Mika, I love this content. I think whenever we INFPs try to weigh effectiveness we really get ourselves into trouble. Our Te just doesn't look like other people's and we can be so hard on ourselves.
You're so right we have to be willing to exercise and venture in our Ne, take risks and try things out. Glad you did that and are enjoying the outcome. Great actionable tips, thanks for sharing.
These are great tips to help INFP's stop ruminating!
ОтветитьIt’s very recently that I have tried to develop skills on productivity, by learning different techniques. I have been overthinking this subject, going deep and yet... 🙄 My procrastination and I are long old friends. Loyalty or something 😅
Pomodoro for example don’t work much with me, but can be for others.
For me the most important is to choose a good place dedicated to work and only work. And I use my computer only for work and nothing else.
The appli Toggl it’s for timing your work and it will show you how much long you do a task, for record and planification.
And like you said the best is to go for it and allowing specific time to do it 👌
I have learned that we have to identify when we are most effective, when the energy is at her best to give full attention into work and being productive (is it in the morning/afternoon/night)
It’s not because you are working 12 hours a day, that the results of this work can’t be made in 3 hours. Right time and mindset are key 🙃
Also having ritual by doing something that peeks up your energy before work and when you finish another ritual for reward is good scheme for your brain.
I can’t remember other things, hope it’s help someone !
Petite suggestion : tu pourrais faire une vidéo dans le genre comment rester positif ou comment survivre à cette situation ? Ou encore comment gérer les crises ? 😬
Je suis introvertie c’est vrai que moins de contact ça va, par contre être confinée me rends presque claustrophobe 🤗
Hope you are all safe ❤️
Overthinking can truly cause self sabotage! Thanks for your help—your video contributes to shifting the world! 🔥👏🏽🔥👏🏽🥇
ОтветитьExcellent mom ami cest tres vrai! Love your videos plus bring French I can relate because I think it has a lot to do with it
ОтветитьThat's soooooo true👍👍👍👍i m sooo over thinker and sometimes that's really drive me crazy😨😨😨😨😨
ОтветитьPlaning is a good idea to get things done. Another tip that is helping me, for which hour you spend studying, try to spend two hours practicing.
ОтветитьI'm only 15 but I struggle with over thinking to the point that I have constant headaches thanks for making this video
ОтветитьThank you so much for this kind of videos
ОтветитьINFP: reads title and thinks “Do I overthink everything? Guess I’ll spend the rest of my life answering that. 🤷♂️“
Ответитьthis is a direct attack on me. overthinking has landed me in weird spots like swingers parties and weird parts of florida. i wish i could explain it, but overthinkers already understand.
ОтветитьThank you Michael, I love all of your key points! Lately, I like to do a new technique when I feel like I’m thinking too much or my feeling doesn’t come yet by setting a 15 minutes timer just to start the task going and I feel it works! Even though there are time my mins slips off but at least it’s a good start of building a momentum. Thank you again for your insights.
ОтветитьWhat you said about your psychology exam, is literally me rn in Statics and now I'm questioning whether or not Engineering is right for me, even though I have gotten high marks in other courses in my major. I will try to follow this advice.
ОтветитьThank you....again.
ОтветитьMichael, Your suggestions and advice are exactly what I needed to hear. I'll start practicing taking imperfect action instead of procrastinating. The imperfect action can turn out to have the perfect outcome after all. Thank you so much for sharing your insights. They are very helpful.
ОтветитьDo any other INFP’s overthink so much that your throat starts to hurt? Or is that just me? Lol
ОтветитьThank you, infp here, appreciated
ОтветитьI realize this is two years after you made this video but I SO needed this!! I used to think I was an infj but I retook the test and I am an infp-t. It's so true about the overthinking. I appreciate your tips, I definitely need them!!:) Hope you are doing well.
ОтветитьI love your accent. Great tips!
ОтветитьOhhh ..... This is so true to me