I’d like to get that notebook y’all use because my husband follows along with your bible study. Thanks
ОтветитьJesus is ALIVE!
ОтветитьMy Name is Shaun 46 yrs. Young and have experienced many many many situations as a young buckaroo selling the vegetables and have absolutely first hand come in direct contact with a Human Being with A Demon attached to them...& that was 35 years ago...i never did hard drugs but allways had friends that sold them and used them & I am a Major alcoholic now & see it every day with the meth & crockery....but my point is that...Yes...people can have a demon attached to them...& I have had to Realize it in my own life several several several times that I had one or more attached to me & had to BANISH them from my presence in JESUS NAME...AMEN!
As a catholic, yes, we are the only church that acknowledges the demon possessed and that tries to cast out the demons in the name of Jesus Christ via an exorcism. I personally have witnessed people I knew that where demon possessed, and it usually steams from a criminal life and a use of drugs. Thats just how it was growing up in L.A infested gang life there was always someone that knew somebody that would have demonic episodes. Jesus is light the truth.
ОтветитьHaving worked in psychiatry for years, I asked myself that question, too: How many of those supposedly ill were actually possessed? Can't say for sure, but there were some giving indications that it might have been the case. Also talked to a believing colleague about it. He didn't deny thw possibility at all and told me about distinctly dark atmospheres when isolating certain patients.
ОтветитьIt's an issue of authority. Christ had authority over the demons and they knew it. That authority was given by Christ to his Apostles (the first Priests). Attempting to engage with Demons outside of the ordered authority structure of God is a more than dangerous. The Catholic Church is the Church and Peter was the first Pope upon which the gates of hell will not prevail. Not a Denomination but The church alone for 1500yrs
ОтветитьCatholicism is the most biblical faith. You reformed prods say faith alone saves, but faith without works is fake faith see James. Our works and conduct give testimony to our faith. If a person says they are saved yet is wicked that person is a lier and follows satan, not Christ.
In these modern times more people are seeking occult knowledge and power. The Masons of California openly boast of casting magic spells on their website. Some schools push the occult on child. There is an actual book Called Demon summoning for children on Amazon. When people cast spells, they are basically asking demons to do something for them. This allows the demons to get hooks on the person. They will then work to get more and more control over the person. Demons are bullies so if someone has mental health issues or other weaknesses, they will try to exploit those weaknesses.
I read and article that said there was now more wiccans, which is just one form of witchcraft, than Presbytrians. Thus the number of baptised Christians is become less, while the number of occultist is growing.
My understanding is that a person has the right to exercise himself and his family, but a priest chosen by the local bishop is needed for other people. In the exercism the Priest commands the demon to leave the person by the power of Christ or in the Name/Blood of Christ. The goodness of the person performing the exercism (priest) has an effect on the power of the exercism.
Really good
ОтветитьWe don’t have any idea just how prevalent demon possession is - it’s absolutely everywhere and all around us, If you’re not saved and have the indwelling Holy Spirit you're subject to a demon entering into you.
Look at how even a saved person can have the devil speak through you, just as Jesus called Peter, Satan, get behind me. (Matthew 16:23) Jesus was speaking to Satan even though he was addressing Peter,
Satan hadn’t entered into Peter but he was speaking through him when Peter spoke of opposing the mission of Jesus at the cross,
If Satan can use us to speak profane awful things, how much more do you think demons would use unsaved people to carry out their will of evil -
It’s everywhere,
Demons are very real, we have had demonic activity in our home. I have heard voices speaking when no one was in the house, my son was scratched on his back in the middle of the night, enough that it drew blood. He came running to our room crying. We heard heavy footsteps in the middle of the night, enough that my wife and I were awakened from a dead sleep. On one occasion, I entered my music room early one morning, pitch black room, and as I reached for the light switch, at the very instant the light came on, my drum cymbal crashed on its own as if it was hit by a drum stick. In all of these instances, and there are many more, I was not afraid, yes I was unsettled for sure but I instantly called upon the name of Jesus and commanded this spirit to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. We are born-again Christians and we have a Christian home, I've never quite understood why the Lord allowed these spirits to harass us but I can only surmise that it was to draw us closer to him.
ОтветитьCHRIST IN U is what matters — CHRIST IN U = the hope of hitting the bullseye & having the authority & power to live a holy & victorious life & to heal & cast out demons etc etc
ОтветитьSnff snfff snfff snf snffff omfg
Ответитьafter drinking shakes , exercising , and killing (hunting) squirrels with no compassion .they are. preaching . no exercise to cultivate compassion . must be from a cult. squirrels are revered in Hinduism.
ОтветитьRemember even if you don’t believe in the devil,he believes in you.
ОтветитьThat’s what I’m talkin’ bout! Half the country needs a deliverance. There most definitely are many demonic influences. People do get attachments that cause misery and even Christians don’t want to see it. It’s something that should be dealt with and not ignored. Imagine going to your Baptist Pastor and telling him you have a ghost or demon.
ОтветитьOhhh i see you are covering some
Actual crucial stuff..
Superb job ...
Keep it coming
There is no doubt in my mind, that in the last four years our nations capital has been over run with demons.
I believe that now that President Trump is in office, many of these demons have been and will be run out of DC!!
We have a meeting at work on Monday mornings and study the biblical citizenship course. Every American Christian should take this course. Looking at the constitution through a biblical lens.
ОтветитьGreat stuff, guys. Thanks
ОтветитьIf we could bring me to these people give a hope as Jesus Christ is lord and savior
ОтветитьDo not fear. The Bible declares it 365 times at least. That's one for every day of the year. Walk with Him. "He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world."
ОтветитьThe question concerning Apostolic authority (pertaining to demonic vexation, obsession, possession, and infestation) in the modern world varies in degrees and kind due to the protection a person will or won't have from demonic retaliation.
In all instances, it is best for lay people to ask Christ to command demons to stop their activities.
Only under very particular familiar situations, should a lay person use commanding speech against demons (for instance using "I command you demon..." however it is very specific and that authority must be backed up through individual and paternal rights: self, marriage, husband head of household, and a wife over her biological children.
Because of Apostolic Succession, Catholic and Orthodox priests (through their ordination by their Bishops) have the authority to absolve mortal sin in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Demons can not retaliate against priests because Christ commissioned and gave His authority to forgive mortal and venial sin to His Church (see John 20:23).
Christ's institution of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is, in reality, a minor exorcism.
The Baptized must direct their will toward what Christ instituted for His Church.
Thank y’all so much. I know I was to hear this message today. These words had me in tears.
Walking the path is so hard brothers and sisters but I am strengthened this day. Be strong and courageous and Yahweh bless. Love y’all
I highly suggest reading the book (he came to set the captives free) by Rebecca brown… book is a true story and explains a lot of helping people with demons. If you have Amazon prime the audiobook is free. If I knew where to send it I’d send you my extra copy. Really would like to hear what yall would get from it… keep up the good works.
ОтветитьChrist allows demonic possession for personal and corporate sanctification of His Church.
Catholic exorcists follow a book of prayer called the Rite of Exorcism for major exorcisms (people fully possessed).
During the Rite, the priest will ask the manifesting demons specific questions: name / names, number of demons, point of entry, cause of entry, date of liberation.
Love the Monday meeting brother! 🔥🙏👍
ОтветитьThe Canon of Scripture was determined by the Catholic Church through multiple bishop councils in the 4th Century.
(Apostolic books were included, and non Apostolic books were excluded.)
"...if Catholics could called Christians...."
Catholics and the Orthodox are the original Church.
They separated in the 11th Century.
Protestantism denominated from Catholicism in the 16th Century.
I think we don’t do the things the apostles & disciples did because we limit our faith.
ОтветитьThanks guys
ОтветитьIt would be epic if you could get Jerry Marzinski on the pod. He spent 30 plus years in psychiatric wards treating the mentally ill and I believe many schizophrenics. He has concluded that most of not all are afflicted with demon possession. Peace. 🙏✌️
Ответитьlisten y’all…
I was raised up in a lil southern Baptist church in rural NC…
I was saved at an early age but strayed through the years…
anytime the subject of demons came up, I thought “sure, back in the Bible days but not now”
my last wife came home completely changed after an affair…
the first noticeable thing I remember was her accusing me of things that she knew good and well I had never done… so I Googled some of the things she said to me and the answers kept coming back to the affect of: the devil is the father the accuser, he’s the author of confusion, etc…
this was about 7 years ago… I was strung out on drugs at the time…
it was me awakening to the reality of demonic possession that caused me to realize that God is real and alive also…
I was dying from liver failure, hep c, I was stressed and strung out…
so, 4 years ago, I left that toxic environment and moved to Nashville TN… I’m still within a days drive from seeing my family but far enough away from what I need to be away from…
when I got to Nashville it was during the height of COVID… I’m a disabled US Army Iraq war veteran, so I went to the Nashville VA and asked for help, they sent me to Murfreesboro to detox for 10 days then sent me to Cumberland Heights rehab… it was a true blessing…
The Lord healed me 100% … I’m free of the narcotics that once held me captive… my liver is healed, I’ve been tested time and time again and it blows the drs minds that I no longer have hep c…
I’m a blessed man!
even after knowing and going through all this… I still get complacent… it’s so easy to slip away…
Y’all are spot on today… good talk…
it’s real y’all…
real as we are!
If you don't have compassion you don't have the holy Ghost
ОтветитьNavy seal afraid of old lady meth head
Ok got it 😂
Look up the Greek word for witchcraft. Pharmacia. I run a homeless ministry and believe demonic possession is masked with modern medicine or witchcraft
ОтветитьIf you truly want to study the Bible.....go watch someone who can actually read it at Lady Babylon. 😁
Ответитьpower in the name of
ОтветитьThe devils also believe and tremble
Your heart will be filled, if asked, by one of two masters.
Obama used this guy and his crew to run psyops. There is a demon here alright. It's name is psycological operations and human trafficking
ОтветитьHas anyone else heard or read the Book of Thomas?
ОтветитьI really enjoyed this, wonderful talk! Thank you so much all, God Bless!