So I need to rent a bulldozer to reduce the inclines of our park!😅
ОтветитьI would also add hydrating well leading up to your interval session
ОтветитьThe Souplesse-Interval-Method aka Methode Verheul emphasizes that interval-pace should be fast enough to develop reactivity and running economy but also slow enough to gain a correct balance in training between load and relaxation. Relaxed intervals thus.
ОтветитьThis hit home. Thanks for the video.
ОтветитьHow do I determine hill gradient?
ОтветитьWouldn't there be a beneficial training adaptation from depleting your muscle or liver energy stores?
In training I'm not worried about performance, I want to maximize productive adaptation response.
By the way the revving of your car engine analogy made zero sense .... can't wait for 'the top 99 things runners do wrong'.
ОтветитьThank you coach Shona and Brad for these explanations. I have been a casual runner and swimmer for more than a decade now but only recently just starting to pay serious mind to the science of exercise. Your lesson on the length of rest period for speed and speed endurance workouts NOW makes sense.
ОтветитьIs there a minimum amount of reps. I run 2 in my weekly group run
ОтветитьWhy do you keep shouting?
ОтветитьCoach Parry videos are great. I've learnt so much from these guys and they cover all aspects of running including running after 50.
ОтветитьMany thanks for your message.🎉🎉🎉🎉
ОтветитьThe points about the rest intervals was interesting. Am also appreciating the need for excellent nutrition.
ОтветитьThis is maybe true for very new fresh runners. When you're more advanced, or mid-advanced this makes no sense
ОтветитьI haven't seen any problem to do intervals before the breakfast I just warm-up better than afternoon, thought I'm not training for marathon just for 800m age class and I feel interval training for middle distance could be brutal or primal compared to long distance 😊
ОтветитьAs humans we already have energy stores inside our bodies (and I disagree here with Coach Parry) because you do not need to eat or fuel before hands, it would be also a very subjective and individual. This is why we have “training”. To test if we are a person that need to fuel before an interval workout or does not. I had a training partner who had to eat, while I never did.