set, honing rod, and a really nice block for 200 bucks. i just purchased their plating tweezers today

@zrbsrbija - 09.04.2024 11:02

You dont knw much

@jsdowling1989 - 14.04.2024 14:31

Chef here. Your hands are too small....

If the knife doesn't fit in your hand. Don't bitch.

US chefs are usually tall.

Have a good day. I just ordered a 10.5" German steel Dalstrong single bevel for 80$

@jsdowling1989 - 14.04.2024 14:32

Also yes, you will get a chip with this hard steel. But any good chef would know how to fix that

@5dmkiii60 - 09.07.2024 23:19

I have one Dalstrong knife, their Shogun series 8" boning knife. It does a good job breaking down pork butts // shoulders and trimming up briskets or breaking down whole chiickens. Every other knife I have, 9" Gyuto, 9" Kiritsuke, {pronounced Kirit-skay" not Kirit-su-kay I believe} 9" Sujihiki, 7" Nakiri, 7" Santoku and 5" Petty are all Miybai 5000 MCD Birchwood series SG2 Damascus knives. I have a MAC MTH-80 Pro that I use for harder veggies as the Miyabii knives have very thin blades with a 63 Rockwell rating. I'd rather chip the MAC on something hard than the Miyabi. The Dalstrong is OK but it's nowhere near the quality of the Miyabi knives. You want Japanese cutlery? Get Japanese made knives, not Chinese knockoffs. Japanese knives are the best for a reason.

@westernland1 - 31.08.2024 02:04

I want the gladiator

@enhancedcalm - 13.09.2024 02:21

This was probably the best knife review I have come across. Really good review.

@josephteller9715 - 05.10.2024 18:41

Ty for this review, I found it informative.

@Ragnar215 - 11.11.2024 18:31

I have a question are you an actual chef or do you occasionally use

@HPAcustomriflesandcerakote - 15.11.2024 20:12

Man this dude complains a lot. Like yes you must put a little effort in cleaning your damn knives bro. Pitch of your voice doesn't surprise me much

@pikeknifeandforge9138 - 18.12.2024 08:00

Bros complaining about a bolstered heel when he ordered that knife specifically 😂😂😂😂 and hes complaining about the smallest pommel 😂😂😂

@dvduadotcom - 08.01.2025 00:29

Dalstrong knives are gimmicky trash. Marketing without substance is dangerous to me. I've been using a Burrfection Jeti Li collab knife and their Tojjiro Petty and other knives, and they're amazing... they are razor sharp and sharpen back up super quickly.
That's what matters IMO, and gimmicky knives are just a huge red flag to me.

@chrisnorman1430 - 31.01.2025 22:25

I have their quantum series chef knife and I love that thing, razor sharp out of the box and doesn't take that much work with a whetstone to get it back.

@delantey - 27.02.2025 07:23

Great review. Now having second and third thoughts.
