Algo epico era hacer que Mr Karate te matara de un solo golpe en el primer segundo de la pelea
ОтветитьThank you, good work vs mr big, i loved this game and all fighting games plus rolling thunder as shooting game
ОтветитьEstá jugando en nivel para niños
ОтветитьO zamanın imkanlarıyla En güzel seri buydu ve ciddi bir oyundu daha sonra ki serinin devamını daha kötü yaptılar.. 👎2,ve 3 ün grafikleri çok çocuksu ve kötüydü oynanabilirlik de daha kötü hızlı ve daha basitti yani bu kadar güzel bir oyunun sonraki serilerinin nasıl bu kadar kötü yapabildiler hala aklım almıyor adeta oyunu nasıl daha kötü. Yapabiliriz diye uğraştılar ama bu oyun efsane keşke oyunun dinamitleri ile fazla oynamadan aynı şekilde geliştirebilselerdi.. Yani grafikleri ve yeni ilave karakter ve de senaryo ile çok daha iyi olabilirdi.. Olmadı snk bu güzel oyunu batırdın.. 👎
Ответитьthe best
ОтветитьAsí no se termina Jack se termina con tres ganchos o cuatro patadas por abajo y muere lo de agarrones es para niños
ОтветитьY en los bonus se asen 10 poderes grandes
ОтветитьTe mamaste, me recordaste mi infancia jajaja no me despegaba de las maquinitas, eres un mamalon
ОтветитьAsí no juega la computadora que nivel está?
ОтветитьAlgunas entregas necesitan hasta de una tercera versión para mejorar gráficos y habilidades en sus personajes, en este caso la primera supero a las demás
Ответить2023 🤟😁
ОтветитьThose days were just great
ОтветитьOne of my all time favorite arcade fighting games along with World Heroes and Samurai Showdown. I loved this and Samurai Showdown (first one), because the damage was so high. It focused on hard hits and timing was pivotal. Plus that big hit noise was just so epic and no game has since recreated that impactful SFX IMO. I just wish the emulation scene hadn't gone to shit and I could still get this title!
ОтветитьFue y aún es de lo más hemocionante y vicioso este juego para mi
ОтветитьLo mejor
ОтветитьWhy didn't you expose King's bra?
ОтветитьMon premier jeu neo geo.
Je le termine en hard les yeux fermés.
Por si algunos no sabían, el personaje de Robert García, fue desarrollado en honor al actor Steven Seagal, uno de los tantos ídolos de películas de acción de los 90's, comprobado.
ОтветитьEra fácil de deducir que mr karate era el maestro de ryo y Robert ya que tiene el mismo estilo de pelea.
ОтветитьO Robert mais maneiro de todas as versões.
Ответитьuffffff que buenos recuerdos ♥
ОтветитьEste en maquinitas en los 90s era lo maximo falto la jugada maestra o 5 poder
ОтветитьCapturaste la adrenalina vs Mr big y ?....cuando vencias, porque cuando fue la primera vez que pasabas la final...así ganabas...en en ultimomento y casi por un milagro jajajajaja...felicidades
ОтветитьMe gusta como sonaba el HAO SHOU KOUKEN en este Art of Fighting, en las posteriores versiones, parecía que cantaba.
ОтветитьFunny that the street fighter character DAN is mixture of Ryo and Robert 😊
ОтветитьEsse e o melhor jogo de luta da histórias dos game arcade
ОтветитьYou're playing without fun.
ОтветитьAcemice oynuyorsun
ОтветитьMuito legal este jogo ,quem não jogou perdeu ? Lembrança muito boa deste jogo nas máquinas de fliperama aqui na na minha cidade.
Ответитьlos personajes se van dañando en el combate, que buen detalle
ОтветитьThis game was the "Shit" when it first appeared in the Arcades when I was a kid wasted a bunch of quarters on this one, along with Fatal Fury 2 and World Heroes.
ОтветитьArt of fighter 1 5 para etmez en boktan şaçmalık larla dolu bir oyundur rakip adamın hareketleri ne daha güç verilmiş hep yapısının büyük küfür benden saygılar ben uzaktan tekme atıyorum benim tekmem ona gelmiyor rakip düşman yapıyor onun hareketi bana geliyor saçma işte sevenlerine Allah sabır verin
ОтветитьI found horuken in that gane after that i dont need to do that tricks
ОтветитьHace un tiempo atras en la hora de almuerzo del trabajo fui a comer un completo aca en Peñaflor , Chile y ahi encontre una maquina arcade con 1200 juegos , si 1200 juegos y ahi estaba
Que recuerdos locoo , todavia tengo el toque , fui tan feliz ctm , hace como 25 años fue la ultima vez que lo jugué
Que momento , y el final loco !
Love this game
ОтветитьThe music on this game is unbelievable good.
ОтветитьI remember when I was younger playing this game in the arcade Mr karate was a nightmare to beat him😂
ОтветитьWe used to call it "tall fighters game" it was unique experience to play this game . So much thrilling action. The bonus stage muscle show is extraordinary.the flying kick to 1st opponent ,multiple kicks to jack,big blow to monkey are very exciting. And last 3 stages takes you inside the game realm .and we want to know very eagerly that " that man is....that man is...?" The Yuri weeps...
ОтветитьEl sonido de intro 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 a quien se el erizo la piel ? 🥹🥹🥹
ОтветитьBetter than sf 2
ОтветитьSPOILER ALERT: The final boss at the karate gym is, in fact, Takuma Sakazaki -- who is the father of Ryo and Yuri. Although Mr. Big did abduct Yuri, Takuma subsequently rescued her; therefore, Yuri wasn't in Mr. Big's custody at the time of the fight against him. Also, in "Art of Fighting 2", Yuri proves that she isn't quite as helpless as she seemed in this game.
ОтветитьBundan daha kaliteli ve daha iyi bir dövüş oyunu yoktur.
Bileginin hakkıyla kazanırsın. reflexin ve tahmin yeteneğin yoksa kaybedersin..