This Is How I Made My Steelbook Display Wall (& How You Can Too For Under $20)

This Is How I Made My Steelbook Display Wall (& How You Can Too For Under $20)

Steelbook Obsessed

55 лет назад

1,703 Просмотров

One of the main reasons why I fell in love with steelbooks in the first place was because of the gorgeous artwork that is made specifically for them. When my wife surprised me with these magnets to hold them up and display my steelbooks as works of art that they are I couldn’t have been happier. Here is how I did it.

Amazon link to the adhesive magnetic sheets -

Amazon link to The Mitchell’s Vs The Machines -

Here Is My LinkTree -

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#Steelbook #Physical_media #4K #Blu-ray #x-men #Deadpool #planet_of_the_apes #minions #collection
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@021om6 - 25.01.2025 18:33

Is it possible to open up your steelbooks so you can have both sides of the artwork showcased on your wall?

@psyfertech - 30.10.2024 00:57

i would have to break out the laser level every time i decide to change it up lmao, great idea though im just trying to think in my head of a way to have this but easily get them all lined up perfectly to sooth the OCD

@luisdomenech539 - 11.06.2024 03:59

Actually this turned out to be a disaster for me. Several steelbooks have fallen down from high up, with minor damage, including expensive premiums. I don't recommend these at all. It's a great idea and they looked great lined up on my wall but they're not sturdy enough to hold the steelbooks in place.

@DonStrand-d3x - 25.05.2024 15:41

I got those magnet sheets! WARNING the box is heavy!

@kashmirsabbath2479 - 23.05.2024 13:49

Hi! Excellent video, and thanks for the great idea!

I would like to ask... if discs are really not damaged when exposed to a magnet?
I understood that if you passed a magnet or some type of magnetic material over a DVD or Blu-Ray they would deteriorate or erase part of the recording...
Is this so? Or is it different for 4K or... ?

I wouldn't like to set up my wall of Steelbooks and have them not be able to play the discs after years of exposure to magnets...

Thank you!

@MarS-dc2qx - 23.05.2024 04:20

You need to record in 60 fps

@MichaelWitt-ig4zq - 23.05.2024 02:37

excellent display! the x men days of future past with the sentinel on the front black background is my favorite! absolutely beautiful! never seen that before
