Switching Careers to Become a Data Analyst | How I Made the Switch

Switching Careers to Become a Data Analyst | How I Made the Switch

Alex The Analyst

5 лет назад

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@nidoom - 29.11.2020 11:06

Hello Alex, would it be a good idea for a person who is over 41 years old to change his career to data analyst?

@falguniverma3024 - 30.11.2020 15:33

Hi, i have been working as Business Analyst now i am looking for transition in Data analyst. I have applied in quite a few companies but didn't getting any calls. I am learning SQL, Python , EDA visualization. Can you help me with resume building

@MrMelvinmoore - 10.12.2020 21:28

Hi Alex. I wanna switch to become a Data Analyst. Would you advise against getting a diploma got it vs being self taught. Does not having the certificate/diploma/degree for it hamper your chances?

@haritaharish478 - 14.12.2020 06:22

Hi, TQ for this video. Really it gave lot of inputs for similar kind of profiles....can share anything abt. certifications for data analyst jobs.....

@parthjoshi687 - 15.12.2020 13:01

Is graduation required in computer field for applying data analytics course?

@dikshavikas873 - 16.12.2020 09:00

Hi Alex
I am working in telecom company as network engineer. How should I manipulate or get the recruiters attention towards my resume? If I do get interview opportunity then should I mention about my last domain or should mention something like using excel,SQL in my last company?

@keshshakya4228 - 17.12.2020 03:04

Hi Alex,, i graduate from college back in 1998. however i have never worked on same field , I have been working in Retail store for last 2 decades, recently i took class of Sql and BI, i am just not sure about how to land a job and have a good Resume ,, if you can help i will really appreciate it

@miguelalvarez6450 - 23.12.2020 22:35

Hi Alex. Looking to get into this field. I am coming from the hotel/hospitality sector and wondering if Data analytics is worth the career change?

@cryptocovered4729 - 27.12.2020 00:40

What is the odds of me getting work/contracts without a degree?

Just considering heading down this path now... Am coming from hospitality, (was self-employed up until the outbreak. Am business minded) so my background won’t do me any favours either.

Thanks for your thoughts

@monojitpal4643 - 01.01.2021 12:46

What should I learn to start my career as a data analyst...
What is the basic requirements for this

@bipanatiwari9516 - 18.01.2021 03:16

Hi Alex i have completed my bachelors degree on nursing science but i am really interested to work as data analyst in future.. can you please suggest me any pathway from where i can start learning...

@bislari124 - 25.01.2021 22:46

I'm also going to subscribe you. I have also interested in Data analysis. I'm working in E-commerce domain as an Application Engineer. Before that, i was working for Healthcare domain upto 5 years and during that period i was able to understand data analysis. And it turns out to be my passion. So really want to connect you. Thank you for motivated us.

@karrimomer - 27.01.2021 23:24

Hey man really glad I found your videos, I just graduated college last month with an information systems major and have been applying to a bunch of junior data analyst positions, I haven't had an internship or any experience in the field so sometimes i feel under qualified. Would you have any advice you have for a recent graduate trying to find a job?

@rr2308 - 30.01.2021 10:09

Really good video! Im trying to Switch from nursing to healthcare analytics so I'm hoping for the best.

@geoffwitt4227 - 03.02.2021 08:46

I have great reservations about promoting this field of "data analyst". Industries recruit from professionals from within their industries. In healthcare, you find nurses working as data analysts. In real estate, it is agents. In finance, you have bankers or finance majors. They mostly preen by putting analytic software on the resume. Insider contacts is key. Except in a few areas of the country like Texas. Oops. You live in Texas. Why did it take 4 months to get one of these jobs. This sounds like a bad career move.

@k8tglynn - 14.02.2021 20:29

Hi Alex - I’m a medical coder and am curious if you anything about what kind of background I’d need to become an Epic EMR analyst. I’ve applied to tons of these positions and keep getting turned down. I have a bachelors in Health Information management and an AS in Health IT. Any suggestions?

@mohammedmahgoob390 - 23.03.2021 18:32

Greetings Alex, I'm 33 and I have passion to shif my career to data analyst. I have bachelor degree in nutrition and food technology and I'm not interested anymore, so kindly advice would it work... 😞

@dilipghuge7226 - 24.04.2021 18:19

Hello Alex, How connect with OR follow you through linkedin?

@benjamin4206 - 04.05.2021 20:26

i can tell you are a great guy...i subscribed. i am a math teacher. should i consider data analysis or software development?

@AngelMartinez-jl5hv - 05.05.2021 03:06

Hello, I recently graduated with a major in finance and a minor in accounting and I’m wondering what steps I should take to become a data analyst? Thank you.

@Enlightenmentmovies - 18.05.2021 23:00

Hi Alex, I have been following you since long time I really like your videos and you content helps. I have been trying to switch my career to data analyst for more than 1 year now I have reached on very low moral of only I am not going to make it. I have learn SQL, Tableau power BI basics of python.. Still while applying for jobs I feels skills are less and that lower my confidence. Please help and guide

@HBCertified - 24.05.2021 23:49

Do you know the software MicroStrategy ? Is it data visualization? In my current job I got access to it where I can pull data and use it to analyze . Maybe this might help me transition to a data analyst role as I’m currently an engineering analyst role

@Kareninapk. - 09.06.2021 14:04

I've been watching your videos lately, since I'm interested in changing carrers, any advice for when you don't feel smart enough and Impostor Syndrome is trying to eat you? LOL

@YaleCrane - 09.06.2021 18:28

Thanks for the video!

I hold a B.S. in applied/pure mathematics and have 14 years worth of experience in the chemical industry, but I feel the need to change and do something more fulfilling.

How did you decide between data science and data analyst? I have been accepted into a university data science masters program which will take me 3.5 years due to having some programming prerequisite classes, but it seems that if I acquire the skills, I may be able to break into data analytics sooner with my degree and some certs/programming experience under my belt.

Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated and valued, thanks!

@AljIsHere128 - 10.06.2021 08:02

Hey Alex. What was your first video in your channel so I can try to watch in order? I am curious about Data Analyst and I actually like SQL but not brushed up proficient yet. I am also the weirdo that likes Excel and refreshing skills in that for starters before jumping into say a Tableau or Power BI. I know the struggler will be real with Statistics but I am willing to push through with it (LOL). Any help is appreciated.

@judypingmccormick3904 - 10.06.2021 16:03

Hi Alex, if you think getting the first Data analyst job is very hard, then I think I have no chance. Should I save the heart ache, but I am already proficient in Python, SQL and Tableau, and 25% completing 'Google Data analytics Professional Certification'. My family does not rely on my income, work becomes hobby, so the pressure is off. Maybe you should set up a DA career coaching club. cheers, Judy from Melbourne, Home to Australian Open Tennis

@muhammadaminullah5367 - 13.06.2021 15:25

good stuff!

@ericjaysonlorena9283 - 03.07.2021 03:06

Jalapeños!!!! Thank you Alex! Your video is very inspiring.

@sanjukta93 - 03.07.2021 09:32

Hi Alex, I have been following your channel for quite sometime and you are doing an amazing job 😊. I am from India and I have 6+ years of experience in data analytics(sas, sql and a little of tableau). I have been trying to get a job in europe but I dont get call backs. Can you help please.

@parkerandrecreation - 04.07.2021 07:38

We look very much alike AND you live in Dallas too? If I take this career path it’ll be interesting if I get hired at the same place and see my doppleganger there lol

@alejandroj5249 - 14.07.2021 22:08

maaaan, if only was that easy, to learn a skill + putting it in your cv and apply to job and being visible to recruiters. I have applied to nearly 80 internships and only got 4 interviews with 0 rate of success since they mainly look for engineers or technical studies

@abdimohamed9178 - 22.10.2021 22:26

What is the difference between data analyst and big data?

@samrizvi92 - 26.10.2021 00:29

Hey man! Great videos. One question though which course to start from? Is google data analytics course on coursera good to start from?

@glorialin964 - 02.11.2021 18:26

I can relate so much to everything you said!!

@davidevans1537 - 06.11.2021 18:34


@abhishekrk6903 - 05.12.2021 16:01

How did u loose your hair

@kostasvalanidis7560 - 13.02.2022 18:27

Hi Alex, Iam a nurse. I want to switch my career to health care data analysis. Is it possible without previous experience?

@shivanityagi6646 - 08.04.2022 21:14

Hi Alex,
I am a software developer for about 7 years currently want to transition to data analytics or Business intelligence profile. Currently I am pursuing MSc Business Analytics, wherever I am sending resume for BI or data analyst they are getting rejected. I seriously don't understand what is the problem. Could you please give me some advice.

@celestinechike3048 - 30.04.2022 00:39

Good evening sir, please can you state the course you studied in college? I studied physics & I’m trying to change my career path but I have zero knowledge or experience about this courses (accounting & finance, data analyst or business analyst)

@kmart014 - 23.08.2022 16:45

Hi i just discovered your channel. Thanks for the helpful content. I want to break into the data analyst field but I have some reservations. I’ve never had a professional job. Just a few customer service call center jobs. I currently work in the public sector in a clerical LA County position. I want to break into the data analytics field but I am discouraged. I only have an associates degree and some university units towards a sociology degree. I have considered data analytics bootcamps. But I think it’ll be a waste of time if I still have no degree. Is it difficult to break into the industry with no bachelors?

@omodolapoadesanya3532 - 05.10.2022 18:24

Hi Alex, thanks for leaving this here. I’m transitioning into becoming a data analyst, started out with Google Data analytics course on Coursera.

@tnatdanai - 01.11.2022 17:06

Thank you for the video. I am experiencing all you mention; a lot of call interviews, work with recruiters, and most of the offers are contracts. It's like l am not alone that having this experience.

@Oceanbluewhale - 08.12.2022 14:53

What is difference between SQL and Rapid SQL?

@1Love-4-ever - 10.11.2023 18:58

Can I get a job as a data analyst without experience

@Yemisi.Owoade - 08.03.2024 09:16

4 years after and this post is still quite relatable. Finished my Masters Degree in December’23 and this is March ‘24 and I’m still searching for a job. Currently located in Dallas too.

@coolvideos9773 - 15.07.2024 15:43

I studied CS for a career change and graduated last year in 2:1. Now I’m struggling a lot to find the job as my CV shows no experience in CS but the pharmacy:(( I’m starting data analysis skills now as I think this is something can get me into the IT if I have good skills

@obianujuikechukwu7939 - 17.08.2024 04:45

Hi Alex , I have being watch lots of your videos , thank you for all you do. Pls can you provide the list of recruiters to work with. I have being applying for a data analyst role but nothing is coming forth . It’s depressing . I need your help with this
