Gradually develops into a melancholic yet soothing tune full of unexpected alterations taking you through an emotional whirlpool.
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Born in the late 80's, Matthew Square is an artist reaches of musical schizophrenia. His symptoms are the expression of a mixture of fascination and passion for music. For nearly 10 years, he is mixing cds and vinyls, drawing his resources in a world shaped by old music titles for years 70-80's that he incorporates to his latest-90-00's playlists.
Rocked by the funk, soul, disco, hip-hop, house and techno, Matthew Square is an artist with eclectic selections.. He knows how to appreciate music and approach in a respectful way. He's always trying to make it accessible to everyone, so that everyone can enjoy it at its fair and real value.
Also a producer, this artist of South American blood expands his scope by creating a music reflects of diverse influences. Inspired by disco artists of the time, like Tom Moulton, Hamilton Bohannon, but also the house he discovered through France, England and the USA, initiated by Daft punk, MAW, and many others.
Then Matthew Square will gradually look at a more concrete and technical understanding of electronic music, such as the production could pretend Basic Channel, Carl Craig, James Holden, Josh Wink. What ever sharpen his passion and patient, allowing him to adjust his production by returning to the basics: music itself, returning to its essence, matter.
He defends the music as a culture and try to share through various activities and in 2008 he created a web radio show, METRONOME and cell organization of events, ART OF TECH, inviting national and international artists to come and perform in Switzerland.
Thx for your support !
#matthew_square #ayeko