Denis Chang Jazz Manouche Technique & Improvisation Volume 1 DVD download. In developing this 4 volume series, instructor Denis Chang’s intention was to help the student gain insight into both the technical and conceptual components of Jazz Manouche improvisation. Denis wanted the series to be comprehensive in both scope and detail and to provide years of instruction and exercises for the serious student of guitar.
Denis has structured the 4 volumes in a sequential fashion. Each successive DVD builds on the material and concepts that Denis covered in the previous DVD(s).
To obtain maximum benefit it is strongly advised that you follow Denis’ curriculum, sequentially, as Denis intended.
In “Jazz Manouche Technique & Improvisation Vol 1” Denis helps the student develop a strong foundation. Using phrases to help develop the student‘s ear and technique, Denis moves along quickly. Each concept or phrase is shown at tempo. Denis then proceeds to dissect the example into its core components, slowing the elements down until the student is given a comprehensive analysis and demonstration. Finally, the example is performed in context with rhythm guitar accompaniment. Correct Right Hand Technique, Fingerings, Picking Patterns are emphasized and demonstrated. Throughout the DVD, Denis stresses Ear Training and Development.
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