last time I had to drain my braincells out for math was when I had a very cool idea on how my LinearLayoutManager should behave. Couldn't achieve the UI I wanted in the end
ОтветитьMore than "being good at math" is having a "mathematical thinking" what gives you an advantage at coding
ОтветитьI think that, we just need good logic as a Software Developer, no need deep math knowledge
ОтветитьI have yet to see a large App (small yes ofc) that does not have complex math in business logic, but your client will provide these in most cases, however if you can handle it yourself = bonus income else you wil need to get an expert to assist. In any case my Son an Auditor, always audit my math for correctness, we even once found the client math to be in error!
ОтветитьTrue, but I am currently developing a Graphics heavy native application & math is super useful.
ОтветитьThe last time I used difficult math as a developer was in an interview process 🤡
ОтветитьUsing Taylor series or Fourier transform isn't easily correlated with using "difficult math". Difficult math can also mean using simple "logical thinking" to complex problems. This short is an unnecessary and harmful oversimplification.
ОтветитьDon't agree it depends on what you have to do, and what type of software it is.
ОтветитьNo comment 😂
ОтветитьCompletely disagree ... ML Algorithm design is pure math ... We do much more then Android ... LOL
ОтветитьTitle should be "web developer" and not "software developer"
ОтветитьYou can always learn something once you need it. Not only can you always learn new code, you can even learn new math FOR your code
ОтветитьI don't know if it counts, but month ago I had to make some custom drawings in my app and it required a lot of knowledge of vectors and how to operate with them.
Also as someone mentioned above, if you know that person is good at math - you know that this person is good at thinking too.
You are wrong. It depends on what kind of software you're working on
ОтветитьSome people waste 4 years of their life going to college for a job you could have had in 6 months of self-study in your own comfort. They just want to justify their bad decisions, and will push math, degrees, algorithms and other completely useless stuff like it is even 1% important. Yeah, in some rare niche jobs, maybe, but the thing is - you, and 95% of other software engineers are not getting that job in the end. Just open your eyes and look at the reality.
ОтветитьIf you work with geolocation, custom view, accelerometer or pretty much any hardware - knowing math is an ultimate bonus that will end up in speed, efficiency, reusability and accuracy of your deliverables. Someone without math skills can achieve close results, but it can take him weeks instead of hours. Mastering pifagorus equations is an absolute must for game dev.
ОтветитьDepends on the project you are working on.
If it requires engineering formulas, you might want to look for them. Prior knowledge helps as to which formulas you need. At least that's what I learned from engineering school.
im in uni so i need to pass math and im bad at it sdo im taking july and august to learn
ОтветитьJust this week to be honest but I am designing a type system with algebraic data types and I was finding a way to represent type sets in a normal disjunctive form ^^'
ОтветитьThe only math you should be good at is BODMAS
ОтветитьLemme answer that: NEVER