Tall Target Test - Critical Step For Long Range Accuracy

Tall Target Test - Critical Step For Long Range Accuracy

Paramount Tactical

1 год назад

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@bertwutzke6155 - 26.04.2024 13:49

Plumline??? You said on your other video that plumlines don't work???

@bertwutzke6155 - 26.04.2024 13:56

And your using factory ammo lol good luck with that lol

@nobama3468 - 28.04.2024 08:58

My 6.5 likes Hornady Precision Hunter. New to the channel, I like it here. tx

@TheMarclan - 01.05.2024 04:00

I really appreciate your scope mounting and long range precision videos. Thank you!

@watti-yi7sw - 10.05.2024 01:57

If it's not written down it never happened. 😊

@johnnet2472 - 26.06.2024 06:27

I purchased some Hornady 6mm Creedmoor brass (May-1-24) and (3) rounds out of a lot of 100cases would not fit the case holder and (1) case had a visible hole in the neck.

@RickWDonovan - 08.07.2024 07:01

I need a new Hobby :).

@Cyborg-911 - 27.07.2024 21:34

Very interesting Gary you do a great job explaining Tall Target Test. I have to commend you for that,Outstanding my man!!

@SamT-rf1dx - 28.07.2024 23:23

pulling all shots to the right of the line is statistically impossible unless something is physically pulling those shots to the right; in this case it could be your scope is a tiny bit tilted, or it could be wind

@pete7894 - 08.08.2024 19:10

Scope manufactures are shaking in there boots!!! ha

@perypatetyk1 - 12.08.2024 13:52

Fantastic content, great knowledge, great teaching ability. But...
After watching both parts of your video, I think that everyone should find their OWN line of separation between the headache and distress associated with imperfect scope setting and the pure joy of shooting for which most of us practice this sport. Greetings from Poland!

@kt2816 - 30.08.2024 08:14

Outstanding videos! Thank you

@bobfugazy4916 - 07.09.2024 00:41

Lots of great info for dialing in. Thank you for taking the time to put this out for us.

@aramic1975 - 12.09.2024 18:33

Can you Plz Tell me Why ,if the scope hast much more elevation in the turrets, we only use 10 Mil for the Tracking Test?

@UKI1981 - 12.09.2024 22:45

Great video. Going to range tomorrow and have to try this tall target test. Bought my first long range scope Arken and have to zero it and try this test. Maybe make video of it to my channel 👌🏼

@Timberwolf1Silenthunter - 18.09.2024 14:34

Another Great video Gary. Thanks again. (MOA SUCKS)

@guidoreuter6032 - 18.09.2024 20:41

Just came across your videos. 50 years around rifle shooting and today learned quite a few new things. (it seems that you can teach new trick to an old dog, Jajajaj)
Thank you for your time and effort, great instructing skills and glad you take no shortcuts when it comes to share your knowledge. God bless

@jonathancarlin3871 - 23.09.2024 20:20

Can a tall target test be done at 50 yd if you divide everything by two? I shoot air rifles and 50 yards is where we site in!

@darrelldillingham7785 - 26.10.2024 05:35

Damn good information! I will be hitting the range next week and will try out what I hoped I've learned. Thanks.

@makitaman60 - 30.10.2024 13:37

Love your videos, and I learn a lot. I'm not jerking your chain just wanted to get to the facts. Ok say your not tracking true, Example, dead on at 100 yards just say go up 8 mils and your off the line 1.5". To correct that you adjust the canted scope correct? Aren't we going right back to the plumb bob system? This explains using those small levels to set up your scope it's only a baseline for a starting point. Rifle level, plumb bob line at 50 yards minimum should be pretty dang close. It is great for actually checking your elevation adjustment to see any errors. Thanks for your videos, I'm just trying to learn, and hope you take this as a good point. Thanks 👍

@IanMacLeansnv - 08.11.2024 11:37

Except that you really don't want to put your gun in a vise. All that recoil has to go somewhere, and it will definitely go to your scope internals.

@bosshog340 - 08.11.2024 20:03

I've been doing testing of various Hornady Match and getting the same results you describe. Super inconsistent. Like 175FPS extreme spreads. Hornady just said that it must be my rifle doesn't like it. I have heard this same results over and over even by well-respected members of the shooting community. I tried it in various cartridges and calibers and same result. It used to be good stuff. These days? I don't touch it.

@makitaman60 - 21.11.2024 02:59

Did my tall target test this weekend on my 6.5 Creedmoor, and it was as accurate as I've ever seen. I only moved in 1 mil increments up to the 36". I was using the leupold Mark 5HD 7-35X56 . Thanks for your videos. You taught me a lot ! I'm still trying to understand milrad !

@mtbadger1346 - 27.11.2024 12:55

Good Data. New subscriber.

@Shiddyvet - 30.11.2024 05:46

Question, if your laser finder is off a few yards, but you use a laser finder to range, would it benefit you to zero with the distance your rangefinder outputs?

@qaudit1612 - 09.12.2024 05:35

my most expensive bushnell scope of the 3 ive got , the reticle and the turret or base of the scope not level .
but i start by installing a buble ring on my scope , i level him to my reticle , and after i instal my scope while leveling my scope buble ring ( level with my reticle ) with my picatinny rail , do you still think my elevation will go side way ?
Thanks ,

@Justin.Brown723 - 11.12.2024 22:29

Might be a dumb question. But can you do this test to test a plane Jane 1-6 LPVO with a BDC?

@BruceBaillie1 - 12.12.2024 07:09

Want to say I had the same grouping issues with the Hornady Match 6.5 PRC in my Sako S20 last year. A couple of weeks ago, I bought another box to fireform the brass to reload... and we're talking six, 1/2" three shot groups at 100 yards and one two shot group just under 1/2." Went out to Sportsmans Warehouse and bought another box, and it shot almost exactly the same groups (one three shot group was just a hair bigger than 1/2" and I think that was probably just me). I think that may change by the time I go buy some more factory loaded to become once fired brass, but I was pleasently surprised.

@brianturner7919 - 16.12.2024 23:05

Please advise with specifics regarding doing a tall target test for 22LR.

A walk through with specifics would be greatly appreciated.

@pt_atx - 19.12.2024 16:13

I had the same issues on erratic groupings with the Hornady Match for my 6.5PRC. Switched to the Hornady Precision Hunter and the groups shrunk dramatically. Hole in Hole with factory Precision Hunter.

@zdnvck - 24.12.2024 16:57


@anatoliyefimov4984 - 05.01.2025 01:08

Question for you. In the updated AB quantum app, are the correction factors input into the SSF fields?

@nicklanser9460 - 06.01.2025 08:32

I like your videos.

@MrWhiltetail - 10.01.2025 04:15

I like your video's but there seems to be a lot of excessive talking which makes the video's much longer than necessary. I like getting to the point and then moving onto the next thing. Such as just saying "this is part 2 of my guide to precision scope mounting" and then skip the small talk and selling and get to it. Obviously you are doing well but short and sweet is nice for us people who's time is valuable and limited.

@JH-4058 - 10.01.2025 07:29

Awesome video thx for the training.

@harps6668 - 10.01.2025 19:39

Cheers good info m8

@cornydad - 11.01.2025 08:39

Great info. Love getting deep into the weeds.

@oncewaswicked - 12.01.2025 16:31

I love the 143 hunter they group nice

@a.c.e.7568 - 13.01.2025 14:48

Top notch info! I viewed Part 1 long before I got my pea shooter .22 (CZ 457 MTR) and mounted my scope perfectly. I used both a bubble level and digital level, confirming it to the upteeth degree (I ran a lab at defense). I will run a tall target test (make my own target) even though so far I sighted it in at 50 yards and then used the Lapua app and got sub-one MOA at 100 yards using Lapua Center-X at 1.9 MIL. With my math and physics background, everything you state is crystal clear. You are a damn good speaker!

@dylanbrown3840 - 14.01.2025 05:07

Dude seriously thanks for these videos!! I recently have been getting into percision shooting and you have helped so much!

@cratxn1 - 15.01.2025 14:43

too accommodate crosswind & accuracy variations can we do 5/10/15/20/25MOA @ 25 yards and apply the 1.047 computation?

@cfm6229 - 15.01.2025 21:38

dont know if this helps but if you go around a quarter with a pencil its very close to 1 moa!

@Bruce23d - 16.01.2025 01:18

Another great video!

@1o1carolina53 - 17.01.2025 20:37

Gary I have a 15 year old daughter who watches your content from the other side of the living room, when she heard you say let's take it out for the tall Target test, she got concerned you were going to be standing in front of the gun😂

@rawjuno - 19.01.2025 01:43

Question?? When you do your tall target do you only use shelf ammo or do you ever do it with reload?

@john-jc5nn - 20.01.2025 01:01

I’m a year late but 1 like for 1 sexy pose

@clarkbeamish180 - 20.01.2025 18:51

Many thanks! You just solved some of the scope tuning issues that have been bugging me for years.

@agunther08 - 15.02.2025 04:02

This is probably the most useful video I have found on leveling rifle, bore, reticle… like you said methods don’t matter - results do. Excellent material. Breath of fresh air. Thank you! Sincerely good teaching.

@jamesmikkelson7636 - 16.02.2025 18:42

I am a devoted follower of all your content and love it when I find something on your video collection that I have a question on. I only started reloading a year ago, but I am addicted to it, and because I live out on some acreage, I have build a bench rest on my own range and can easily test loads I am developing. One of the things I have noticed watching YT content creators for reloading and shooting is that after sifting through quite a few of different channels, I end up finding guys like you who make everything very clear in your explanation and video depiction. You really are a master teacher on every aspect of setting up a rifle and shooting. You and Erik Cortina have taught me the most along with a guy who does Panhandle Precision. Thank you for educational catalog of shooting info you very generously provide for guys like me who are just starting out. You saved me several years of trial and error and I don't have many years to waste.

@davidlamberson5435 - 27.02.2025 01:07

Very confusing.
