Greg Scarpa will have dinner with you, and for dessert, he'll kill you

Greg Scarpa will have dinner with you, and for dessert, he'll kill you


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@WestonJP88 - 20.11.2024 23:07

Greg Scarpa Sr was such an intelligent gangster. He played like EVERYBODY! He played the Colombo's by informing, the feds by manipulating them to go after his enemies and give him information he wanted, his wife's cuz he basically had 3 of them, the KKK by torturing one of their leaders into giving up info, etc... there's gotta be so much that we don't know, or perhaps don't believe because he was such an extraordinary person. Not just your typical informant.

@Eyes_dont_Lie - 21.12.2024 01:15

this guys nose has a nose

@Benzy-d3u - 26.12.2024 08:03

This is absolutely 100% true. Scarpa was a very intelligent and well-spoken guy. If you saw him in a suit and sat down to talk and have coffee with him, he could have passed for a Fortune 500 CEO. Nobody would know he was a psychopathic serial killer.

@carlomiller1984 - 28.12.2024 01:49

Scarpa was a paid FBI informant since the early 1960's with a "license to kill", which was the real reason he was a fearless killer and torturer. a repulsive animal.

@robertwalker2933 - 02.01.2025 14:20

Larry maz was fin grags wife and father to hos daughter

@brentadamson8373 - 20.01.2025 21:56

I just can’t believe they haven’t done a movie about this guy. I don’t know if anybody’s ever read up on them, but he lived a crazy life as an FBI informant and gangster

@ObiOsama - 24.01.2025 12:12

He’s not lying cuz how people like Nate Boone and woody are free, both hitmen and killed people…They informants!! 🐀

@ryanfinley3304 - 28.01.2025 00:18

He was a piece of shit and so was his son, i know a person who dealt with both of them, total scumbag

@JamesWilliams-w3t - 19.02.2025 01:58


@Freddy-y7r - 01.03.2025 00:02

Gay lol
