ОтветитьGreat video once again! Loved the old videos you made when you would make sounds simialr to shoegaze bands. Also great that you two are talking more and allowing us to get to know you better. Keep up the lush videos, can't wait to see what's in store next!
Ответитьonly if i could afford all of these pedals
ОтветитьDo MBV next please, if you haven't already
ОтветитьPerfection! Thankyou, i love your slowdive series =)
ОтветитьMBV : Fuzz x100 , reverse reverb x50 modulation x2
slowdive: REVERB X10000000000000000000000000 , DELAY X1000000000000000000000000000000, CHORUS X10000000000 and one overdrive
I saw The Souvalki tour in 1994 & don't think my hearing ever fully recovered ! It was worth it. Love The Golden Hair video on YT ( with the blue haired girl ! ) Pygmalion , one of the top 10 albums ever !
ОтветитьThe quality of these videos keeps getting better and better! I would really love to see a DIIV equivalent of this (I know that you did one back in the day)
ОтветитьHoly crap, that is a beautiful board, sounds beautiful too.
My wallet: sweats
I have to ask but do you buy all these pedals for the video's or do you get a loan of them from the sponsors
ОтветитьBeautiful! All I need is my Partscaster-Jazzmaster, vox ad-50, and Zoom ms70cdr (and a dirt pedal). :)
P.S- if any of you guys havent checked out the souvlaki documentary that pitchfork did, then stop whatever you are doing and watch it.
Hi Luca and Page
I really enjoy your slowdive video absolutely the best band
I think should try and do a Six by Seven or Sciflyer episode
Such a gorgeous sound, absolutely love it. Gotta make do with my dd7 and mooer shimverb for now :P
ОтветитьYes was there that night at the roundhouse!
ОтветитьDo Blankenberge’s setups please! I know they’re not as well known as Slowdive, but I’ve really struggled to figure out how they get some of their sounds and was hoping you’d have better luck than me
ОтветитьIs it worth it getting the Yamaha fx500 minirack I know they used that back in the day or do these pedals kind of make it obselete
ОтветитьAmazing video Luca :) I saw Slowdive for the first time on that 2017 tour as well. What a show that was!
ОтветитьThat was sick. Interested in doing a "Verve" sounds video? I love Nick's sound in their EP and first LP
ОтветитьWhat board are the pedals mounted on?
ОтветитьThis is really cool guys keep up the good work also would be cool if you guys did one for lush.
Ответить"we don't have a RAT or anything similar..." About time that the guys at Walrus send you one of their Iron Horses. Really curious about that pedal in a shoegaze setting. One question regarding the PS-2. I bought one recently, but did Slowdive only used this effect for its delay (and of course the infamous oscillation) or also for the pitch shift settings?
ОтветитьInspiring as always!!
Ответитьwhat size board is this
Ответитьyou should do a guitar recording tutorial
ОтветитьGreat demo! How do I put the fuzz pedal before the boss md 200? I can't see the connections well! I don't understand the notice"before and after"!
ОтветитьChristian and Rachel used the FX500s
Neil used a Krog A3 Which is the same rack mount the Edge used for his delays.
I've heard some mixed review about the md-200. I have the dd-200 and love it. What do you think about the md-200? Would you recommend the chorus or vibrato settings as opposed to standalone pedals?
ОтветитьOk good. I don't feel weird anymore for having only four delays and four overdrives (BD2) on my
Not suggesting these to sound like the band as you already nailed it in the video...but for future experimentation....
I'd definitely suggest again the Catalinbread EchoRec. You can fine tune its parameters inside with trim pots and select switches. Check out YT. Out of print...well worth the money before they go Klon Centaur prices. Nice dark repeats that vapor nicely sniffs cork with the reverb and plenty of good settings. I want to eventually run it at 18volts isolated input as it's supposedly great headroom like the beaucoup bucks of the Belle Epoch deluxe. We shall see but at 9volts it's already a winner.
Definitely like the Roland space echo as well. Putting it on my hit list. I am still Kicking myself for not getting an old one used at GC. But I think the newer version you used is more reliable and still sounds way better than say a mxr carbon copy (which imo... isn't).
My current four delays are:
Catalinbread Echorec. Boss Terra Echo (always on). Tc Electronic Transition. Keeley Caverns2 (reverb is always on) then
Run em stereo out to
Roland JC 120 (C'mon let him get one P)
And Orange Dark Terror into 4x12 celestions. Six speakers of ridonkulous (sic) & therefore is attenuated as I have neighbors home during Covid as well.
I run JC120 + JC77 if I want to quadtriphonic to the land of chorus verb vibe fun. Especially if you get both choruses or chorus/vibe in different speeds...and inputs...
Hokey Smokey Batman.
Peace from Detroit...where my basement looks as if a Jules Vern squid made of guitar cables exploded...
You guys should get together and have shoe gazing babies
Ответитьlots of blue pedals
ОтветитьI was at the london shows back in December 2014 and the Oxford show back in June 2017 and they were all amazing and surreal.
ОтветитьI know Christian uses a Bigsky as well as a Neunaber Wet just to name a couple.
Ответитьholy fuck this is amazing im about to burn through all of my bank account for that kind of sound
ОтветитьGreat video, i wish i hadn't parted with my PS2 after hearing it on this and your other video. I found running a Strymon Big Sky with the Space Echo and an MXR Analog Chorus gets to a nice slowdive sound - depending on which guitar i'm using then it either just needs a clean boost (i use Boss Line selector with the channel gunned or an OCD set with no dirt) or an MXR Distortion + into a RAT will do much the same...
Ответить"Why Is my signal cutting out"
ОтветитьHow can a 13 year old chick afford all those pedals lol
ОтветитьI’m thinking about ordering the Boss MD-200 modulation, Walrus Audio Slo and Boss BD-2 pedals for a shoegaze rig! Has anyone tried just these pedals together? I’m thinking that should cover most of my bases but wanted to get some input, thanks y’all ❤️
ОтветитьI really need help, Im wanting to buy my first delay pedal and im not sure which one to start out with? Any ideas?
ОтветитьReally cool, thanks for this👍
Ответитьdefinitely my favorite video by you guys!! love it sm, it would be amazing to see something like this again, with a lot of pedals engaged
ОтветитьNot all the walrus audio, don’t forget the descent, absolute monster of a shoegaze pedal
Ответить“I also made a babyshower invite.” 😂
Ответитьif you had a single DD200 to use as a delay for Slowdive sounds what setting would you use? i saw one video you used the dual mode, but i’m just curious because it’s my only delay at the moment ! awesome videos as usual.